The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)

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THE SPRINGIELD SUNDAY UNION AND REPUBLICAN SPRINGIELD MASS: SEPTEMBER 25 1927 7 A Ordnance Reserve Officers Here Checking Plans TO DEDICATE STATUE or War Expansion In Case of An Emergency Call and solemn ceremony the registrar WOMAN INED $100 cl*tON A CROCKER PERCY A DORR Chairman Special Gifts Committee Associate Chairman Special Gifts SCHOOLS 11 1ft ft frf '1 High Compression OBITUARY He is survived in all models CIVIL SERVICE was CITY NEWS NOTES 1123 Main Street Springfield Mass Laporte Motor Company 1 73 Broadway Tel 5 1352 Open Evenings clevelandV CH ANDtER CLEVELAND CONTJtO VE RS DEC 1 DE I) MAT will be be the ather left the per at $55372782 Be Honored at Blessed Church Passionist to by Mi will not applying mortgage the counsel Attys dissolution of RESERVE OICERS CHECK PLANS HERE OR WAR EXPANSION Judge JI Lummus has ordered judgment uf $400 and interest irom Marell 21 1923 to Max Simcovitz against Mollie Bloomfield in an action UOTORS CORP ORATION for rent and judgment for $14540 for Mollie Bloomfield against Simcovitz The findings of Thomas Collins auditor who heard the cross suits were upheld by Judge Lummus Mol lie Bloomfield conducted the nian from June 1 1921 to December 18 1922 in a building at 727 Dwight street of which Simco vitz was the owner Rent for four months November 30 1922 to March 31 1923 was allowed Simcovitz during this period Mollie Bloomfield did not surrender a lease She claimed the terms of the lease were violated by failure to furnish heat Auditor Collins found that the proprietress of the restaurant did not leave the establishment be cause of alleged lack of heat supply however for the instalation of a hot water heater and for the gas used in heating it Mr Collins considered Mol lie Bloomfield entitled to $14540 from Simcovitz Ely Ely represented Mollie Bloom field while Simcovitz retained Brownson MARTINE BURKE WILL BE HONORED RESTRAINING ORDER DISSOLVED BY COURT is corporator at large of the Community Welfare association he is a strong be liever in the Community Chest He was one of those who early saw the danger to community welfare of too many drives and worked to cut them down to one each year and that through the Chest Mr Crocker is president of Crocker McElwain com pany of Holyoke and director of the Springfield National bank and other institutions Mr Dorr is also fitted for the task ahead of him Last year he' was president of the Community Welfare association and hag always been an active worker for the Community Chest He is manager of the local office of Harris orbes bond brokers Mr Crocker and Mr Dorr are now busy selecting the men who will servo on the special gifts committee with them The list of appointees will be announced in a few days $598727 INVENTORY LEVISON ESTATE of raw materials engineering require ments jigs gauges dies and patterns and the power situation It is gen erally believed that it will take six months from the beginning of work at the start of war before the manufac turing plants reach their peak pro duction The procurement of raw ma terials presents a tremendous task of itself for even tbo smaller arms re quire many different metals and tools to turn out struck Judge Wallace Heady in district court yesterday found Justin Hyland of iskdale not guilty of oper ating an automobile so that the lives and safety of the public might be en dangered and ordered him discharged It was truck that knocked down and fatally injured Arnold Thomas ahey tour year old son of Patrolman and Mrs Patrick ahey of 105 Wilber avenue on Liberty street opposite Stockman street the afternoon of the 8th The youngster was rushed to Mercy hospital in a passing automobile and died a few hours later of a fractured skull Mrs Borden Took Blame for Liquor Selling on Church Street Raphael Esempio 19 of Agawam' who was accused by two vice squad informers in district court a few days ago of having sold them liquor at 22 Church street but who at that time insisted that he was nothing more than a patron and never served any liquor thqre was found not guilty of selling and keeping liquor by Judge Heady In court yesterday and discharged Mrs May Barden 31 of 22 Church street who assumed full responsibility for the conduct of the liquor dive and who substantiated Esempio's claim that he was nothing more than a mere customer was fined $100 for keeping liquor she having pleaded guilty at the time of her arraignment follow ing her arrest the 9th Clifton A Crocker ill head the special gifts committee during the Community Chest drive in November according to an announcement made by Congressman Henry Bowles chairman of the drive committee yesterday Associated with Mr Crocker in the work will be Percy Dorr' Upon the special gifts committee will fail the task of raising more than 50 per cent of all the money needed by the 26 agencies participating in the Community Chest On their shoulders will fall the task of inter viewing the more wealthy citizens and larger contributors to the Chest The number of persons whom they must see will hot be huge perhaps 500 but the amount of money to be raised from this source is large Mr Crocker is considered pre em inently fitted for the task As an in plCK out a subject or group of subjects (25 possibilities) secure personal individual in struction progress under the Day Path method which pushes YOU ahead as fast as YOU can and pay only $40 for a com plete year of 32 weeks of in struction Monday and Thursday evenings These are the things wlilen make Bay Path Evening School the popular and practical institu tion which It Is HEAVY TRAIC LOW ON MEMORIAL BRIDGE Report Shows All But $45 000 Classified as Personal Property More than half million dollars com prised the wealth of the late Sigmund Levinson of Springfield according to an inventory filed with of deeds Of the dual property sonal estate Is valued and the real property at $45000 mak ing a total of $59872762 The Union Trust company is spe cial administrator while the appraiser was rank Jager ront row left to Lieut Col Ballard Holyoke Maj Smith Leverett Maj A Stacy Hicksville I Maj A Bailsman Springfield Maj 11 Weingar West llartford Ct Back row Capt McGregor United States army Springfield Capt Whittle Springfield Maj Merrill West Hartford Ct Capt ranklin oresters to Report A meeting of the committee repre senting the courts of SpringfieldWest Springfield and Chicopee alls of the Massachusetts Catholic 'Order of oresters in a joint membership drive has been called for Wednesday night in the home on Pearl street At that time a report will be received hi connection with the prog ress of the different courts in secur ing applicationstur membership since the last meeting about two weeks ago Dirvetar WtnA Brady Sir John rfartinHarMy Popular Courses ($40 for 32 weeks) Bookkeeping Shorthand Typewriting Calculating Machines Business Prep $15 Courses Accounting Economics Advertising PsychologySalesmanship Register any day or Thursday evening Sept 29 Bay ath Club leets The Maine New Hampshire club of Bay Path institute held its annual elections at the school building yes terday Kenneth St Teter was elected president of the club and other officers are: Vice president Ruth Palmer secretary Romeo Cyr and treasurer Rodney Macarlane The club voted to have its first entertain ment on riday evening October 14 The entire school will be invited ollowing the program there will be dancing Author of Here Judge and Mrs Henry A Shute of Exeter with their daughter Nathalie are guests of Dr and Mrs Keefe of 28 Cornell street Judge Shute is a well known author and remembered particularly for his Diary of a Real Announce Birtii of Son Sir' and Mrs 'William Bardeati of 250 ranklin' street announce the birth of a son Roy at the Mercy Maternity hospital Mrs Bordeauwas formerly Miss Cecille Thrasher Not Present in Court Omer of Watertown failed to appear before Judge Lummus in superior court yesterday to press a motion for a removal of a default in a suit in which lie is defendant and Judge Lummus denied the motion Leo Vanotti of this city is suing Marnier for money alleged to bo due him for labor Atty Silvio Martinelli represents Vanotti while John Burnes of Waltham is defense attor ney CDPWGIELO COMMERCIAL SCHOOL St Theresa toSacrament Preach A beautiful will take place at the Blessed Sacra ment church Dover and Dwight streets this evening at 730 when statue of St Theresa blessed The preacher will well known Passionist Rev Huberf of the Passionist monastery West Springfield Rev A Lane the pastor has arranged a special program for the occasion Judge LummusHands Down Decision in Suit Over Real Estate A preliminary injunction and tem porary restraining order in the suit of Julia A McGrath against Mary A Ochsner has been dissolved by decree of Judge Henry Lummus in jury waived superior court Because the plaintiff had not paid taxes on prop erty in 1926 nor interest on first mortgage duo June 26 1927 and be cause Julia A MqGrath the plaintiff is collecting rents and them to the taxes or defendant through her Ely Ely moved for the injunction It is the additional charge of the de fendant that proper repairs have not been made on the property and that the alleged acts and omissions of the plaintiff have placed the security of the defendant jeopardy The de fendant relies on preventing the plain tiff from the possession of said prop erty on the further charge that cident mistake and error of the Third National caused the discharge of a certain mortgage The petitioner avers that this mortgage had not been paid in full The property over which the dispute as to possession has arisen is on Lib erty street Records Smashed as City Counts 25022 Vehicles in 18 Hours Traffic over the Memorial bridge has been heavier during tho days of the Eastern States exposition than in any like period since the bridge was opened riday between the hours of 6 in the morning and midnight 25022 vehicles passed over the bridge or one vehicle every 2 seconds On a normal day between 10000 and 11 000 vehicles pass over the bridge be tween 6 in the morning and 8 in the evening so tiia riday traffic was 'increased over normal by more than 100 per cent On the riday of exposition week last year from 6 in the morning to 8 in the evening 16 949 vehicles passed over the bridge or an estimated total of about 22000 up to midnight The biggest hour riday for ve hicles passing in both directions was that between 10 and 11 in the fore noon when 222S vehicles crossed the bridge The biggest hour for travel in one direction was that between 10 and 11 last night when 1438 vehicles crossed in the direction of Springfield THE high compression engine principle may be new to some cars now mak ing a feature of it but to Chandler as old as balloon tires or 4' wheel brakes! Limited Registration Early Application Advisable or Additional Information Call or Telephone 2 8416 No Solicitors Provides Intensive Training for SECRETARIAL BUSINESS STENOGRAPHIC ACCOUNTING POSITIONS SPECIAL ELECTIVE and EIGHT SHORTER DIPLOMA COURSES Moderate tuition no time wasted fine class rooms small classes expert instruction positions for graduates DAY and EVENING SESSIONS Begin Day Sessions Sept 26 or Any Week Day Begin Night Sessions Sept 27 or Any Tuesday Evening COMPTOMETER SCHOOL Evening Class Starts Monday October 3 reservations Pikes Peak Motor needs no special cylin der head it is a real high compression motor in itself a complete high com pression unit and it holds many nation al performance records And if you want to feel how high compression power really feels get inside John Crowley John Crowley of 519 Hanco*ck street died at his home yesterday alter a oner illness by his widow Mrs Nellie (Hur ley) Crowley a son John Crowley of Annapolis Md three brothers Cornelius Crowley of Springfield Mi chael Crowley of Lowell and Daniel Crowley of Ireland and three sisters Mrs Henry Bellamy of Concord and Margaret and Mary Crowley of this city He was empioyey by the Springfield waterworks 20 years He was a member of the Holy Name so ciety of St cathedral The funeral will be held at the home tomor row morning at 815 followed solemn requiem high mass at St chad's cathedral at 9 Burial be in St cemetery The funeral of Jed Monette held at funeral home yester day morning followed by requiem high mass in St church Rev A Cayer celebrated the mass The bearers were A Gaudciu A Bod man Galvin Galvin Gau dreau and Galvin Burial was in St cemetery Rev A Cayer read the committal service The funeral of Mrs Eleanor Grayson wife of Joseph Grayson was held yesterday afternoon at the home 32 Dexter street Rev ntt Beers of ficiated and burial was at Thompson ville Ct The funeral of Mrs James I Ritter of 661 Union street will be held at Byron's funeral home 684 State street this afternoon at 2 Rev John Nolan officiating Burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery The funeral of Mrs Ruby Davis Crokan was held yesterday morning at the Russell funeral home 949 State street followed by requiem high mass in St cathedral Rev George celebrant The bearers were William Wink Thomas Kel liher Joseph Janies and Clement and Charles Quinn Rev George Murphy ofliciated at tlie committal service at the grave in St Michael's cemetery The funeral of Herbert Vincent of Girard avenue Longmeadow was held yesterday morning at the home with requiem mass a St church Rev Richard Murphy officiat ed The bearers were Ralph Cowles Patrick Bernard and Jeremiah Murpny Louis Yelinek arid John McGuillz Rev Mr Murphy read the committal service at the graveBuriul was in St cemetery The funeral of Edward McManus of 1 30 Littleton street will be held at Byron's funeral hom*o this noon Rev Dr Irving Arnold will officiate and burial will be in Oak Grove cemetery The funeral of Robert Vincent Mullaney was held at the home 50 Walnut street yesterday alternoon at 2 Burial was in St ceme tery ACTING DANCING SIUtriQ Muaical Conady Photoplay Elocution Limbering and Reducing Appearance while learning etraee Artistry Person ality Poise and Engagements PupHat Mr Hekford LeaTracy Evelyn Law red and Adele Astaire others Belaaco Ziegfeld ete Catalogue of star npon recsest Alvieoe Bldg 66 SHt Mill buy at the Bail Path Night School Stale Officer of N' to Be Given Recep tion at Clinton hotel To morrow Night A testimonial banquet and recep tion will be' given at the Clinton hotel tomorrow night honor of Martin Burke of this city state grand war den of the grand lodge of Massachu setts New England Order of Protec tion Mr Burke is the first Spring field man tb hold this office having been elected vice warden last Mrfrch and succeeded to his present position on the death of Grand Warden Wil burn II Bartlett of Boston in June The banquet is being given by the combined lodges of Western Massa chusetts and will bring to Springfield the largest gathering of supreme anil grand lod0e officers which ever as sembled here The? banquet will be gin at 730 and will be followed by the formal reception which will include addresses by many distinguished guests General dancing will round out the evening Mrs Mary Shields of "Mansfield grand chaplain of the state lodge will offer prayer before The banquet and Mrs McDonald executive chairman who will act as toastmas ter will be introduced Howard Keefe of this city chairman of the grand lodge committee on 'the state ot the order The speakers will in clude: Grand Warden Burke Edward Crannell of Burlington Vt su preme warden James A of South Boston supreme vice warden Walter Power of Marblehead su preme secretary rank A Rice of Winthrop supreme treasurer reder ick Peabody of Melrose past su preme warden Miss Judith A Hinck ley of Roxbury grand secretary Roy Pulson of Revere grand guide Thomas Henderson of North Adams chairman of the grand trustees John A McDonald of Wal tham grand trustee Charles A Mur ray of Cambridge chairman of the grand committee on finance Mrs Grace Thurston of West Somerville chairman of the grand publicity com mittee Chairman A Keefe of this city and Mrs Ivanilla Cahoon of Reading grand vice warden Music will be furnished by an or chestra and the following soloists: William Bedford of Pittsfield Mrs Arthur Keefe of this city deputy grand warden of Springfield lodge and Norman Kitwood also of this city They will be accompanied by Arthur Keefe financial secretary of Golden Rule lodge Every subordinate lodge in this dis trict comprising ranklin Berkshire Hampshire and Hampden counties will be represented at the banquet as well as lodges from Worcester and greater Bost Mrs McDonald of Westford circle is "executive chair man in charge of arrangements Several Are Assigned to Be Chiefs of Various Divisions of Manufacturing in Event of Crisis Military ordnance requirements in the event of war manufacturers' ca pacity for filling them in the factories of the Bridgeport ordnance district which includes Springfield and plans Mor the needed expansion in an emer "gency have been checked "eluting the past two weeks by a group of ord "Yianco reserve officers who have been jon duty at the Springfield armory Several of the officers are assigned to be chiefs of different divisions of Jnrplufacturing In tho event of war itiliLUiey have been going over the plafis for their respective divisions hose on duty Were: Lieut Col Ditirllardpf Holyoke chief of the fcro division Maj A Baus pum of 54 Atwater terrace Spring held chief ammunition division Maj AU Merrill of West Hartford of tho ammunition division Maj A Stacy jMHickaville of tho artillery di vision Maj Weinger of West Hartford chief of the gauge and in spection division Maj Smith of Leverett chief of the small arms di vision Capt Whittle of 65 Mer edith street Springfield of the small arms division and Capt Pohle of ranklin of the technical di vision actories Visited In addition to checking the plans for war expansion several visits were made by the officers to factories with Which they would be concerned in an emergency These visits and the whole scheme of the instructive period were arranged by the ordnance department of the army through Capt Duncan McGregor A who is assigned to the reserve office here as instructor In the event of war the supply divi sion or branches of the army in the United States have a tremendous task Imposed upon them There have never been great war stocks accumu lated nor is it within the bounds of probabalities that any such stockswill be held in storage An excellent example ot the manner in which Con gress and the government officials at large view war stocks is found in the reserve stocks that were left over fol lowing the World war These have been depleted uhtil now it is hardly proper to call them a war reserve lans are necessary for the manu facture of all sorts of ordnance as soon as war shall be declared or deemed imminent beyond a doubt It is this sort of work that the reserve offi cers of the Bridgeport district prob gbly the most important district in the country are doing The plans are revised periodically as conditions require and include sched nles manufacture of procurement the new Snecial Siv Sedan at The New Magnificent QT the new MettOpol Special Six Sedan itan Big Six Sedan at $1495 I Oi YA I or ie New Royal Eight I I Sedan at $1995 or any I All prices factory one two dozen magnincem new moaeis ana just step on the gas! Another thing: Chandler is the one and only car in its price class with a chassis that lubricates itself the moment you press a plunger Is it any wonder that Chandler is making whirlwind gains in sales Crocker and Dorr to Interview Big Community Chest Contributors 630 Write or phone tor 175 State St Room 213 Phone 4 3213 Richardson DRIV ER NOT BLAMED Hyland Not Heid Responsible for Death of Patrolman Young Son In the absence of actual eye wit nesses to the accident and with some evidence to indicate that the child was running erratically at the time he was rafnlDCS ot All in 8 ItYmiWillTelUls i The ece ot the hoy 5rl The 3" The approximate We will Ust or SUltuoii SCIIOOTVS ASSOCIATION a 1 175 Broadway I NEW TORK 1 Phone Bryant 1111 State Chartered Office 21st Tear BAY PATH INSTITUTE Day and Evening Sessions Springfield 4 iPk Ji MU' a V'S 'V i 11 rMr I '3 I Albrtl Sftiger Company A Store of Specialty Shops 3 the that 1 friendly carefree frock that combats the crisp Autumn winds in true sporting style Roma blue rose lustre and Lanvin green' are the colors of the Bouche found in the Sport Shop for thirty nine fifty SPORT SHOP SECOND LOOR I Bl Wl i 13 It al i wk wtct OQacojoOoOwj ii WhatI II I CH A 4 Mir.

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The Springfield Daily Republican from Springfield, Massachusetts (2024)
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Author: Fr. Dewey Fisher

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Name: Fr. Dewey Fisher

Birthday: 1993-03-26

Address: 917 Hyun Views, Rogahnmouth, KY 91013-8827

Phone: +5938540192553

Job: Administration Developer

Hobby: Embroidery, Horseback riding, Juggling, Urban exploration, Skiing, Cycling, Handball

Introduction: My name is Fr. Dewey Fisher, I am a powerful, open, faithful, combative, spotless, faithful, fair person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.