Understanding DefiLlama and Its Role in Tracking TVL in DeFi Ecosystems (2024)




18 min read


Jun 10, 2024


Understanding DefiLlama and Its Role in Tracking TVL in DeFi Ecosystems (2)

Ever wondered about the easiest way to monitor value locked in the realm of decentralized finance? Or searching for a tool to simplify your life amidst the mass of digital assets and protocols? Well, your search may be over. We’re here to introduce you to an outstanding utility designed specifically for that purpose.

Unveil the mysteries behind achieving a clear overview in the dense forest that is the DefiLlama market. It’s not about tracking individual transactions anymore; it’s about effortlessly visualizing and comprehending the overall landscape. The focus is on real-time updates, depth of perspectives, and vastness of covered protocols.

We offer you a defillama platform that grants you a profound overview of the abundance of assets and protocols existing in the Decentralized Finance ecosystem, and notably, effectively supervises the total amount of assets locked within it. This tool not only presents data in a user-friendly format but also maintains absolute precision and consistency. It speaks a language that both novice users and expert traders will understand.

It’s more than just a tool; it’s an essential companion that navigates you through the intricate labyrinth of decentralized finance. Offering a unique blend of simplicity, efficiency, and comprehensive data representation, it ensures that you’re always in pace with the rapid dynamics of the decentralized finance world.

Understanding DefiLlama and Its Role in Tracking TVL in DeFi Ecosystems (3)

In a fast-paced digital economy sphere, there’s a platform that provides accurate, relevant analyses of crypto liquidity fields. It’s a gateway to perceive the behind-the-scenes operations of the decentralized finance landscape.

Let’s plunge into the ocean of complication. Excitement is a small emotion for what you are about to experience. We are talking about a dashboard that maps every financial operation on blockchain-based platforms.

The platform in question here is the ‘mirror to decentralized finance’. In unscrambling the pile of complexities cryptocurrencies bring along, this platform emerges as a dashboard solution.

Its primary role is to bring transparency in the world of smart contracts, digital assets, and blockchain applications. From where the money is pouring in, which transactions are taking place, to where it finally ends up — it’s got you covered.

Isn’t it fascinating how a DefiLlama dashboard transfers the power into your hands? It helps you gain an insightful peek inside the highly volatile realm of blockchain transactions. It’s about the power play, helping you to make well-informed financial decisions.

This, my friend, is just a glimpse. There’s a lot more beneath the surface. Read on to get one step closer to understanding the wonders this platform offers.

Understanding DefiLlama and Its Role in Tracking TVL in DeFi Ecosystems (4)

Stepping into the world of DefiLlama digital financing, one might stumble upon countless platforms which claim to provide the best facilities. They all promise the same thing — optimum use of blockchain technology, advanced security measures, a plethora of built-in tools for asset management. But amidst these big names lies the need for a platform that serves as a compass, a beacon of light that would help navigate the vast, ever-changing landscape.

Navigating such a sea of options requires something that isn’t a mere platform but something more — a tool, a road map, a guiding star. This section, dear reader, introduces the concept of a platform that helps monitor assets in the decentralized finance cosmos.

  • Think of a ship within an endless ocean, sailing with no definitive direction or a traveler lost in the middle of a vast desert, moving aimlessly. That’s the status quo for numerous individuals trying to understand the complex, unregulated field of digital finance.
  • With thousands of apps, DefiLlama, and tools available, finding the correct direction or the right tool becomes as complicated as finding a needle in a haystack.
  • The need of the hour is not more platforms or tools, but something that bridges the gap, something that solves the problem not by adding more complexity, but by simplifying it.
  • The rest of this article unravels the mystery, the solution to this complexity — a unique platform that serves as a lighthouse amidst the chaos of the world of decentralized finance.

Through the upcoming sections, we will delve deep into this fantastic universe and uncover the very attributes that make this platform the ultimate compass for digital finance. Your journey begins now, dear reader, prepare to be enlightened.

As we delve into the heart of the 21st century, it’s clear that the financial world as we know it is undergoing a significant transformation. The internet has opened up new avenues, enabling an unprecedented era of financial innovation. Central to this movement is a concept so revolutionary it could reshape the financial landscape: Decentralized Finance or DeFi.

The principle idea behind DefiLlama, at its core, is quite simple, it’s all about unlocking open, permissionless, and global financial systems. It’s a fresh approach, a radical change from traditional financial systems. It’s a form of finance that doesn’t rely on intermediaries such as banks, insurance funds or lawyers to create contracts or execute transactions.

DeFi applications are built on top of blockchain platforms — like Ethereum — and are composed of smart contracts. Theseautomatic agreements, in plain terms, are programs stored on a blockchain that run when predefined conditions are met. They have brought about an age of financial processes that are completely transparent, quicker and cheaper.

DeFi is now steping up the game in the finance industry. It gives users control over their assets and financial decisions. While traditional finance is cloaked in secrecy, DeFi offers transparency. While the average person in traditional finance has their financial fate determined by institutions, DeFi puts the power in the hands of the people.

Arguably the biggest allure of Decentralized Finance is the potential to earn interest on your crypto assets. While traditional banks offer interest rates close to zero, and in some cases negative. DeFi platforms can offer significantly higher rates, thanks to the underlying blockchain technology.

Benefits of DeFi Financial Inclusion Open Source and Transparent Interoperability Permissionless Non-Custodial

DeFi is undoubtedly a promising breakthrough. But it’s crucial that potential users do their due dilligence and understand the underlying technology and risk factors. Despite the potential, caution is needed to navigate this new and rapidly evolving landscape. As they say, with great power comes great responsibility.

Allow us to dive into the marvellous world of a revolutionary platform that reshapes the way we view digital finance. Offering simple, streamlined access to the complexities of collective ledger systems, this platform stands tall in its unique concept. Think of an open book, full of codes, calculations, and transparency. Now, imagine the power to read, analyze, interpret, understand this book; a possibility to discern the amassed crypto assets in the decentralized finance ecosystem or De-Fi.

Our focus platform presents you with an analytical dashboard, that consolidates essential data, reflecting the activities in the De-Fi space. It exists to provide stakeholders with a clear, comprehensive view of the scene, enhancing investment decisions. It’s like having a digital magnifying glass that unveils every hidden detail in the clustered scope of cryptocurrency.

The defillama platform promises to resolve or ease the traditional issues like ambiguity, low transparency and lack of uniformity, common in the decentralized financial world. With the option to scrutinize the Total Value Locked (or TVL) in real-time along with numerous other insights, it’s a true game changer.

It helps in decoding the intricate, complex phenomena of digital finance. It is more than a service, it is a venture dedicated to bringing the magic of simplicity, clarity, and integrity back to finance. It’s a platform that anchors on a single principle: empowering you to do more, understand better, and unlock the full potential of your assets in the decentralized domain.

Understanding DefiLlama and Its Role in Tracking TVL in DeFi Ecosystems (5)

In the complex world of finance and technology, numerous concepts can seem intricate and challenging to grasp at first glance. Comprehending Total Value Locked, commonly abbreviated as defillama TVL, is one such concept. Scarce are the individuals who can truly claim to have an in-depth understanding of it right off the bat.

The concept of DefiLlama TVL is imperative to the grand scheme of unraveling the mystery that is decentralized finance. Yet, getting a grasp on its basic idea doesn’t have to be complex.

The crux of TVL revolves around the amount of assets held in a platform or protocol. It’s a barometer gauging the participation, trust, and traction of a digital finance service.

The higher this lock-up value, the more investors believe in the system’s stability and growth potential. It represents trust, opulence & virtue in the protocol, serving as a proxy of popularity and trustworthiness.

TVL, in essence, is an economic indicator in the decentralized world.

Indicator Definition ParticipationIt refers to the number of individuals engaged in a service. Trust Indicates the amount of trust investors have towards a particular system. Growth Potential Describes the system’s ability to expand its user base and services over time.

In this insightful section, we delve into the concept of Total Value Locked while unearthing its crucial role within the decentralized finance space. This is an enlightening journey into a core component that powers the mechanisms of Decentralized Finance, which does not require a technical background to comprehend. So let’s set sail into this captivating world of numbers and values interwoven in an innovative digital financial system. Rest assured it will be a valuable read for both novices and seasoned players.

Often abbreviated as TVL, Total Value Locked represents a numerical indicator capturing the total amount of digital assets currently locked in a DeFi protocol. This significant metric provides essential insights regarding an application’s size, capital involvement, popularity, and trust within the decentralized finance environment, without delving into specifics. While it may sound intricate at first instance, the idea behind this concept possesses simplicity and candor that are worthy of admiration.

Think of TVL as a mirror reflecting the health, potential, and stability of a DefiLlama Defi protocol. From gauging investor confidence to evaluating risk levels disguised in underlying smart contracts, TVL plays a versatile role in the DeFi landscape. It serves as a reference point for investors, lenders, borrowers, liquidity providers, and ecosystem enthusiasts looking to make informed decisions. It isn’t just a buzzword; it resonates with the essence of transparent and reliable blockchain technology.

  • TVL shines a spotlight on prominent DeFi protocols distancing them from less established projects.
  • Emphasizes sustainable growth trends over quick-win projects.
  • Provides an insight into supply side liquidity within protocols.
  • Detect potential price manipulations and identify genuine growth.
  • An essential tool in the evaluation of risk and return in DeFi protocols.

Understanding the intricacies of TVL and its relevance in DecFi is paramount for anyone seeking to venture into this rapidly evolving, revolutionary digital financial landscape. It equips players with the tools to navigate and thrive within this exponential field. In short, TVL brings about the transparency, trust, and reliability, essentially setting DeFi apart from traditional finance.

In this segment, the focus is on a distinct Player in the realm of Blockchain Finance known as Decentralized Finance Llama. The platform’s purpose? Central to capturing the Net Worth Immobilized in various decentralized ecosystems. But let’s not dive into specifics just yet.

Innovation in the field of decentralized finance led to the emergence of numerous small, nimble startups looking to disrupt the status quo. With these startups came a plethora of isolated platforms. To keep up with the decentralization trends, there was a need for a system capable of tracking and quantifying the value locked within an array of decentralized platforms. One platform emerged with the promise to address this situation. It was no typical platform.

That’s where our platform came into play, offering an effortless solution to an otherwise complex issue. In the world of Distributed Ledger Technology Finance, also known as Blockchain Finance, breaking down walls, integrating multiple platforms, and centralizing information without compromising the core philosophy of decentralization, is a feat that demanded a novel approach.

Briefly, it’s useful to mention the inherent challenges found within diverse, independent “DeFi” platforms. Namely, the lack of a common language or unified system for representing monetary value.

Often these platforms use a variety of tokens, each with their own value, backed by different assets, and traded on different exchanges. This makes it exceedingly difficult to represent the aggregate Net Worth Immobilized on a single platform, let alone across all platforms.

Decentralized Finance Llama brought the solution, representing this aggregate value, termed as Total Value Locked, in one common unit: USD. Certainly, an ingenious method and a significant leap forward in overcoming the inherent challenge of diverse decentralized platforms.

Function Description Capturing Total Value Locked across platforms Taking all assets across all platforms, and calculating their worth in USD, in a simple and precise way. Integrating multiple platforms Helping users to have one unified system to access information about their investments and earnings across various platforms.

Visualizing the vast sea of data through a single platform is no simple task. The monumental nature of collecting, sorting, and making sense of information can certainly be daunting, but it is integral to the operations of DefiLlama. This section unravels the complexities behind the aggregation and exhibition of TVL data, shining a light on the hidden processes that make it possible.

Staying aware of the data universe’s ever-fluctuating landscape is crucial. Information is gathered from a host of varied sources, each unique in their data presentation. Navigating these sources is akin to exploring a labyrinth of information, with the ultimate goal of extracting only what’s necessary. Various protocols and chains contribute to the gigantic pool of data, which DefiLlama dives into headfirst.

To take this data and convert it into something coherent is where the real magic lies. It’s a massive system of organization and sorting, where chaos is transformed into clarity. The data, once garbled and incomprehensable, takes on a new shape, presenting understandable and useful insights. Each piece of data finds its place, creating a cohesive picture. The result is a comprehensive snapshot of TVL data that stakeholders can utilise to make well-informed decisions.

So, let it be known, behind the seamless interface of DefiLlama, a symphony of data aggregation and interpretation is playing out. It’s a testament to the incredible effort and ingenuity that goes into taking a mountain of data and molding it into an understandable, accessible format. Let’s take a moment to appreciate this journey from chaos to clarity, made possible by the relentless workings of DefiLlama!

In the world of decentralized finance, staying aware of the total volume locked (TVL) is critical. This innovative solution we are discussing supports individuals and firms alike to efficiently track the said parameter. Though it may seem complex initially, the advantages it offers make it a go-to tool in the sphere of DeFi.

Accessing thorough insights about locked liquidity has never been more effortless. Once you navigate the complexities of this decentralized world, this easy-to-use online service, free of the jargon and technical nuances, may indeed be a game changer. With it, real-time data tracking is as simple as a click.

The underlying advantage of this service is its efficiency combined with accurate data representation. This feature eliminates any chances of error seeping in, ensuring that the numbers on your screen are always reliable and precise. The liquidity locked is monitored and updated constantly, giving you the edge to make informed decisions in a highly volatile market setting.

Furthermore, the ease of usage often steals the spotlight. There is no need for elaborate setups or high-level technical expertise to begin using this platform. The user-friendly interface ensures that even novices feel right at home.

From seasoned finance experts to those just dipping their toes, anyone can benefit from using this platform. Remember, in the ever-changing landscape of decentralized finance, staying informed is the key to growth and profitability. Convolution is a thing of the past; embrace this new-age solution today.

Whether you are an individual invested in DeFi, a company providing services or just a bystander watching the financial world evolve, leverage this tool for smoothly tracking liquidity locked in DeFi!

In this section, we aim to shed some light on the unique aspects that set our diversified finance (DeFi) monitoring tool apart in the competitive landscape. Without delving into the explicit particulars just yet, let’s preliminarily hint at the broad range of functionalities that this solution boasts.

When harnessing our application, diversification is made tangible, interactivity is ensured, and data interpretation is streamlined beyond expectations. Clearly, the emphasis will be on user experience, unparalleled data depth, and flexibility in customization.

Our DeFi tracker prides itself on being straightforward, intuitive, and easy to navigate. Users can quickly familiarize themselves with the platform due to its logical structuring.

  • Seamless Interface: The dashboard is impeccably tailored to foster navigational fluency.
  • Personalized Alerts: Tailor-made notifications keep you up-to-date about significant value fluctuations.
  • Comprehensive Support: An efficient assistance framework ensures you’re never left hanging in a tight spot.

The depth and breadth of data offered by our tool are unparalleled in the industry.

  1. Multilayered Metrics: We provide a multitude of metrics, surpassing the standards of thoroughness.
  2. Real-Time Updates: You will receive instant updates on your key performance indicators.
  3. Proactive Tracking: Our tool proactively monitors every movement in your diversified finance ventures.

When it comes to customization, the platform follows a user-centric approach, allowing individual adjustments. You can tailor the viewing experience to match your requirements, be it a change in color scheme, data presentation format, or integrated functionalities. All these are centered around ensuring you maximize your engagement with the crypto space.

Imagine having a tool that makes navigating the digital finance landscape a breeze. No jargon, no complexities, just a simple pathway leading you to your destination. This section will discuss that interface–its design, user-friendliness, and navigation capabilities–without diving into specific definitions.

Our digital tool’s interface is designed for optimal ease of use. It’s intuitive, eliminating the need for lengthy manuals and tutorials. With a single click, users can access numerous features. We’ve prioritized minimalism, simplicity, but without compromising functionality.

Users are greeted with a dashboard that presents crucial data at a glance. We know you appreciate simplicity. Hence, clutter is eschewed in favor of a streamlined, unobtrusive display. An interface that speaks the language of clarity and ease.

In fact, the structure of our interface takes its cue from famous social media platforms. This familiar format eliminates guesswork, promotes seamless interaction, ensuring you are never more than a couple of clicks away from the information you seek.

Speaking of clicks, what good is an interface if its navigation leaves a user lost? We’ve considered this, striving to provide a smooth navigational journey. There are clearly marked tabs, easy-to-understand labels, and an intuitive layout.

Whether you wish to consult historical data, engage with the community, or view the latest alerts, everything is within easy reach. We’ve even incorporated customizable settings, allowing you to tailor the interface to your individual preferences.

You don’t need to be a tech expert to feel at home. Rest assured, we’ve diligently balanced functionality and aesthetics to deliver an interface that not only looks good but also performs brilliantly. Above all else, we’ve ensured that our users find their way with ease within the complex world of digital finance, making the experience virtually delightful.

Within the constantly shifting landscape of decentralized finance, the insights you glean from data are paramount. But precision is key. Unequivocal trust in the information is a must. Yet keeping it up-to-date? Non-negotiable. We’re here to discuss the importance of these two principles.

Accuracy in decentralized finance analytics is not just desirable, but essential. With so much at stake, data can’t be a mere estimate or a ballpark figure. It is about presenting a comprehensible snapshot or a clear picture. It’s about certainty in uncategorized territories. The discrepancy between a single digit can mean a significant shift in investment strategies.

Identifying the accuracy of a product involves intricate processes, rigorous checks, thorough verification. It’s not a one-time affair. Rather, it involves a continuous cycle of validation checks to ensure the users receive the most precise, accurate data possible. Because, in the end, it’s about making informed choices based on definitive data.

Furthermore, a platform’s ability to provide real-time, updated data is just as worthwhile. As emerging trends evolve and investor needs change, time-sensitive, fresh data become invaluable. This continuous process of updating and amending the information dynamics is what sets a powerful platform apart.

With ever-evolving algorithms and constant adaptations, maintaining the latest in decentralized finance can be a tough feat. Yet, it’s about diligence, not difficulty. The commitment to providing updated information also becomes a testament to a platform’s credibility. There’s quite nothing like it when a user can confidently say, “The data available to me is the most current. I trust it.”

So, in conclusion, ensuring high-fidelity, up-to-date data is the corner-stone of a successful platform in decentralized finance. Being ahead of the curve means nothing if the curve you are seeing isn’t the right one. Ultimately, it is about drawing precise conclusions from current, accurate data.

Wrapping up, it’s pretty clear that this digital tool changes the way cryptocurrency enthusiasts interact with data. It brings a revolutionary way to manage online finances within reach of today’s active citizens.

In essence, the software being discussed typically favors individuals who want to save time. Several hours that could have been wasted could now be redirected into meaningful activities. With all the data in one spot, efficient decision-making becomes second nature.

Being able to access vital stats at a glance is the height of ease. It’s not only time-saving, but also helps one stay at the top of their game. Shuffling around for figures becomes nonexistent when this tool has the reins.

Benefits Counts Time saving HighEase of useHigh Efficiency High

To sum it up, the discussed tool is an essential assistant for anyone dealing with decentralized finance. By providing a comprehensive and straightforward way to visualize important metrics, it’s paving the way for simpler, quicker, and more efficient strategies for financial dealing.

Existing in a digital environment bustling with unceasing innovation, one key element serves as a beacon in the crowded DeFi landscape. Providing clarity in a complex situation, its significance cannot be overstated. It’s like an old lighthouse, guiding ships home in a stormy night. Drawing parallels, this entity illuminates the path towards prosperity and ensures safe navigation through the DeFi seas.

Imagine an entity with an iron-clad resolve to provide transparency. An instrument that dispels obscurity. Still unclear? Let’s proceed further. This entity’s essence could be summed up in the notion of clarity within the dynamic DeFi environment. A beacon, if you will, becoming a mirror that reflects the reality of amassed value within DeFi systems.

Digging deeper into the broad spectrum of benefits it provides, you’ll soon realize its profound impact. As it’s no less than a tool, a guide, an advocate for transparency, it holds the fort in the stormy DeFi seas. Shining the light on the value locked in different entities, it enables those aboard the DeFi ship to see clearly, even in the densest fog. Managing the intricate DeFi labyrinth becomes considerably more manageable as it helps distinguish between opportunities and traps.

Grappling with DefiLlama multi-faceted challenges inherent in the DeFi landscape, one begins to comprehend the indispensable contributions of this entity. Its prowess in monitoring, analysis, and data compilation provides an invaluable tool in a landscape riddled with complexity. Across a landscape characterized by ceaseless innovation and relentless change, it stands tall as a beacon of transparency, illuminating a path for those navigating these challenging waters.

Peering into the forward momentum of this captivating enterprise expresses a vibrant narrative. This story enthralls due to its novelty and limitless potential. We embark on a journey to stretch our understanding of the art of the possible. Yet, the matter at hand isn’t contrived specifics or rigid givens, rather engaging in a foresight broad in its strokes, and brimming with potential.

Our path ahead is studded with intriguing developments. The facet of continual growth incorporates leaps in technological capacity. Methods of interface will be augmented, capacities broadened.

Several crucial updates are already imperceptibly close, at the fringes of our collective conversations. Deployable enhancements are in their formative stages, due for release within the forthcoming quarters.

  • Conceptual shifts to bolster usability
  • Strategically planned collaborations with paramount entities
  • Simultaneously accommodating veteran users whilst roping in the uninitiated

These spearheaded initiatives, though distinct in their individual descriptions, converge to a common culmination: fostering an intuitive and smooth user experience in an evolving ecosystem.

The DefiLlama roadmap ahead transcends the immediate horizon by laying strong roots deep within the bounds of our imagination. It’s an exploration unbound by conventional restrictions, propelled further as we eagerly anticipate upcoming breakthroughs.

  1. Trailblazing a pathway for expanded involvement
  2. Frontier advancements in security measures
  3. Reimagining the mechanisms of engagement to compound impact and widen reach

The journey forward is not just limited to the utilization of sophisticated tools or collaborating with other industries. It involves fostering a rich community, deepening understanding, creating synergies to amplify potential, while ensuring participation is enlightening, rewarding, and inclusive for all.

Understanding DefiLlama and Its Role in Tracking TVL in DeFi Ecosystems (2024)


Understanding DefiLlama and Its Role in Tracking TVL in DeFi Ecosystems? ›

DefiLlama serves as a comprehensive analytics platform that tracks the Total Value Locked (TVL) in various protocols across the decentralized finance sector. Its purpose is to provide an aggregated, accurate picture of the financial landscape in DeFi, giving users a metric to gauge the size and health of DeFi projects.

What is TVL in DeFi? ›

Total Value Locked (TVL) is a metric used to measure the total value of digital assets that are locked or staked in a particular decentralized finance (DeFi) platform or decentralized application (dApp). Advertisem*nts. The higher the TVL, the more trustworthy the platform or dApp is perceived to be.

What is DeFiLlama? ›

DeFi Llama is the largest DeFi data aggregator at the moment. It provides up-to-date information about all known Level 1 and Level 2 (L1 and L2) blockchains. Users from all over the world can get information about TVL, APY and other project data for free.

How to check the TVL of a coin? ›

Calculating TVL 🧮: The formula is straightforward. Multiply the price of the crypto assets in USD by the total number of staked, locked, and tokens in the liquidity pool of the protocol. It differs from a token's market capitalization.

What is the TVL track? ›

Technical-Vocational-Livelihood Track (TVL) - The TVL Track is one of the four tracks offered in SHS. It has four strands which are the Agri- Fishery Arts (AFA) Strand, Home Economics (HE) Strand, Industrial Arts (IA) Strand, and the Information and Communications Technology (ICT) Strand.

What is the common problem of TVL students? ›

In this survey, we have asked a variety of questions to gauge the difficulties TVL students encounter daily. Some of the questions cover the heavy workload, lack of practical resources, difficulty finding internships, limited career opportunities, and support from teachers.

What is the meaning of TVL in DefiLlama? ›

Total value locked inside a platform / protocol's own contracts by users.

What is a TVL aggregator? ›

The TVL measures the total value of assets deposited in a particular decentralized finance (DeFi) protocol. It's also possible to calculate the TVL of the entire blockchain ecosystem by aggregating the TVLs of all the different DeFi protocols on that blockchain.

Is DeFi Llama open source? ›

DefiLlama is the largest TVL aggregator for DeFi (Decentralized Finance). Our data is fully open-source and maintained by a team of passionate individuals and contributors from hundreds of protocols.

What is the TVL protocol? ›

Total Value Locked or TVL is a formula that shows the total value of all crypto assets locked up (or staked) in a Defi (decentralized finance) protocol.

Which crypto has the highest TVL? ›

Top Blockchains by Total Value Locked (TVL)

With a Total Value Locked (TVL) of $58.3 Billion, Ethereum has the largest market share across all blockchains today. Collectively the TVL of all chains is worth $92.5 Billion, representing a -1.4% movement in the last 24 hours.

How is TVL calculated? ›

How TVL Is Calculated. The total value locked on a chain is calculated by summing the total value of digital assets locked on a specific DeFi platform or dApp. In this respect, digital assets are cryptocurrencies or stablecoins that are being used as collateral for loans or to add liquidity to a platform.

What is the DefiLlama? ›

DefiLlama is the largest TVL aggregator for DeFi, focusing on accurate data and transparent methodology. A team of individuals and contributors maintains its fully open-source data.

What does TVL stand for? ›

TVL (Technical-Vocational-Livelihood)

TVL stands for Technical-Vocational-Livelihood track.

What is the TVL ratio in DeFi? ›

The TVL ratio is calculated by dividing the total market value of assets locked by the total value locked (TVL). The TVL ratio can help determine whether a DeFi asset is undervalued or overvalued. If the ratio is below 1, the asset is generally undervalued and more attractive to investors.

Is high TVL good in crypto? ›

High TVLs indicate healthy and robust DeFi networks. The greater the TVL, the greater the trust a crypto community has in a given protocol. Among other things, TVL can help investors to: Assess risk.

Is TVL the same as liquidity? ›

It is often misunderstood, so it is worth noting that Total Value Locked (TVL) is not the same as liquidity. TVL only reflects how many assets are locked in a protocol, not how many assets are tradable.

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Name: Laurine Ryan

Birthday: 1994-12-23

Address: Suite 751 871 Lissette Throughway, West Kittie, NH 41603

Phone: +2366831109631

Job: Sales Producer

Hobby: Creative writing, Motor sports, Do it yourself, Skateboarding, Coffee roasting, Calligraphy, Stand-up comedy

Introduction: My name is Laurine Ryan, I am a adorable, fair, graceful, spotless, gorgeous, homely, cooperative person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.