(PDF) Acronyms and Educational Terms - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)

(PDF) Acronyms and Educational Terms - DOKUMEN.TIPS (1)

Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District

Acronyms and Educational Terms

Most professions have their own jargon, and education is certainly no exception. In fact,

teachers and school administrators often use acronyms, initials and abbreviations in our

everyday communication. Without any intention, we have been told that this is sometimes

confusing and frustrating to parents and community members.

As a result, the Board of Education has asked that we create this list to inform and educate.

The attached list of acronyms is by no means all-inclusive but it does contain many ―generic‖

educational terms as well as some that pertain only to Fairfield-Suisun Unified.

We hope that you find this a useful resource. As always, your input is welcome and


What is an acronym?

Ac-ro-nym (ak‘ro nim‘) The dictionary defines acronym as a word formed from

the initial letters of a name or combining the initial letters or parts of a series of


It is a special type of abbreviation, made up from the initial letters of the words of

a phrase, like FBI for Federal Bureau of Investigation (the word acronym itself

comes from the Greek for ‗head‘ and ‗name‘).

August 2014

(PDF) Acronyms and Educational Terms - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2)

504 Individual accommodation plan for general education students with handicapping

conditions. A section of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973.


AA 1) Associate of Arts

2) Affirmative Action

AASA American Association of School Administrators

AAUW American Association of University Women

AB Assembly Bill

ABE Adult Basic Education

ACA Assembly Constitutional Amendment

ACES Assessment for Collaboration and Exchange of Strategies

ACSA Association of California School Administrators

ACT American College Testing

AD Athletic Director or Activities Director

ADA 1) Average Daily Attendance

2) Americans with Disabilities Act

ADD or ADHD Attention Deficit Disorder/Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder

AdHoc A committee that meets for a particular purpose

AE Adult Education

AERIES Electronic student information system used by FSUSD

AEOSOP Electronic employee absence tracking system used by FSUSD

AFDC Aid to Families with Dependent Children

AFJROTC Air Force Junior ROTC

AFL/CIO American Federation of Labor/Congress of Industrial Relations

AFT American Federation of Teachers

―a-g‖ Required College Prep Courses (class of 2003 and beyond)

(a) Two history/social science

(b) Four English language arts

(c) Three mathematics

(d) Two laboratory science (two different disciplines

(e) Two foreign language (same language)

(f) One visual/performing arts

(g) One elective from the above subjects

AHERA Asbestos Hazard Emergency Reduction Act

AIDS Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome

AKA Also Know As

ALJ Administrative Law Judge

ALS 1) Action Learning Systems

2) Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

AMAO Annual Measurable Achievement Objective

AMO Annual Measurable Objectives

AP 1) Advanced Placement

2) Accounts Payable

APA Ancillary Professions Association (psychologists‘ bargaining unit)

APE Adaptive Physical Education

API Academic Performance Index

APS Academic Program Survey

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A (continued)

AR Administrative Regulation

ARRA American Recovery and Reinvestment Act (2009)

AS Asperger‘s Syndrome (a high-functioning form of autism)

ASAM Alternative Schools Accountability Model

ASAP As Soon As Possible

ASB Associated Student Body

ASCD Association for Supervision and Curriculum Development

ASES After School Education and Safety Program (2002 Legislation)

ASVAB Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery (test)

ATOD Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drugs (Task Force)

ATODV Alcohol, Tobacco, Other Drugs, Violence Prevention

AUT Autistic

AV Audio Visual

AVID Advancement Via Individual Determination

AYP Annual Yearly Progress


BA Bachelor of Arts

BCLAD Bilingual Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development

BD 1) Behavior Disorder

2) Birth Date

BIA Building Industry Association

BILP Bilingual Instructional Learning Plan

BLOG Web log

BMP Bitmap

BOE Board of Education

BS Bachelor of Science

BSA Bureau of State Audits

BTSA Beginning Teacher Support and Assessment – Staff development program to assist

first and second year teachers who have a preliminary credential


CAAASA California Association of African American Superintendents and Administrators

CAAE California Alliance for Arts in Education

CAASFEP California Association of Administrators of State and Federal Education Programs

CABE California Association of Bilingual Education

CAC Community Advisory Committee

CACE California Association for Compensatory Education

CADA California Association of Directors of Athletics

CAEOP California Association of Educational Office Professionals

CAHSEE California High School Exit Examination

CAIS Curriculum and Instruction Specialist

CalOSHA California Occupational Safety and Health Act

CalPERS California Public Employees‘ Retirement System

CALSA California Association of Latino Superintendents

Cal-SAFE California School-Age Families Education Program

CALSPRA California School Public Relations Association

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C (continued)

CalSTRS California State Teachers‘ Retirement System

Cal-SAFE California School Age Families Education

CALSSD California Association of Suburban School Districts

CalServe K-12 Service Learning Initiative

CalTeach California Center for Teaching Careers (statewide information and referral service

for individuals interested in teaching)

CalWORKS California Work Opportunity and Responsibility for Kids (formerly AFDC)

CAP California Assessment Program

CAPA California Alternate Performance Assessment

CAPP Child Abuse Prevention Program

CASAS Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System

CASBO California Association of School Business Officials

CASC California Association of Student Councils

CASCWA California Association of Supervisors of Child Welfare and Attendance

CASH Coalition of Adequate School Housing

CAT California Achievement Test

CAWEE California Association of Work Experience Educators

CBEDS California Basic Education Data System (State data reporting system)

CBEST California Basic Educational Skills Test (must pass to receive teaching certificate)

CBET Community Based English Tutoring

CBO Chief Business Official

CBS Citizens for Better Schools

CCEF California Consortium of Education Foundations

CCR 1) California Code of Regulations

2) Coordinated Compliance Review

CCSS Common Core State Standards

CCTC California Commission on Teacher Credentialing

CD Certificate of Deposit or Compact Disk

CDC 1) Child Development Center

2) Center for Disease Control

CDE California Department of Education

CD-R Compact Disk Recordable

CD-RW Compact Disk Rewritable

CD-ROM Compact Disc—Read Only Memory

CDS 1) Community Day School

2) County/District/Schools Coding system

CEC California Energy Commission

CECC California Educational Computer Consortium

CELDT California English Language Development Test

CEQA California Environmental Quality Act

CFD Community Facilities District

CFIER Training California Foundation for Improvement of Employer/Employee Relations

CFIR Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources

CFR Code of Federal Regulations

CH Communicatively Handicapped

CIF California Interscholastic Federation

CFO Chief Financial Officer

CIO Chief Information Officer

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C (continued)

CLAD Cross-Cultural Language and Academic Development Certificate (Required of

teachers teaching ELL students)

CLAS California Learning Assessment System

CLMS California League of Middle Schools

CMEA California Music Educators Association

CMLEA California Media and Library Educators‘ Association

CO Change Order

COB Close of Business

COBRA Consolidated Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act

COC Citizens‘ Oversight Committee

COE County Office of Education

Cohort A group that is being examined or observed, as in a demographic study.

COLA Cost of Living Adjustment

Comp. Ed. Compensatory Education

ConApp Consolidated Application (Categorical Funding)

COP Certificate of Participation

COSM Commission on State Mandates

COTA Certified Occupational Therapy Assistant

CP Cerebral Palsy

CPA California Partnership Academy (Grant)

CPI Consumer Price Index

CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation

CPS Child Protection Services

CPSELS California Professional Standards for Educational Leaders

CPUC California Public Utility Commission

CSBA California School Boards Association

CSEA California School Employees Association (classified bargaining unit)

CSET California Subject Examinations for Teachers

CSF California Scholarship Federation

CSIS California Student Information Services (replaces CBEDS)

CSLA California School Library Association or California School Leadership Academy

CSR Class Size Reduction

CSTs California Standards Tests (based on the state‘s academic content standards)

CSU California State University

CTA California Teachers Association

CTAP California Technology Assistance Project

CTC Commission on Teacher Credentialing

CTE Carreer Technical Education

CUE Computer Using Educators, Inc.

CUM Folder Student folder that contains report cards and other information

CYA California Youth Authority

CYEDA California Youth Employment and Development Act

CWA Child Welfare and Attendance


DAC District Advisory Committee

DARC District Accountability Report Cards

DARE Drug Abuse Resistance Education

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D (continued)

DATE Drug, Alcohol, and Tobacco Education

DECA Distributive Education Clubs of America

DELAC District English Learner Advisory Committee

DFACS Department of Family and Children Services

DFEH Department of Fair Employment and Housing

DGS Department of General Services (State of California)

DHHS Department of Heath and Human Services

DI 1) Direct Instruction

2) Dual Immersion

3) Differentiated Instruction

DIR Department of Industrial Relations

DIS Designated Instruction and Services

DL Distance Learning

DLAC District English Learners Advisory Committee

DNR Do Not Resuscitate

DO District Office

DOB Date of Birth

DOD Department of Defense

DOE Department of Education (United States)

DOJ Department of Justice

DP Due Process

DPT Diphtheria, Tetanus, Polio

DRC District Restructuring Committee

DSA Division of State Architect (replaces OSA – Office of State Architect) DSLT District School Leadership Team

DTSC Division of Toxic Substances Control

Dual Immersion A program which allows students to be exposed to and taught in both English and


DVD Digital Video Disk


EAP 1) Early Assessment Program

2) Employee Assistance Program

EC Education Code

ECE Early Childhood Education

ED Emotionally Disturbed

EDD Employment Development Department

Ed.D. Doctor of Education

EdTech Educational Technology

EDY Educationally Disadvantaged Youth

EEOC U. S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission

EETT Enhancing Education Through Technology

EDGAR U. S. Department of Education General Administration Regulations

Education Code Laws governing the operation of California School Districts

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E (continued)

EH Emotionally Handicapped

EI Early Intervention

EIA Economic Impact Aid (one source of Federal funding for English Language


EIP Early Intervention Program

EIR Environmental Impact Report

EL English Learner

ELA English Language Arts

ELAP English Language Acquisition Program

ELD English Language Development (for students whose primary language is not


ELILP English Language and Intensive Literacy Program

ELL English Language Learner

ELLA English Language and Literacy Acceleration

EMS Energy Management System

EO English Only

EOB End of Business (Day)

EOM End of Month

EOY End of Year

EPA Environmental Protection Agency

E-Rate Education Discount for Telecommunication Services (Federal Discount)

ERAF Education Revenue Augmentation Fund

ERIC Educational Resources Information Center

ESEA Elementary and Secondary Education Act

ESL English as a Second Language

ESY Extended School Year

ETP Employment Training Panel

ETS Educational Testing Service


FA Functional Academics (for cognitively limited students)

FAA Functional Analysis Assessment

FAPE Free Appropriate Public Education

FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome

FAQ Frequently Asked Questions

FBLA Future Business Leaders of America

FCC Federal Communications Commission

FCMAT Fiscal Crisis and Management Assistance Team

F&E Furniture and Equipment

FEP Fluent English Proficient

FERPA Family Educational Records Privacy Act

FFA Future Farmers of America

FHA Future Homemakers of America

FICA Federal Insurance Compensation Act

FMLA Family Medical Leave Act

FPM Federal Program Monitoring

FOIA Freedom of Information Act

F/RPM Free/Reduced Price Meals

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F (continued)

FSMA Fairfield-Suisun Management Association

FSUSD Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District

FSUTA Fairfield-Suisun Unified Teachers Association

FTA Future Teachers of America

FTE Full Time Equivalent

FY Fiscal Year

FYI For Your Information


GAMUT Governance and Management Using Technology (California School Boards

Association Data Software)

GAN Grant Award Notification

GAO U. S. General Accounting Office

GARS Governmental Accounting Research System

GASB Governmental Accounting Standards Board

GATE Gifted and Talented Education

GB Gigabyte

GC Government Code

GE General Education

GED General Education Development (test/diploma)

GENESEA Special Education Student Reporting System

GO General Obligation (Bonds)

GPA 1) Grade Point Average

2) Governor‘s Performance Awards Program

GSE Golden State Examination


HBIC Health Benefits Improvement Committee

HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus

HMO Health Maintenance Organization

HPSG High Priority Schools Grant program

HQ Highly Qualified

HQT Highly Qualified Teacher (Under No Child Left Behind Act)

HR Human Resources

HSASP Healthy Start and After School Partnerships

HSEE High School Exit Examination

HTML Hypertext Markup Language

HTTP Hypertext Transfer Protocol

HUD Department of Housing and Urban Development

HVAC Heating, Ventilation, Air Conditioning


IA Instructional Assistant

IASA Improving America‘s Schools Act

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I (continued)

IAQ Indoor Air Quality

IB International Baccalaureate Program

IDA‘s Inter-District Agreements

IDEA Individuals with Disabilities Education Act

IDEIA Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act (IDEA was reauthorized)

IECC Industry Education Council of California

IEP Individualized Education Plan (Special Education)

II/USP Immediate Intervention/Underperforming Schools Program (planning and resource

reallocation for schools scoring below the state average)

ILA Instructional Leadership Advisory (Superintendent‘s Committee)

ILP Individual Learning Plan

IMC Instructional Materials Center

IMFRP Instructional materials Funding Realignment Program (2002-03 funding to provide

standards-based materials for pupils)

INS Immigration and Naturalization Service

IPM Integrated Pest Management

IPR In-Progress Review

IRA Individual Retirement Account

IRS Internal Revenue Service

IS Independent Study Program

ISBN International Standard Book Number

ISDN Integrated Service Digital Network

ISP Internet Service Provider

ISS In-School Suspension

IQ Intelligence Quotient


JPA Joint Powers Authority

Jr. Junior

JPEG Joint Photographic Experts Group

JTPA Job Training Partnership Act

JROTC Junior Reserve Officers Training Corporation

JUA Joint Use Agreement


K-12 Kindergarten through 12th Grade

K-14 Kindergarten through Community College

K-16 Kindergarten through Undergraduate University


LA Language Arts

LAN Local Area Network

LAO Legislative Analyst‘s Office

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L (continued)

LC Learning Center

LCAP Local Control and Accountability Plan

LCD Liquid Crystal Display

LCFF Local Control Funding Formula

LD Learning Disability or Learning Disabled

LDS Language Development Specialist (for ELL students)

LEA Local Educational Agency

LEAP Local Educational Agency Plan

LED Light Emitting Diode

LEP Limited English Proficient (The term now in use is English learner)

LH Learning Handicapped

LRE Least Restrictive Environment


MA Master of Arts Degree

MADD Mothers Against Drunk Driving

MB Megabyte

MEL Monticello Empire League

MESA Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement Program

MIS Management Information System

MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella

MOE Maintenance of Effort (provision common to many Federal education statutes)

MOS Mutual Organization of Supervisors (bargaining unit)

MOU Memorandum of Understanding

M&O Maintenance and Operations

M-R Mello-Roos (legislation regarding formation of Community Facilities Districts)

MRP Mandate Reimbursem*nt Process (AB 138/March 2007)

MS Master of Science

MS Multiple Sclerosis

MTYRE Multitrack, Year-Round Education


NAACP National Association for the Advancement of Colored People

NABE National Association for Bilingual Education

NAEP National Assessment of Educational Progress

NAESP National Association of Elementary School Principals

NASBE National Association of State Boards of Education

NASSP National Association of Secondary School Principals

NBC National Board Certification

NBCT National Board Certified Teacher

NBPTS National Board for Professional Teaching Standards

NBSIA North Bay Schools Insurance Authority

NCLB ―No Child Left Behind‖ Act (Federal Legislation)

NCTQ National Council on Teacher Quality (2007 Study group on teacher quality policies)

NEA National Education Association

NECC National Education Computer Conference

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N (continued)

NES Non-English Speaking (This term has been replaced with EL or ELL)

NETS National Educational Technology Standards

Non-Cat FSUSD Non-Categorical SDC Classes Preschool Through High School

NPA Non Public Agency

NPO Non Profit Organization

NPS Non Public Schools

NRT Norm-referenced Test

NSBA National School Boards Association

NSBP National School Breakfast Program

NSPRA National School Public Relations Association

N-SEC Napa-Solano Education Council (Teacher Association Building in Cordelia)

NSL National School Lunch (Program)

NSLP National School Lunch Program

NTE National Teachers‘ Examination


OASDI Old Age Survivors Disability Insurance

OCD Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder

OCR Office of Civil Rights (Federal)

ODD Oppositional Defiance Disorder

OES Office of Emergency Services

OJT On the Job Training

OLA Office of Local Assistance (school construction)

OMA Open Meetings Act (AB 138/March 2007)

OPI Optimal Program Implementation

OPR Governor‘s Office of Planning and Research

OPSC Office of Public School Construction (replaces OLA—Office of Local Assistance)

OS Operating System

OSA Office of State Architect

OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Agency

OSIS Online Student Information System

OT Occupational Therapy


PAC 1) Parent Advisory Council

2) Political Action Committee

PACE 1) Policy Analysis for California Education

2) Pennsylvania, Alaska, Cunningham, Eaton Court area of Fairfield

PAR Peer Assistance and Review – Part of accountability legislation to set up peer review

for teachers

PBIS Positive Behavior Interventions and Support

PC Personal Computer

PCC Public Contract Code

PD Professional Development

PDF (.pdf) Portable Document Format

PDK Phi Delta Kappa

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P (continued)

PE Physical Education

PEA Preliminary Endangerment Assessment

PEP Partnership for Educational Progress (Parent involvement classroom program)

PERB Public Employment Relations Board

PERL Program for Effective Relationships and Learning (Formerly ED)

PERS Public Employees Retirement System

PGAT Performance Gap Analysis Team

PG&E Pacific Gas & Electric Company

Ps & Gs Parameters and Guidelines

PH Physically Handicapped

Ph.D. Doctor of Philosophy

PI Program Improvement

PIC Private Industry Council

PIN Personal Identification Number

PIO Public Information Officer

PIQE Parent Institute for Quality Education

PL Public Law (Federal)

PLA Project Labor Agreement

PLC Professional Learning Communities

PO Purchase Order

PQR Program Quality Review

PR Public Relations

Pre-K Pre-Kindergarten

PSA Public Safety Academy

PSAA Public Schools Accountability Act

PSAT Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test

PT Physical Therapy/Therapist

PTA Parent Teacher Association

PTC Parent Teacher Club

PTO Parent Teacher Organization

PTSA Parent Teacher Student Association (Used at secondary schools)

PTSD Post Traumatic Stress Disorder


Q1 First Quartile

Q2 Second Quartile

Q3 Third Quartile

Q4 Fourth Quartile

QEIA Quality Education Information Act (2006)


RAP Remedial Action Plan

RAW Removal Action Workplan

RCF Revolving Cash Fund

(PDF) Acronyms and Educational Terms - DOKUMEN.TIPS (13)

R (continued)

R & D Research and Development

RFA Request for Application

RFP Request for Proposals

RFQ Request for Qualifications

RIF Reduction in Force

ROP/ROC Regional Occupational Program (County)/Regional Occupational Center

ROTC Reserve Officer Training Corps

RRM Routine Restricted Maintenance

RSP Resource Specialist Program (Special Education)

RT Reciprocal Teaching (teaching technique)

RTI Response to Intervention

RX Prescription


SAB The State Allocation Board (the governing Board for OPSC)

SABE/2 Spanish Assessment of Basic Education

SACS Standardized Account Code Structure

Safe Harbor Provision in NCLB for alternatively meeting AYP when there is progress moving

students from ―below proficient‖ to ―proficient‘‖

SAIT School Assistance and Intervention Team

SARB School Attendance Review Board

SARC School Accountability Report Card

SAT Scholastic Aptitude Test

SB Senate Bill

SB 1969 Bill that outlines coursework for teachers to help ELL students SBA Smarter Balanced Assessments

SBAC Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium

SBCP School-Based Coordinated Program

SBE State Board of Education

SCAC Solano County Athletic Conference

SCE State Compensatory Education

SCIL Structured Class for Intensive Learning (Preschool/Autism)

SCOE Solano County Office of Education

SCRA Solano County Reading Association

SCIPP Solano County Intervention for Preschoolers and Parents Program

SD Secure Digital

SDAIE Specially Designed Academic Instruction in English (academic courses for English

Language Learners)

SDC Special Day Class (Special Education)

SDE State Department of Education

SDFSC Safe and Drug-Free Schools and Communities Act

SEA State Education Agency

Section 125 IRS Code allowing employers to withhold monies from employees on a pre-tax

basis for health benefits programs

SED Severely Emotionally Disturbed (Special Education)

SEDCORP Solano Economic Development Corporation

SEIS Special Ed. Information System (web based info. system for IEP‘s)

SEIU Service Employees International Union

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S (continued)

SELF Schools Excess and Liability Fund

SELPA Special Education Local Planning Agency – Governed by Superintendents in Solano

County to oversee Special Education programs.

SEPB School Site Employee Performance Bonus

SES 1) Socio-Economic Status

2) Supplemental Educational Services

SETILS Student Educational Technology and Information Literacy Standards

SFIDs School Facility Improvement Districts (in July 2001 the law changed the voter-

approval threshold for SFIDs from two-thirds to 55%)

SFNA School Facility Needs Analysis

SFPD School Facilities Planning Division

SFSD School Fiscal Services Division (State Department of Education)

SH Severely Handicapped

SIMS State Information Management System

SIP School Improvement Program (State)

SIPPS Systematic Instruction in Phoneme Awareness, Phonics, and Site Words (a reading


SIS Student Information System

SKIP Solano Kids Insurance Program

SOLOM Student Oral Language Observation Matrix (a test for students not proficient in


Spam Unsolicited email, primarily advertising a product or service

SPD Specialized Programs Division

SpEd Special Education

SPSA Single Plan for Student Achievement

SPURR School Project for Utility Rate Reduction

Sr. Senior

SRA Scientific Research Associates

SRO School Resource Officer

SSC 1) School Site Council (Governing body at each school site that has SIP)

2) School Services of California, Inc.

SSI Supplemental Security Income (Social Security)

SSN Social Security Number

SST Student Study Team or Student Success Team

STAR Standardized Testing and Reporting program

STC School to Career

STRS State Teachers Retirement System

Stull Bill Yearly plan that teachers complete for evaluation

SUI State Unemployment Insurance

SWP Schoolwide Program (Title I)

SWPPP Storm Water Pollution Prevention Plan

SWQCB State Water Quality Control Board

SY School Year

SYEP Summer Youth Employment Program


Talking Pals AKA Phonological

TANF Temporary Assistance for Needy Families

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T (continued)

TAP 1) Teaching as a Priority Program (Grant funds)

2) Transitional Academic Program (School Age Autism)

TAS Targeted Assistance School (funds for assistance to Title I students)

TBA To Be Announced

TBD To Be Determined

TDD Telecommunication Device for the Deaf

TESOL Teachers of English for Speakers of Other Languages

TIE Technology Integration in Education

Title 1 Funding for schools impacted by poverty (Federal)

TK Transitional kindergarten

TOY/TOTY Teacher of the Year

TPR Total Physical Response (teaching technique)

TRANS Tax and Revenue Anticipation Notes (funding mechanism)

TRLD Technology, Reading and Learning Difficulties

TSA Tax Sheltered Annuity (Tax is deferred under Section 403(b))

TSS Technology Support Services (district technology department)

TTY or TTD Telecommunications Device for the Deaf

TQM Total Quality Management

TUPE Tobacco Use Prevention Education


UC University of California

UCP Uniform Complaint Procedures

URL Universal Resource Locator (website address)

US United States

USDA United States Department of Agriculture

USDE United States Department of Education


VA Veterans‘ Administration

VEA Vocational Education Act

VI Visually Impaired

VICA Vocational Industrial Clubs of America

VOIP Voice Over Internet Protocol (data-based phone systems)

VSP Vision Service Plan


W-2 Statement of Wages Earned

W-4 Tax Withholding Allowance

WAN Wide Area Network

WASC Western Association of Schools and Colleges (accrediting commission for high schools)

WEAVE Women Escaping a Violent Environment

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W (continued)

WestEd The Regional Educational Laboratory serving Arizona, California, Nevada, and


WIA/WIB Workforce Investment Act/Workforce Investment Board

WIC Women, Infants, and Children (a Federal food assistance program for low income

women with young children)

WIT Women in Technology (an award winning program at Armijo High School)

WWW World Wide Web

X, Y, and Z

YEP Youth Education Partnerships

YRE Year-Round Education

YRS Year Round School/Schedule

YTD Year-to-Date

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State Abbreviations:

Alabama AL Kentucky KY Ohio OH

Alaska AK Louisiana LA Oklahoma OK

Arizona AZ Maine ME Oregon OR

Arkansas AR Maryland MD Pennsylvania PA

California CA Massachusetts MA Puerto Rico PR

Colorado CO Michigan MI Rhode Island RI

Connecticut CT Minnesota MN South Carolina SC

Delaware DE Mississippi MS South Dakota SD

District of Columbia DC Missouri MO Tennessee TN

Florida FL Montana MT Texas TX

Georgia GA Nebraska NE Utah UT

Guam GU Nevada NV Vermont VT

Hawaii HI New Hampshire NH Virgin Islands VI

Idaho ID New Jersey NJ Virginia VA

Illinois IL New Mexico MN Washington WA

Indiana IN New York NY West Virginia WV

Iowa IA North Carolina NC Wisconsin WI

Kansas KS North Dakota ND Wyoming WY

(PDF) Acronyms and Educational Terms - DOKUMEN.TIPS (18)

Compiled by Susan Higgins, Superintendent’s Office Fairfield-Suisun Unified School District

2490 Hilborn Road Fairfield, CA 94534

(707) 399-5008

(PDF) Acronyms and Educational Terms - DOKUMEN.TIPS (2024)
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Author: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Last Updated:

Views: 6380

Rating: 4.9 / 5 (79 voted)

Reviews: 86% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Rev. Leonie Wyman

Birthday: 1993-07-01

Address: Suite 763 6272 Lang Bypass, New Xochitlport, VT 72704-3308

Phone: +22014484519944

Job: Banking Officer

Hobby: Sailing, Gaming, Basketball, Calligraphy, Mycology, Astronomy, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Rev. Leonie Wyman, I am a colorful, tasty, splendid, fair, witty, gorgeous, splendid person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.