{ The Magic Forest & The High Functioning Sociopath } - SmolAngstyWritings (2024)

Soleil & Lila's Group!

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lila sighed a little bit, somewhat nervous as she looked at the door of house 221B on Baker Street. She didn't know what else to do at this point... She was so paranoid that she couldn't even stay at home anymore. She started staying in hotels, but even that wasn't enough... She starting getting anonymous texts, pictures of her in the hotel room, through the window. At this point, she wasn't surprised by any of the pictures or messages she received. Whoever this was .. he or she was not going to stop no matter what. They were so insistent on following her... And when she tried to go to the police, she got a text, a threat. If she went to the police, her stalker would ruin her life completely. He or she knew everything about Lila. Her address, her credit card information, everything. The stalker proved that to her already, so Lila knew it was true... So, Lila had never gone to the police. Now though, she heard of a man who might be able to help her. Sherlock Holmes. Part of the reason why Lila was standing in front of the door for so long was because she was waiting... waiting to see if her stalker would call her, or send her another threat. Did they care? ...Maybe her or she didn't even know who she was visiting? After a full five minutes, Lila took a deep breath and knocked on the door. It took another minute or so for an answer, and still no threats.. Once the door opened, an older woman ushered Lila upstairs into another room. "Ah.. Mr. Holmes?" Lila greeted, a little shakily when she met the man. "I was wondering.. if you could help me. I don't know who else to go to.."


Licht never truly forgot. He missed her so much, despite trying not to think off her. It's been two long years, and although he tried to smile for others, it was nothing but a facade. At nights, when it was quiet and dark, he felt nothing but sadness... At least during the day, he had things to distract him. Time passed since... she disappeared, but the hole in his heart never faded away. He had tried looking for her, he had search parties and everything, to no avail... One night, while Licht was laying awake in his bed, he had a vision. A vision in which his beautiful princess came back to him. His eyes widened, and he quickly sat up in bed. What was this feeling-? A message from the Roots? That's exactly what it felt like... like the Roots were trying to tell him something. For the first time in a long, long time, the man felt hope. He slept well that night. The next morning, he woke up bright and early, and got his duties done faster than usual. It was somewhere in the afternoon when he went to that place... the special place where he had met his princess years ago, as a frog. Licht found himself going there without even thinking. He just felt the need to be there at that precise moment. And that's when he saw her. His beautiful princess, but crying to herself. His eyes widened... was he dreaming? After all this time, she was finally back with him! His beloved wife-to-be... With a heart full of happiness - and a dozen other emotions, but right now he was just happy to see her again - he approached her. "My princess... what's wrong?" He knelt close to her, feeling his heart break a little when he saw her tears. But... he saw something else in her eyes. Confusion. Furrowing his brows a bit, he continued, "What happened? Are you hurt?" Why did she look so confused-? The sight hurt him. It seemed like she didn't even recognize him...

2018/08/23 2:43:41 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

(sobs i love licht so muc h)

Bored. Sherlock was sobored.That's not to say his days were idle; no, he was always on his feet, there were always people seeking his help. But the requests were soplain,so much that it made the very air around him stagnant and hard to breathe. A lost cat, a misplaced wallet, a run-away 15-year old... It took no more than a couple hours to complete each "mystery", and Sherlock was falling asleep on his feet. But, it paid the bills, and, well, as long as he couldn't pick and choose, he also couldn't complain. Mostly. "Sherlock, dear? You have a guest." Mrs. Hudson peaked through the doorway, and then stepped aside to reveal a woman. A rather beautiful woman, Sherlock noticed immediately. He didn't even think about it, but the moment he laid his eyes on her he began analysing her, noting down everything he could interpret. His gaze was piercing, as always - he didn't bother hiding his nature, so he wasn't surprised when the woman spoke up in a shaky voice, probably a bit intimidated. (1) "Let me guess." He brought his fingers together, holding them up before his face as he shared his thoughts, "Your clothes are all from this season, so they're new, but they're wrinkled. You have bags under your eyes and barely any makeup, and your nailpolish is chipping. You keep glancing at your phone even though you're not getting any notifications, and gripping it tightly, but not your purse. You have the capability and usually dress well and neatly, but something's happened to distress you enough to not care about physical appearance. You haven't been home in some time - perhaps two weeks? - and you're phone's clearly the source of your nervousness. Well, not source, but middleman - so... an upset, stalking ex? A bad breakup, maybe." (2) That was not as interesting as a murder, Sherlock considered thoughtfully, but he'd take it over helping old ladies settle disputes at Bridge any day. Besides, it'd be nice to work for an attractive young woman for once, especially after this influx of men seeking him out recently.


Soleil had no clue where she was. Her head hurt terribly. She couldn't remember anything, anything save for a desperate need torunand get away from there, wherevertherewas. So she ran. Not knowing anything, she ran through the forest, anywhere that was away, and calling for help. She was barefoot, for some reason that she also couldn't remember, but in that adrenaline-filled moment, she didn't pay it any mind, and ran as fast as her legs could carry her, not minding the twigs and rocks and brambles that scratched at her. Now, she was regretting it just a little bit. She got tired soon, and - having decided she was "far enough", slowed to a walk. She didn't know how long she'd been wandering through this never-ending forest, but she was tired, and hungry, and thirsty, and hadn't met a single person to ask for help. She didn't know where to go, and even if she had, she wouldn't have known how to get there, so she walked through the forest, following nothing but her heart. Eventually she came to a small clearing with a pond and neat white-brick well. She wasted no time in drawing water to quench her thirst, and when she was satisfied, sat down on a tree stump and gingerly touched her feet. She winced as she pulled out a thorn, but overall, it was okay. But finally gotten a chance to rest, her fear and confusion and fatigue caught up with her, and she began to cry. She jumped a little when she heard a voice after all, and she turned to look for the owner. He looked very kind... almosttoofriendly, actually, when he kneeled besides her and called her "my princess". But he was the first person she met, and she got the feeling she could trust him. "Please," she drew in a shaky breath, trying to calm her tears, "help me. I don't... I don't know where I am, o-or who I am, or-" Or what she was running from.

(1) ok i am gonna do my bEST but like obv i don't think like sherlock so i hope it's not too incorrect ahahaha. also i made some things up about lila hope it's ok but you can change it if anything!!
(2) and like it's not her ex i mean but the point is sherlock is showing off his analysing powers but he missed the mark a little bit hope it's ok!!!

2018/08/23 5:59:53 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[THIS IS PERFECT I LOVE IT SO MUCH. And Im glad you're having fun!!]]

Lila felt somewhat flustered when Sherlock began to study her. Why was he staring so intently-? She soon found out why, though. The woman blinked in admiration and awe at his words, amazed at how accurate he was through just one look. "That's quite the guess." She finally managed, earnestly curious as to how he did that. "You're mostly right. I have no idea who this person is or what they want." Lila frowned. Involuntarily, she glanced down at her phone. "This person threatened to ruin my life if I went to the police." She explained, "I don't know what this person wants from me. But every day he sends me anonymous messages, pictures of me through windows, and other things. Sometimes he sends really strange messages.." There were all sorts of messages. Messages threatening her life, messages saying disgusting things to her. "I tried thinking of anyone I could have angered to this extent, but no one comes to mind. There was never a bad breakup, or anything like that. I don't even have many friends." She shifted her weight to her other foot a bit, still nervous and uncomfortable. "I don't know what to do. I couldn't go to the police, so I came here instead. It seems like this person doesn't know who you are, since they aren't sending any messages. I don't understand it." She paused, then held out her phone, "Maybe this could help..? If you're willing to help, of course.. I'm sorry, I just don't know what else to do. This person sent me videos, pictures and messages. All anonymous. They're on this phone, maybe it'll help. ... He's sent some awful pictures, pictures of.." She let her sentence trail off. Her stalker had sent her videos and pictures of murders. She never looked at them enough to know much, but each one made her feel sick to her stomach. Had her stalker done that-? She had no idea what was going on, or why this person had even chosen her. "If you can help.. I'd be so grateful."


Licht listened, heart breaking as Soleil spoke. She sounded so scared... He was so, so happy to see her after so long-! And yet... "W-What?" There was a crack in his voice; he hadn't meant to let it escape. He wanted to make her feel better, to help her and tell her she was safe. This was his future wife after all... But what she said made him want to cry, too. Instead, he tried to put on a stern expression, though it looked more sad than anything else. "You don't remember...?" She wasn't joking. His princess wasn't the type to pull this kind of trick... and she was crying. Her expression was real. Her fear was real. What had happened to her-? "So you don't recognize me..?" He murmured this, but didn't mention anything else. He would tell her everything soon. For now, he had to cheer her up a little. "Don't be afraid." Licht spoke, pushing aside his own sadness. "I'm sure we can help you.. What's the last thing you remember?" He murmured. Had she forgotten everything? "My pr-- Ah, Soleil." He didn't want to scare her off now. It seemed like she had no idea who he was, despite the fact that they were to be married... "My name is Licht." It hurt him, so , so much to have to introduce himself to the woman he loved so much. His princess... But for now.. for now, he would just be thankful to the Roots that she was here and alive. He had thought something horrible had befallen her over the past two years, as he had never found a trace of her. So he would be thankful. Besides, why did she come to this exact place? Perhaps somewhere in Soleil's subconscious, she still remembered. "Oh. I know.. I called you Soleil before. That's your name. I don't want to force too much information on you right now. It's a lot to take in.. Why don't you come back with me to the palace? I'll give you fresh clothes, you can wash up and eat something, and we can sit in the garden and drink some tea. I'll tell you everything I know, okay?" Licht knew how much she loved the garden and the special tea they shared together. Maybe this would help her remember things too?

2018/08/24 1:24:16 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"Damn, I missed my mark." Sherlock muttered under his breath, but then remembered his accuracy wasn't the most important matter at hand. Besides, he'd gotten most of it right. "An anonymous stalker, I see." His eyes shone with newfound life - how interesting! This was exactly the sort of case that would bring him out of his slump! And, of course, he'd help this lovely young woman. "Sit down. Er, what did you say your name was, again? Would you care for some tea? I'll make tea." Sherlock practically jumped up from his seat in excitement, opened the door and yelled, "Mrs. Hudson - tea please!" He heard her response, same as ever ("I'm not your housemaid, dear."), accompanied by a defeated sigh and the eventually setting of a kettle. Sherlock returned to his desk, though he was too excited to sit back down again. He accepted Lila's unlocked phone, it was open to the messages she got from a variety of numbers - so that the stalker couldn't be tracked down by a single one, certainly - and scrolled through them. Considering all the cases he's solved, all the bodies he's seen, the gruesome images didn't phase him much, but his heart rang out to the poor victim who'd been receiving all this. But... what were these murders? Did the same man commit them? Have they gone unsolved all this time? They didn't look familiar to Sherlock, so he certainly hadn't been called to them. "How long has this person been contacting you?" He asked. The messages were seemingly endless. Photos of weapons, blood, a faraway one of Lila dressing... Just what was the motive? "I want you to think again, Miss Lila, hard. Is there anyone who might have a grudge against you? Anyone with incentive to do this?" Sometimes his clients, in an attempt to save face, didn't tell him about the bad thingsthey'vedone, which ended up being the motive... But Sherlock believed Lila.


"Do we... know each other?" Soleil asked lowly. What he said about remembering, about recognising him... No, she hadn't the faintest idea who he was, but Soleil also knew she couldn't trust herself right now. She knew nothing, and she wouldn't be quick to throw away any hints at her identity. "I'm sorry..." She really was. She wanted to remember, especially if she did know this man, but she just couldn't. "Uhm... I was running from something. Or someone, I don't know." Soleil explained, though her voice was still shaky from tears. "First thing I remember is, I'm in the forest and something inside me is telling me to get as far away as possible, as quickly as possible. That's what I did... and now I'm here." She laughed weakly, "I feel like I'm barely a few hours old." She listened to the kind man as he introduced himself. "Thank you, Licht... for finding me." She wiped her eyes with the back of her hand, and tried a smile. It wavered, "W-Wait, to the palace? Um..." Was he going to turn her into the royal family? She supposed she had nowhere to go, and Licht had no responsibility to take care of her, so dropping her off there was an option... But now that she met him, Soleil really didn't want him to leave. Well, in any case she was really thankful to the man for everything he was doing for her. "Thank you." She spoke quietly, tears threatening to fill up again, but she pushed them aside in favour of a smile. Slowly, she got up, wincing as she placed weight on her sore feet, but quickly got used to the steps again. "Uhm... Is it okay if I lean on you?" She really was exhausted, and felt a bit unstable on her feet, so it'd be a great deal easier if she could use him as support.

2018/08/24 5:53:01 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[So maybe the stalker is doing all of this to torment Lila because maybe a relative of hers did something wrong to him? And this stalker really really hates Lila because of her.. uh, older brother or father. But the stalker cant take his anger out on anyone else because her family passed away or somethin! Maybe Lila's family member got the stalkers .. lover or something into trouble! And her family member went to Sherlock for help, and so the stalker doesnt say anything about Lila going to Sherlock because he also wants revenge over Sherlock too, and eventually the stalker could use Lila to lure Sherlock to him too (maybe the stalker even plans on having Sherlock fall for Lila, and then the stalker kidnaps Lila to lure Sherlock) ! Ooo I like this idea... and sherlock doesnt realize that Lila's .. brother, lets say, was the one who went to him before because it was a long time ago or somethin. Mhm. B)]]

Despite the strange aura Sherlock gave, Lila felt comfortable here. She even smiled a bit when he muttered under his breath, though she couldn't hear exactly what he said. "My name is Lila." The woman answered, then took a seat. She didn't even have a chance to answer the man when he asked her if she wanted tea. The man's excitement really cheered her up; he really would help her, wouldn't he? She let out a small sigh of relief at this realization once the man ran off to get the drinks. Lila shifted a bit in her seat once Sherlock questioned her, and quickly answered his question, "Several months now." She murmured, "At first, I thought it was all a joke. Spam messages. But it only got worse." She watched as the man looked through her phone, and waited for him to speak once more. "A grudge.." Lila furrowed her brows in concentration, but no one came to mind still. "Still, I can't think of anyone. I'm sure that no one is holding a grudge against me." She said with certainty. If she had bumped into someone on the street... that wouldn't be enough for something like this, right? She didn't have many friends, and there were no past boyfriends. So.. what could all of this be? "I've thought about it so much over these past months already. I'm sure of it." She added, just to show she was certain and not just forgetting. Once Mrs. Hudson came out with the tea, Lila thanked her gratefully and took the cup handed to her. She held it in her hands on her lap, and simply looked down into the hot liquid. "I have no idea what this person wants from me. I've tried staying at various hotels just to get away from him, but he always finds me. He's always watching."


Licht pursed his lips, not wanting to say everything that he wanted to. He would wait... just a little bit. This was killing him, slowly his heart was shattering... What if Soleil never remembered? Would she fall in love with him again? Would everything have to start over from the beginning? He forced those thoughts away. Soleil had come here by herself... so surely , somewhere buried in her mind, her memories lay. "We know each other." The man explained, "Ill tell you more once we get you to the palace. But you don't have to worry anymore, okay?" Hearing her apologize broke his heart. He hated seeing her like this! If only he had been there for her when she was taken away... if he had kept her safe, then.. this wouldn't have happened. "Don't be sorry." She was running from something? "...In any case, you are safe here. And yes." The man chuckled, "The palace. The White Forest Palace. I am the king of the White Forest." He smiled gently, 'and you are it's queen.' Though he didn't say that aloud. "Of course. Here, let me help.." He would carry her - this was his bride after all! - but right now she didn't remember anything... so he would be careful. -Mini Timeskip- Once they arrived at the palace, Licht took Soleil to her old room at once. He had kept it the same since she left... of course, maids cleaned it for him, but left everything exactly in its place, in hopes that his love would one day come back... And here she was. He thanked the Roots for her return. Maybe.. maybe this room would help her remember things? "You can stay here, Soleil... If you'd like to bathe, feel free. Some food will be brought to you and put on your table. You can rest too, if you'd like." He could tell her everything when the morning came. He didn't want to overwhelm her right now, since he was trying to gain her trust and affections back.

2018/08/24 11:48:20 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

[Oooh sounds good, let's definitely do that!!! I'm excited hehehe love the idea!]

"Several months, you say." Sherlock repeated, more to himself than to the woman across him. He kept scrolling through the countless messages on her phone, looking for any hints towards the stalker's identity or motive, but nothing caught his eye. Well, nothing that stood out from the rest of the awful, creepy messages he sent. "And in all this time, he's only been aggravating you? No instructions or threats?" Apart from the one of Lila going to the police, he didn't see any threats in the messages, but he was still looking through them. If he demanded nothing from Lila, then why was he doing this? Getting into her head and frightening her... was he just the type of person who lived off of others' fear? But still, it felt strange for him to do only this, as though it were a one-sided conversation... Surely there was a deeper motive? Sherlock nodded at Lila's answer that she really couldn't think of anyone holding a grudge against her. Then it must be a stranger, or semi-stranger at least. It wasn't unheard of for strangers to leech onto people, usually women, and harass them to this point, but... not like this, not quite like this. Mrs. Hudson came in with the tea and a bright smile for Lila (that melted into annoyance when she turned to Sherlock), and set the set down on the table. "Thank you!" Sherlock called after her, and then immediately returned his attention to the phone. "Has he ever contacted you in another way, say, through a phone call?" Any bit of information he could get might just prove to be the tipping point; Sherlock would overlook nothing. Sometimes the culprit would slip up and leave a tiny clue in a message, one that a trained eye might not catch, but nothing was too detailed for Sherlock. "Miss Lila, it seems this might take a while to solve, but I assure you, we will find the madman, and you will be safe again. Until then, I urge you not to be alone at any time. In fact, it'd be good if you stayed close to me, so that you may share every new message with me immediately." That would be the quickest way to get to the bottom of this, instead of wasting time to commute.


"Oh! You're the king! I, um, excuse me, your highness!" Soleil could not believe this. She cried and begged a king for help! How embarrassing, he was surely not used to this! But Licht laughed gently and assured her it was alright, and even that he'd rather not have her speak to him so formally. So Soleil relaxed a little, and thanked Roots for sending her such a kind person in her time of need. With Licht's help, the woman made her way through the forest together with him, speaking softly, until they arrived at the edge of the city, and entered the palace. Soleil took in the sight with wide eyes - the spotless white palace, surrounded by water, was truly a sight to behold. The rest of the city was similar in aesthetic, and something about the sight brought Soleil a feeling of nostalgia. She wondered whether she'd been here before. "It's beautiful." Soleil commented, and Licht promised to show her around later, but that right now she should rest, so she followed him inside, and he led her to a room. It was large and beautiful, with a lavish bed and a beautiful view from the balcony. "Is it really alright if I stay here?" Soleil asked. This... did not look like a guest room. It looked like a room for an important person, and Soleil almost felt like an intruder to sleep in another woman's bed. "Thank you. I think I'll do that." Soleil was exhausted, after all. She smiled at Licht in the doorway, "Really... Thank you." She didn't have the words to convey her gratitude, but she could think of a way to do that later... She went to bathe in the bathroom, and afterwards changed into a night gown and ate the dinner a maid must've brought in. Soleil was surprised to find that the clothes in the closet were all her size, more or less, and hoped she was allowed to borrow them. After the hearty dinner, she went to bed and fell into a deep, dreamless sleep.

2018/08/25 8:20:43 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria


"There have been some threats." Lila murmured, and then continued, "Sometimes he calls, though he clearly uses a voice changer. He talks about all the things he would do to me, how much fun he would have. And I can't tell if he means them or not.." At first, Lila hadn't believed him. But after all those pictures, the woman wondered if this stalker would actually try something... She shuddered at the thought. "He has sent videos too. CDs, I mean. I never watched them though. I can give them to you if they would help." Lila explained. For once in a few months, the woman felt hopeful and not afraid. "Thank you so much." She spoke gratefully. When the man suggested she stay close to him, Lila happily agreed. She felt so much safer already... *Mini Timeskip!* It was a few days after Lila's meeting with Sherlock. Now she was staying in the same building as him, since there was an extra room. She could finally fall asleep with ease... though she still felt paranoid whenever she went outside. Just not as much. It was strange... though she always got messages on her phone. She still even got one or two pictures of herself. Lila went downstairs to peek on Sherlock, seeing as how she had nothing to do now and she didn't really want to go outside by herself. "Oh." She mused in slight surprise, listening. Sherlock was playing the violin. It was a pleasant tune, one she hadn't heard before. "That's really beautiful." Lila said once he stopped playing. "Can you play other instruments too?" She asked curiously. "..Ah, Im sorry for interrupting." She realized he may not want her here right now. If that was the case, she would leave as to not bother him.


Soleil was as adorable and sweet as ever. Knowing that she was here with him made Licht so, so happy; and yet, it hurt him too. Just seeing her look at him without knowing who he was.. it was painful. But he would be strong, and with the Roots help, they would get through this. "I'm glad you like this place. And of course it's alright. You fit the room perfectly. It's almost as if the room was made for you!" Licht chuckled, though it was true. It was her room after all. "..You're welcome, Soleil. You don't need to thank me." He was holding himself back. He wanted to hug her, to hold her close and kiss her and tell her how much he missed her. But he would wait for her sake. With that in mind, the king wished her goodnight and left. He was anxious for the next day... but he would see what would happen. He went to sleep earlier than usual, wanting the next day to come quickly. *Timeskip!* When morning came, Licht went down to get breakfast almost at once. Soleil wouldn't remember how they had breakfast together, so he would bring it to her personally. Taking a tray of food - with her favorites, for he knew them well! - he went up to her room. After knocking on the door to she if she was up, he went inside (with her permission of course). "Soleil. Did you sleep well?" The man grinned, setting breakfast down on the table beside her bed. "I brought some food. Take as much as you'd like." He explained, and watched for her reaction. "I... don't want to toss things onto you too quickly. But I know you must have so many questions. So if you'd like.. I can answer any you may have. I mean, about you, who you are and how you are related to this place. Only if you're ready, of course. It's a lot to take in." He warned.

2018/08/26 12:33:53 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Sherlock certainly wasn't feeling bored anymore. It was a couple days after Lila came to him with a plea of help, and while she would probably like to be rid of her stalker already, Sherlock was having quite a bit of fun. It was frustrating, too, that he hadn't cracked the case yet, but Sherlock he couldn't deny he wasn't enjoying it. And... he was enjoying, just a little bit, that Lila was staying so close, too. It felt nice to have someone so radiant so close to him, even if she was just a temporary client. But again, he would enjoy her company while it lasted. Nonetheless, sometimes thoughts that stewed too long ended up as a murky mess, making further thinking impossible. It was during times like this that Sherlock liked to play, to relax and to let his mind wander a bit. He was through with his second piece when he heard Lila's voice from the doorframe. "Oh, I'm glad you like it." Sherlock nodded his thanks when the woman complimented him. He wasn't playing anything in particular, but let the music flow as it came, so it was nice to hear that someone else enjoyed it, too. He set the violin and bow down on one of the cluttered tables, "I can't imagine it would be difficult to learn to play any other instruments." Sherlock mused in response to her question (to which the answer was no,but-). "Don't be. You've quite the perfect timing, actually. I have a suggestion-" he motioned for Lila to step inside the room, and then rummaged through the piles of papers on his desk before pulling out seven printed out images, from the ones that Lila received from the stalker. "What do these have in common?" He asked rhetorically. "They seem to be taken from the same place. Though the focus is on different parts of the scenery, this area is the most photographed - apart from your home, of course. The culprit probably frequents this park. I'd suggest we go there together now - unless you have something to do? - and take a look around."


Soleil, surprisingly, did not wake up confused. She remembered yesterday perfectly (though everything before that was a complete blank still), and knew she was in the White Forest Palace when she woke up. She decided to again borrow some clothes from the owner of the room, and changed into a light green dress that - again - fit her perfectly. She was brushing her hair in front of the vanity when she heard a knock on the door, "Come in." She smiled brightly at Licht, who came in with a tray of food, and set it down on the table by the wall, where they could both sit together. "Yes, that was some much needed rest." Soleil set the hairbrush down and walked over to the table to sit down with him, "It smells delicious." Her mouth was practically watering, and though she didn't know for sure, it felt like this was probably the best food she's eaten in a long time. "Thank you." She took a croissant and a hearty helping of butter and honey onto her plate, and mixed the two, listening as Licht spoke. "I understand. I'd... like to know the truth, too. Maybe something will come back to me then. I don't know." But if she and Licht knew each other, then he was probably the key to her getting her memories back, whatever they may be. She thought for a moment about his suggestion, about which of the hundreds of questions swarming in her mind she should ask first... His sincere eyes gave her the courage, "Who... am I to you?"

2018/08/27 7:24:42 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lila smiled a bit. "Of course nothing is hard to learn for you, you're the great Sherlock Holmes." She laughed a bit, and then nodded at the mans words. As instructed, she entered the room and glanced down at the pictures put before her. "Oh.. you're right." She mused, noticing the similarities between the pictures. She hadn't noticed before, mostly because she tried not to look at the pictures this person sent her for too long. A quick glance at most. "I think it's a good idea." Lila agreed. For the first time in months, she had slept nicely, and wasn't so afraid anymore. She felt safe like this, and with Sherlock, she felt safer. So she didn't mind going with him to check out some clues. Plus, this might help get a step closer to figuring everything out. "I'll just go grab my jacket and meet you outside then." Lila said quickly, turning around to go do just that. Once she grabbed it, she went downstairs and left the building. Sherlock was as quick as ever, already standing outside and waiting for her. "I'm assuming you already know where this park is, right?" She laughed, though knowing him, it was true. As she thought, the man already knew where they were headed, and before long, they arrived. Lila looked around, frowning a bit. The scariest part was that the stalker could be any one of these people at the park... and she wouldn't even know it. She wondered if Sherlock would be able to tell... Turning to the man, she commented, "I've never visited this park before. Have you?" Despite the fact that they were here because of her situation, she was a bit happy to be able to be somewhere with the man.


The sight of Soleil took Licht's breath away. "You look beautiful," he commented without thinking, and soon recalled that he was a total stranger to her right now. He hoped she didn't mind his comment... Licht took a seat, and gazed at her as she thought about what he said. "I see. It'll be a lot to take in. But.. everything I say is nothing but the truth." Licht did hope that she would believe him.. "I swear on that by the Roots." He spoke again, in all seriousness. Of course, some people lied even when saying that, but Licht hoped she could see the sincerity in his eyes... Her first question made him pause, though only for a moment. He wouldn't hesitate. "You disappeared two years ago, right before we were to wed." He spoke, trying to get rid of his nervousness. How would she react to that-? "We've known each other for some time. You ... you found me one day, at the very same place we met yesterday for that matter. I had a curse put upon me, and I was trapped in the body of a frog. You were able to break that curse, and I became my normal self again, the king of the White Forest. We.. we fell in love. And I asked you to become my queen, to which you accepted. My Fiance. Though you disappeared after that. No one knew why.. no one could find you, although I sent out search parties and looked everywhere. After a long while, we assumed the worst.." A pained expression spread across his features. "..But I kept thinking of you. And now the Roots have brought you back to me. Though I have no idea what you have been going through all this time... You don't remember, do you? But.. I'm just so glad you're safe, and here with me once again. I missed you dearly.. I know , I am but a stranger to you now. But... I hope you believe what I said. I am so happy to see you again."

2018/08/28 12:15:51 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"Great! We'll leave right away." Sherlock nodded, and got up to get his own trenchcoat and bag. He was ready quickly, too excited with this lead to be able to sit calmly, and waited for the woman outside the building. She joined him not long after, and Sherlock hailed over a taxi. He opened the door for Lila before climbing in himself, "Southside Park. (1)" He told the driver, and they were off. It wasn't a very long car ride, but for some reason, Sherlock was acutely aware of how close he and Lila were right now... They sat besides each other often, sure, but it was different at the dining table than it was here, in a small space. He looked out the window in an attempt to gather his thoughts.Stay professional.He reminded himself. She was his client, and he'd keep those boundaries, no matter how his heart ached. They arrived not long after. Though it was a nice day, there weren't as many people around as earlier during the day. This, too, was carefully planned - the stalker would be easier to spot, if he was stupid enough to try anything right now. "I've been here on occasion." Sherlock nodded at Lila's question. It was a smaller park than the central one. "Though I doubt anything will happen, don't leave my side at any time, just in case." Sherlock held out his arm for Lila to hold on to, and spoke lowly, "We're just here to take a look around. If you were alone, there's no telling who might attempt what, but it's always safer with two people." He meant his words to be comforting, but... well, Sherlock was never very good at that. He realised he said the wrong thing when he saw Lila looking around anxiously, glancing around her and visibly stiff... Had he brought to mind some unpleasant scenarios with his words? He didn't mean to amplify her fears... Guilty, but too proud to put to words his apology, he pointed ahead. "There's a quaint little tea shop just ahead. How about afternoon tea?"


Soleil didn't know what she had been expecting, but it certainly wasn't this. Her eyes widened as she hung onto every word that Licht said. They were engaged...? And then, that meant that she was to be queen? In the past, in a different timeline, things could have been so different. His story... brought back no memories, to Soleil's dismay. She hoped that when someone reminded her who she was, it would break the dam and all her memories would return, but to no avail. Still, she was glad to know. It felt so strange, so foreign to be in this position - she certainly wasn't fit to be queen, was she? But she knew Licht was telling the truth. She could see the sincerity in his eyes, the gentle desperation and worry. Besides, what would a king get out of tricking an amnesiac? She was more trouble than she was worth, so Soleil assumed her worth was high to Licht. She trusted his intentions, though this information still felt strange. And... "I'm sorry. It must have been really hard, and now, I don't even remember you..." Surely he was feeling frustrated? They found each other again, but were little more than strangers... She glanced at Licht, but then, feeling suddenly shy, averted her gaze. Her fiancé... Well, where they even considered engaged now? Probably not, but the thought made her shy-! She steeled herself to ask another question, "Where am I from? Do I have any family?" Maybe her early life could trigger her memories to come back?

(1) lmao idk if this park is even a real one im not being accurate about london sorry

2018/08/29 5:09:40 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Its perfect dont worry B)]]

Lila glanced over at Sherlock once they were in the taxi. He was gazing out the window, as if deep in thought. About what? She was always curious about what was running through his mind.. He was so smart and it always impressed her. So what was on his mind? Thoughts about the case? She realized she might have been staring, and turned away, blushing in embarrassment. She stayed silent for the rest of the way, and soon enough they arrived at the park. ...Sherlock's words honestly made the woman a little paranoid, and she involuntarily began to glance around her. ...For some reason, Sherlock quickly suggested they go to a tea shop. Did he notice something weird there? Or did he notice that she was paranoid and want to go there for a while instead? "Sure, that does sound good." She replied, and together they went into the little tea shop. It was cute and pleasant inside, and Lila enjoyed it. "It's nice," she commented, and sat down with the man. Sitting across from him gave her a good look at his features, and honestly, she felt a little fuzzy inside. His eyes were so beautiful.. Again, she realized she might have been staring, and quickly looked away in an attempt to hide her blush. It was then that she also recalled how good Sherlock's eye for spotting small details was. He would probably notice either way, but... Well, call it a habit.


Licht gave a wry smile. He was trying his best to stay positive and smile for Soleil's sake! "Don't worry. I can't imagine how you're feeling right now, after losing your memories... I know it must be so hard. So please, don't worry about me." Even like this, she was so selfless and kind. Worrying about how he was feeling when she was clearly the one going through so much more... Licht felt bad. But who could blame him for being upset-? Still, he thanked the Roots for Soleil's return. Maybe in time, she would remember. And if not... perhaps she would fall in love with him again? He still loved her, so, so much.. but he would be patient for her sake. Upon hearing her next question, Licht smiled a bit. "You have a family. You're the princess of another country, and your home country is an ally to us. So we are on good terms. I am friends with your parents, in fact. You are the youngest of several siblings, all who love you very much. When you went missing, your family was so upset... and of course, they still are, as they still aren't aware of the fact that you've been found." He paused here in realization. He.. he should have contacted her family, but in his happiness (and fear that her memory wouldn't return), Licht had forgotten to do so. "We should go visit your family, for that matter." He suggested with a smile, "Perhaps seeing your home will help you recall some things. Seeing your parents and siblings may help as well. They miss you dearly, so I think this would be for the best. What do you think?" Licht suggested. This could be a good chance to help her regain some of her memories! The man smiled a bit, and continued, "Do you have any other questions? I know you must have millions.. Ill stay here answering them all, I promise not to leave your side until all your questions are answered." Of course he would stay with her after too, but.. he hoped she knew what he meant!

2018/08/30 11:20:11 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Sherlock nodded when Lila agreed, "Wonderful." He led the way to the tea shop and the both of them entered. At a table, Sherlock pulled the chair out for Lila before taking a seat across from her himself. No matter the reason, what he did could always be written off as good old British gentleman manners, nothing strange. The waiter handed them each a menu and promised to come back in a little while. He glanced over it, thinking what to get, when he noticed a pair of eyes on him. Did Lila have something to ask him that she was staring so intently? Should he say something, or pretend he didn't notice in case she got lost in thoughts? God, for such a smart man he really had no idea how to handle certain situations. "Have you decided what you want?" He asked finally, looking across at her and setting his menu down. She wasn't looking at him so intently anymore, and based off of the pink hue on her cheeks, he'd say he was right in not calling her out for it. Good. He didn't want to make a wrong move, not around her, so perhaps it was better to play it safe... Once they both decided what they wanted, Sherlock called the waiter over and they placed their order. Scones and tea wouldn't take too long, but for now they'd share the pleasure of each other's company as they waited. Sherlock didn't really want to talk about the case right now, since the entire point of coming to this tea shop was to get LIla's mind off of it, so he bit his tongue. But what else to say? He wasn't good at small talk or comfort or inspirational speeches. Then again, he realised that in all this time they've been together, he hardly knew anything personal about Lila... They only talked about the case. "Have you found any time for some recreational activities? What do you like to do?" Now that she was staying in the same building, Sherlock hoped she felt safe enough to at least somewhat relax.

Soleil smiled to herself, almost in relief. It... was nice to hear about her family. She couldn't remember them at all right now, but this was good news. She was glad her family was good, and that they and Licht got along. It could've been different, she realised. "Yes," Soleil agreed quickly, "I'd like that very much." Licht's idea was very good - seeing her family and childhood home should bring back some memories, right? It would probably take a while to arrange, especially since Licht would have to leave the kingdom for a while, but Soleil really wanted to go. Since Licht was offering to answer more of her questions, Soleil decided to take him up on that. He... was probably really busy, but she needed to be selfish and keep him a while longer. If he had no objections... "Tell me more about my family. Is my country far? What's the White Forest known for?" She had hundreds of questions, and with the biggest ones out of the way, she didn't even know which ones to ask first! But Licht was very patient and kind, listing out all her siblings' names and where she lived before and the most beautiful places in this country. Soleil still didn't know anything for herself, but she felt so much better having this knowledge from Licht. It had been less than a day, but she already felt so much better than when he first found her... A knock on the door interrupted their question and answer session, and Licht got up to answer it. "My king," a maid spoke softly, telling him something. Soleil craned her neck to look at the lady in the door (but, she didn't recognise her), and the maid's eyes widened when she saw Soleil, too, before giving her a smile.

2018/08/31 6:38:16 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lila smiled a bit when Sherlock spoke to her, albeit shyly. "Yes, I think I'll have the fruit tart.." She mused. And some tea of course. When the waiter took their order and went back to get it, the woman glanced back at the man before her. "Oh." She was taken by surprise, his question wasn't one she had expected, as he had solely been speaking to her about the case. "I like to draw and paint. I do that during my free time, really." She explained. Nothing too interesting, especially when compared to everything that Sherlock normally did. He probably thought her to be boring... She frowned at the thought. For some reason, this upset her more than it should. "I like baking as well." She added, though that still wasn't very interesting. "Sherlock, what sorts of things do you like?" She asked all of a sudden, wanting to change the subject and also curious as to the answer. "You like solving crimes right? And playing the violin. What about other things?" She questioned. [1] After some time, the waiter returned with their orders. While waiting for her cup of tea to cool down, she took a little taste of her fruit tart, which was absolutely delicious! "I wonder if I could try making these." She mused, mostly to herself. Maybe she could try making some and then even bring some to Sherlock to taste. Would he.. like that? Lila wasn't too sure if he was the type who was too interested in sweets, so maybe he wouldn't be so thrilled. But still.. she ought to try it anyway, right?


Licht smiled warmly. Maybe.. maybe this way, she would regain her memories-! The man truly hoped so. But.. the king realized, even if she never remembered everything, he would still always love her no matter what, and support her no matter what she decided to do next. "Alright. I can start arranging a time for us to go there. I'm afraid we can't go at once, but I'll set it up for as soon as possible." The man said, and then listened to her questions. He began to tell her everything he knew about her family, her siblings, and herself. Well, not everything of course, but the basics for now. He loved seeing her expressions when he told her these things... She looked happier too, knowing more about herself. After some time, a knock on the door interrupted the two, and Licht excused himself to go see to it. "Miss Lilium is here to see Lady Soleil. She heard of her return and is very eager to see her." The maid explained, to which Licht smiled a bit. "Of course. Bring her here.. but please inform her that Soleil is not doing the best right now. She has lost a lot of her memories, and I am telling her a little at a time... I don't want anything to overwhelm her." With that, the maid nodded and went off to bring Lilium up. Meanwhile, Licht returned to Soleil's side and smiled. "Someone is here to see you. You.. you probably won't recognize her, but she was your very close friend. Her name is Lilium." He said. "I.. I hope this isn't too much for you. I mean, of course it is.. but.. Just know that I will be here every step of the way." There was another knock on the door, but this time, the one behind it came in instead of waiting for a response. "Soleil... Soleil, is that really you? I.. I heard what happened, and I'm so sorry... But I missed you so much." Lilium approached Soleil, forcing back tears, mostly of joy and relief, "I know.. you probably don't remember me. I-I'm just so glad you're alright.."

[1] MAYBE IN RESPONSE TO HER QUESTION HE COULD ACCIDENTALLY SAY "i like you"-- like it just slips out, itll be so cute B)

2018/09/02 12:11:49 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"Oh? An artist. It suits you." Sherlock nodded. "I'd love to see some of your work sometime." He hadn't known that about her, though in hindsight he wish he had - it was an important part of her, how had he not noticed already? But, he was glad he knew about it now. Baking, too. Would it be weird, or seem like an abuse of his position in helping her to ask her to bake something for him sometime? Since they already lived by each other... He'd love to try whatever she made. Sherlock did make sure to eat well, but he hardly ever bothered with cooking, and ended up eating out most of the time. It'd be nice to have something homemade... His was taken a bit by surprise when Lila redirected his question and asked him the same. "What do I like? I like you-" Sherlock froze when he realised he said that out loud. That was meant to be a private thought - he scolded himself internally. He cleared his throat, "I do a bit of boxing and fencing in my spare time. Pottery, too - medieval ones interest me especially, though I haven't had a chance to try making them myself. I'm also tempted to try beekeeping, though I don't think I have the time or space to indulge in that right now." Sherlock rambled on with his other interests, not giving Lila a chance to question him about the slip-up he'd had just before. It's not that it wasn't true, just... Sherlock held himself to a high standard, and wouldn't allow any feelings - romantic or otherwise - to get between them and jeopardise their professional relationship and patient confidentiality. Their waiter came back with their tea, and Sherlock prepared his scone as he waited for it to brew. "I'm sure you'd manage." Sherlock nodded along when Lila commented about making these tarts, not realising that she was talking to herself.


Soleil nodded. She knew what Licht meant. Though it was still morning - late morning, but morning nonetheless - Soleil was already a bit tired after everything Licht told her. It was a lot to process, but she could handle a bit more. She'd be sure to tell him once she had enough for the day and wouldn't want to hear anymore. And... she realised that a lot of this wasn't so much for her sake right now, but for the sake of her loved ones whom she couldn't remember. And though she had no memories of them, Soleil knew that she wanted to help her friends feel better too, whomever they may be. They heard a knock on the door, and it opened after that, and a young woman stepped in, looking a little out of breath, and fill of emotions, but held an air of kindness nonetheless. Soleil stood (it would be rude not to, right?) and smiled at Lilium. She... looked like a complete stranger to Soleil, but she knew who she was to her, and so she wanted to try some friendship at least. She... had no idea what to say. It would be stupid to introduce herself, but what to say? "I don't remember," anything, not just Lilium, Soleil confirmed, "but I want to. Licht's been telling me some things already... Would you like to sit down?" They still had fruits from breakfast, and could boil some more water for tea. It was really nice to have a friend, Soleil couldn't wait to get to know her! And Licht, and her family, and everyone, of course. She wondered if she spoke too formally, considering these were all her close friends, but for now it should be fine...

2018/09/02 11:58:08 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Oh.. so Sherlock was interested in seeing some of her work? That made the woman quite happy. "I'd be happy to show you some." She replied earnestly, a smile spread across her lips. She'd pick out her favorite and bring them to him later! When Sherlock began to answer her question , Lila blinked a bit in confusion. D-Did he just say he liked her-? She involuntarily blushed, realizing how quickly her heart started to race despite not knowing exactly if that's what Sherlock even meant. She tried to force her blush away quickly and instead focused on the other things that the man said, more quickly now. Only when he was finished did she speak, "That's a lot of interests.. I didn't expect most of them, actually, but that makes it even more interesting." She smiled, relieved that she could speak without stuttering. "Beekeeping huh? It seems fun." She had never really thought of that as a hobby before, so this was new. What would Sherlock look like in a beekeepers outfit? She found herself smiling at the thought too. "Oh? You think so?" She mused when the man commented on how she'd be able to make the tarts. "In that case, I'll try making some and then give you some." She suggested, watching his expression. ..This was really nice. She hadn't thought about her situation this entire time. She felt completely at ease and safe like this, with Sherlock. Together they drank their tea and ate, and spoke about this and that. "This was really nice, thank you Sherlock."


Licht watched as the two spoke. Lilium was so happy, and of course, sad that Soleil didn't remember her. But.. overall she was happy that her friend was back. She had gone through so much! So Lilium would do her best to support her. They became best friends once, so even if she didn't remember, Lilium was sure they'd become best friends again. "I know. Don't worry. I'll support you all the while." She smiled, and Licht nodded, "You have many people here to help you through this, Soleil." He spoke, a loving expression in his eyes. Together, the three of them sat together and spent a while longer talking. *Timeskip* "We heard Princess Soleil is back... we were all wondering if we could have a festival to celebrate her return." A man suggested to Licht one day. "Yes , my king. We all think it would be wonderful to see her again.. and a celebration should be done to signify her return! All of us missed her dearly..." A woman added, to which Licht smiled. "Well, that sounds like a nice idea... Though I'm not sure. It all depends on how Soleil is feeling, because she really is going through a lot right now. I wonder if it would be too much for her right now... Though I will mention it to her, and if she agrees to it, we can certainly have a festival." And that is exactly what Licht did later on in the day. He found Soleil in the gardens - Lilium had showed her more of the palace a bit beforehand - and smiled. "How are you doing?" He asked, approaching her. "...The people in town have asked to hold a festival to honor your return. They all missed you very much, and have started hearing that you have come back. I told them I would ask your permission first... What do you think?" The man leaned down and gave the woman a chaste kiss on her forehead, smiling gently afterwards.

2018/09/02 8:59:52 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Good... It seemed that Lila didn't notice his little slip-up. He was too flustered himself to observe her face, but she didn't say anything, so he'd count that as a win. If he had looked at her then, he would've seen the beautiful pink dusting her cheeks - what a shame to have missed that sight! Sherlock cleared his throat again, trying to regain his composure, and offered her a smile. "That's what makes life interesting, don't you think? To try new experiences with an open mind, and let them shape us into the people we want to be." Sure, there were some things Sherlock wouldn't like to try, as he was as stubborn as he was clever, but generally, he liked to try something before passing his judgement. He smiled at Lila, "I'd love to try your tarts. I've never been one for cooking, so I'm afraid that even if you wanted me in the kitchen, I'd do more wrong than right, but perhaps you'd allow me to keep you company?" He hoped the woman wouldn't think less of him - after all, that was time he could've been sitting at his desk and thinking over her case. The truth was, Sherlock thought best when the rest of him was busy. He despised sitting at desks. His best ideas came to him while playing the violin, or taking a walk, or smoking a pipe, or speaking with someone. Whatever he was doing, his mind never left the cases, not entirely, and... something told him he'd think better around Lila. Just being around her made him feel at ease. Once they finished their cuppa and desserts (and Sherlock paid), they got up, "Are you ready to go back outside? I'd like to take another look." Really, it would be good to just walk or sit around and observe the surroundings for a while - no confrontation, no photographs - and most of all, to see whether the stalker would let them know he saw them. That move would betray more about the stalker than anything else - was he toying with them, begging to be caught? Or hide his tracks carefully?


It was the third day of Soleil's new life, and still, no memories returned to her. She wondered whether it was too early to hope for them yet, or whether this meant that they could never be recovered... but with the kindness everyone here showed her, she felt happy and warm nonetheless. She'd "befriended" some of the maids and the gardened, most of whom she'd known before. It was nice to have a lot of friends, especially since Licht, despite making lots of time for her, was often busy with kingly duties. She was in the garden now, reading a book she'd found in her bedroom, when Licht approached. She smiled at him and set her book aside, "I'm good. Are you done for the afternoon?" Soleil listened to him closely when he spoke of the upcoming festival the townspeople wanted to plan. That was so sweet of them-! "Would I... have to say anything?" Or do anything? Probably, since she was the one being celebrated. But the thought made her anxious. Not that she was afraid of speaking in front of a crowd, but of speaking as princess.A part of her felt that she'd tricked Licht and the entire kingdom into thinking she was the princess - because no matter what everyone said, without her memories, she certainly didn't feel like one. What was she even supposed to say to the townspeople, when she had no connections of this place? But at the same time... it was a nice, heartwarming thought. And even if the festival was in her honor, everyone could enjoy themselves individually, right? Even if she only stayed for an hour, it would continue on without her. "It still feels weird to me," Soleil confessed, "But maybe it'd be good. Maybe it's what everyone needs."

2018/09/06 5:58:13 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lila smiled at Sherlock's words, "You're right, I agree." She said. It was great to try so many new things! His next statement took her a little off guard, but she smiled nevertheless. "Well.. in that case, you can join me. I'm sure even if it doesn't come out perfectly that it will still be a lot of fun." This was more than Lila could have hoped for! After all, part of her thought that Sherlock wasn't really interested in her; he spoke with her just for the case, right? So this was really very nice, it showed that he wanted to spend more time with her, outside of work. "I'll let you know then, when I'm going to make them." Lila spoke up. This would be so much fun! She was looking forward to it so much... Lila actually didn't realize how much she yearned to spend time with Sherlock until now. The two began to speak some more, until they were finished and they left. "Yes. Thank you so much for that. I admit I was feeling a bit uneasy before, just knowing that anyone could be... him, but anyway, this really helped. Thank you, Sherlock." Lila smiled, and glanced up at him. She.. had the urge to lean up and kiss him, at least on the cheek, but she was too shy to do so in the end... "A-Anyway," She stammered afterwards, looking away to hide a blush. She pushed a strand of her hair out of her face and then nodded, , "Let's look around then. Maybe we can find something out." She mused. Though they were in the park again, Lila realized she didn't feel worried, or paranoid, or afraid anymore. No, she felt just fine, knowing that Sherlock was here with her. (1)


Licht smiled a bit, "Everyone would love just to see you. I'm sure they would enjoy hearing you speak, though of course you don't have to. Everyone would be so happy to see your face once more." He spoke. He didn't want anything to overwhelm Soleil... this festival was already so much on her, since she had lost her memories, so he wouldn't ask anymore of her. The king continued, "Also... if you don't feel up to it, it's okay. We can always wait and do it another time. Your comfort comes first." Licht said, eyes warm. Her answer was one that he was happy about, though. Everyone was so eager to see their future queen again-! Or, well... future queen, still? The man wasn't... very sure. What if Soleil wasn't still up for it? He shook those thoughts away. Right now, right now he had to focus on how she was feeling. "You're right. I know.. I know how hard it must be for you. This is so selfless of you, to be doing this for everyone. They'll be so happy." The man smiled, and then continued, "A celebration would be nice. Remember, you don't have to do anything that you don't want to, okay? I'll be with you the entire time." Licht would have to go inform the others so they could start preparations for the upcoming festival..! "This might be good for you, too. Maybe you'll remember something." The man smiled. Would she recognize anyone? Or anything? The food, just the positivity of it all, maybe? "Anyway, I'll let the others know, and preparations will be made accordingly." Licht said. "You'll enjoy it. The festivals here- you always loved them, so I'm sure you'll enjoy this one as well." He was actually excited for her to experience for the first time! Well.. it wasn't the first time, but she didn't remember, so this was almost the same, right?

(1) We can time skip! You can in your post or I will in my next one, to the tart making maybe !

2018/09/08 6:33:35 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"There's no need to worry," Sherlock told her when Lila voiced her worries, "I won't let any harm to come to you. I'll keep you safe." He promised. As long as she stayed by his side, even if the stalker attempted something, Sherlock would do anything to keep her safe and fight him off. It would be alright. He hoped the woman wasn't too spooked, although that was easier said than done, surely. He knew she would probably still feel nervous, considering they were walking around in the stalkers territory, unsure of who or where he might be, but Sherlock desperately wanted her to feel at ease, at least with him. But even so, he kept the recon to a minimum, and wrapped it up as quickly as he could, and then took Lila home as soon as possible, so that she wouldn't have be here any longer than needed. ~Timeskip~ It was a bit strange to admit, but Sherlock did not feel entirely confident in the kitchen. Not that he was uncomfortable - he knew that new experiences were the best way to learn more! But all that he could do here was help Lila, and not take initiative on his own, so he felt a little like a burden. "Let me know what to do," he urged her. He could at least cut the fruits, or mix the batter, or something... anything! As they worked together, Sherlock felt a calm sense of belonging. It was nice to do something so domestic together, wasn't it? He spent almost all his time with Lila mulling over her case, so this was a nice change of pace. Despite knowing better, he couldn't stop his thoughts from rushing to other places, like how nice it would be to be able to do this for the rest of their lives... "When did you get into baking?" Sherlock asked, making conversation.


The day of the festival came quickly. Though Soleil was a bit nervous, considering this was for her, she was excited, too. For the past two days or so, you could see the town preparing for the festival, setting up booths and decorations, until on the day of the festival, it was absolutely bustling with people, bubbling with life. A small band played together, with people dancing in the town square along to the music, the smell of food wafting through the air, smiles everywhere. Just looking at this scene filled Soleil with happiness. It did feel familiar, though in a way that she couldn't place her finger on - a nagging feeling that sheshould, but couldn't remember something more. It was around midday that Soleil and Licht left the palace together, dressed in festive yet comfortable clothes, and joined the celebration in the town. "This is exciting," Soleil beamed, "Though I'm still a bit nervous. I'm glad you're here with me." She squeezed the arm she was holding onto gently, as if to enunciate that she'd stick close to him. Just as news spread of Soleil's return, so had the fact that her memories hadn't. Townsfolk rushed up to great the princess, and she and Licht spoke with every single one of them. They spoke of how they missed her, how they worried, how glad they were she was back... All the while remaining respectful that she did not remember. Finally, most everyone who wanted to speak to them had said their part, and Soleil and Licht were more or less free to enjoy the festival on their own terms. (1)

(1) pls...canhe ask her dance it'll be sso cute like a folk dance like in rapunzel!!

2018/09/10 8:12:05 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

[[Of course!!]]

Lila chose a day in which she knew Sherlock wouldn't be doing anything important. ...Well, she tried her best to do so of course, since one could never really know when Sherlock might get a sudden case or find something important to do. Lila was a bit nervous in asking the man to join her, but he had said he wanted to, right? So it would be okay! Sheepishly she had approached him and asked if he wanted to join her in the kitchen, to which he said yes. That really made the woman's heart flutter joyfully, and part of her was a bit surprised at how happy it made her. ...Honestly Sherlock was so cute, he looked as if he wasn't sure what he should do, which was a rare look for the man, she supposed. "Why don't you cut up some of the fruits?" Lila suggested as she worked on something else. They continued in some silence, which wasn't bad; it was quite pleasant just working in each other's presence. "Oh.. I can't really remember. Though I know my brother used to really enjoy whatever I made. He's a bit older than me and would come to visit often." She mused. "His name was Leon." She added. (1) Pausing, she realized she was sort of rambling, and laughed sheepishly. "Anyway. Let's get to the next thing." She spoke. After a lot of mixing and adding ingredients together, the tarts were in the oven baking. "They shouldn't take too long," Lila smiled, and then glanced up at Sherlock. "Oh.. you have a bit of-" She stopped speaking and instead raised her hand up to his cheek and brushed the sugar off of his skin. "We can't have Sherlock covered in sugar all day, can we?" She laughed at this, and blushed, realizing what she had done.


Licht smiled as he watched Soleil interact with everyone. Even if she didn't remember, she was still as kind as always.. she even greeted everyone in a similar manner. Did this mean that she was subconsciously remembering some things? "You're right. It's exciting, isn't it? Even though I've seen so many festivals, I think this one is my favorite of them all." The man laughed. It was true, though. He couldn't be happier... It had been so long since he was able to do something like this with Soleil, the one he loved more than anything. She had gone missing and people had assumed the worst after months and months of searching... But now she was back, and they were spending this time together. The man felt his heart warm at Soleil's next words. "Don't worry. I won't leave your side." Licht knew that Soleil was nervous, and he of course wouldn't leave her alone. He didn't want to , anyway... he supposed that was selfish of him, but could anyone blame him? After everyone seemed to have greeted them - they were so kind too, keeping in mind that Soleil had not recovered her memories yet - the two were left alone to do as they pleased. "Did you enjoy that?" He asked softly, looking down at Soleil. She was so beautiful, as beautiful as ever. She always was! But something about seeing her so happy and surrounded by these festivities... Well, it made the man's heart race even more, that was for sure. A new song started, and Licht grinned. "May I have this dance?" He asked Soleil, looking into her eyes with a warm expression. "It'll be fun.. trust me." He laughed, gently taking her forward so that they could dance together.

(1) He could make the connection and say he recognized the name! Im sure he wouldn't recognized the last name earlier but maybe he just hadn't thought of her brother and didn't put two and two together until now xD

2018/09/10 9:27:38 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Sherlock nodded, glad to have something to do. "I'll do that." He'd feel much too awkward standing around in the kitchen while Lila worked, so even if it was something small and non-skilled, Sherlock was glad he could help her out a little bit. And cutting up fruit seemed like the perfect thing. He washed the fruits Lila had bought before - grapes and strawberries and blueberries and all - and then set to cutting them (well, at least the ones that needed cutting). He took his time, not wanting to rush the instructions he'd been given, and found that he liked working together with Lila like this... It felt nice, domestic. "Used to?" Was?Sherlock questioned, furrowing his brow when Lila began to speak of her brother. Wait... Leon? How could he not have put two and two together?? Sherlock flushed in embarrassment at this obvious mistake - LeonGoodwell! It all came to him at once, rushing over him like a wave. The client he had a couple years ago was - he was sure of it - Lila's brother. "I know your brother." Sherlock said suddenly, first as if to himself, but the statement was clearly directed at Lila as well. He set down his knife and the grape he was cutting, "He came to me a couple years ago, I helped him with a case. I guess there've been so many cases since then that I didn't even make the connection, but it's so obvious now - you two even look alike, how could I have missed it?" This wasn't something Sherlock should beat himself up over, but he couldn't help it... He'd be sure to take another look at the case file later, just to check it again. Anyway, they continued making the tarts again until they finally went in the oven and the custard was ready. Sherlock turned to Lila when she spoke, raising his eyebrows a bit, and then froze when she reached up to daintily touch his cheek. Was his face red? It felt hot, all the blood rushing to it in this innocent moment of intimacy. Oh... he was covered in sugar. Suddenly Sherlock felt embarrassed for letting his thoughts run wild like that. He cleared his throat to push those thoughts away, and offered Lila a gentle smile. He hoped his voice wouldn't waver. "I suppose that would ruin my image. Thank you."


Soleil's eyes widened, "Licht, I-" she half whispered, "I'm not sure I can dance..." If she really was a princess, then she'd probably been taught to dance from a young age. But with her memories gone, Soleil had no assurances, and even if she had known at some point, did her body remember? But the music was so sweet and lively, and Licht's smile held so much warmth... She wanted to try, even with the incredible fear of embarrassing herself in front of the entire kingdom. "Okay," Soleil relinquished, smiling at the man, "I trust you." She let him pull her into the square amongst the other dancing couples - husbands and wives, young and old, siblings - and let her heart soar on the music. She grasped Licht's hand, her other resting on his shoulder as he took her by the waist. It was a lively song with a quick beat, yet Soleil still couldn't help but notice how close they were. This.. was probably nothing new, she was certain they've been much more intimate before, but for Soleil as she was now, it was a big step. And yet... it felt so natural to be with him like this-! "I'm sorry-" Soleil spluttered out when she stepped on his feet in a mismatched step in the dance but - seeing his easy expression, she relaxed also, and laughed. The music carried on, and with Licht leading her, Soleil found the dance easier than she had expected. Perhaps her body did remember, after all? Maybe she also remembered ballroom dances then? She wanted to ask Licht about it later then, when they were alone again - ask him to dance with her.

2018/09/15 6:25:19 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lila's eyes widened a bit, "Really? He never mentioned.." Lila mused, trying to recall. Her brother had been the type to say everything was okay so that she wouldn't worry, though. Maybe something happened and he never told her... The woman frowned a bit to herself. Had he been in trouble-? The fact that she never knew upset her, but... no, surely he hadn't been in any trouble. He was always so kind and happy! And if Sherlock helped her brother with a case, that meant that it had been solved and everything was okay. "It's kind of funny how you met him, and then some time later met me." Lila laughed a bit, "I guess the Goodwell siblings just always find themselves in some sort of trouble." She mused, then continued, more seriously, "Thank you for helping him." Sherlock seemed upset that he forgot about that case... but did it really matter? Maybe it did, but she wasn't focused right now, so she couldn't say. When Lila reached out to brush some of the sugar off the man's face, she blushed a bit, but also giggled. His cheeks were warm.. and a little flushed, which honestly surprised the woman. Was Sherlock shy around women? He didn't seem the shy type, but then again he wasn't usually seen with a woman, so maybe he wasn't used to this touch? In any case, it was absolutely adorable. "You're welcome." She smiled a bit.. and she suddenly found the urge to lean up and kiss him. Though she ended up shying out of it, and instead spoke, "You're cute, you know?" She bet no one has called Sherlock cute before, so maybe this would be something new for him too. With a sheepish smile, she went to check on the tarts without another word.


Licht smiled warmly, kindly. "Don't worry about that at all." He murmured softly, "Let's just have some fun together." He leaned down and involuntarily kissed her forehead gently. He... hoped she wouldn't mind. "I'll be right here with you , there's nothing to worry about." Maybe she would even remember how to dance, as she had learned it before anyway. But either way.. it would just be fun and pleasant to be able to dance with her. Soleil eventually agreed, and the man smiled warmly, eyes twinkling. "Thank you." He said softly. It was wonderful, knowing that she trusted him so much despite her not really remembering him. He held her by the waist, and together they began to move along with the music. It felt so wonderful to be able to do this-! They had done it in the past too, so to be able to hold her again like this after he had thought her to be gone for so long.. it was a dream come true. He thanked the Roots once again for her return. Licht laughed softly when Soleil accidentally stepped on his foot . She was so cute when she was sputtering like that-! "You're just too cute. Don't worry about anything at all. Just focus on me and the music." He spoke softly, lovingly, as he continued to lead Soleil through the dance. It was so wonderful to have this much fun with her, to be this close to her-! And .. she was dancing so well. "You're doing great, see?" He smiled; maybe her body remembered the dancing lessons she had taken all those years ago after all. That made him happy.. that means subconsciously she remembered things already. Time passed as they continued to dance and enjoy themselves in each others company. After a while, Licht spoke up, "Are you tired? We can take a break now if you'd like. Also, I wanted to talk to you about our trip to the Silver Gardens.. your home. I've managed to arrange it." He smiled. (1)

(1) Im sorry I didnt actually timeskip, but you can or i will in my next post B)

2018/09/15 8:43:04 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

"He never said anything about it?" Sherlock asked. Strange, with how fondly Lila spoke of him, he didn't think them estranged - surely Leon simply hadn't wanted to worry his sister. And, the case had been resolved without too much trouble, if Sherlock remembered correctly, so it was very much possible Leon wanted to keep it under wraps. He'd look over the file later, but if it didn't have any significance he wouldn't tell Lila. Sister or not, he secured client confidentiality. He chuckled a bit at her comment, "Just a magnet for trouble, hm?" In Sherlock's heart was beating at a hundred miles per minute after Lila's gentle touch. 'Be still,' he urged it, but it was not easy when it seemed to have a mind of its own. He just hoped the blood rushing to his face wasn't obvious- else Lila would surely suspect something. He was just beginning to sober up when Lila spoke again, her words taking him by surprise more so than her touch. "Cute?" He didn't know whether to laugh or stutter, and ended up doing an awkward combination of both. She found him cute? That...was definitely the first time someone had said that - at least, not in a condescending manner - so it took Sherlock by surprise. He could sense her honesty, but at the same time, a bitter voice whispered in the back of his mind - women don't date men they find cute. Was this her way of drawing the line, of telling him she wouldn't go further? Ugh - no, Sherlock was overthinking things again. John always told him, his mind was great for solving cases but rubbish for everything else, most of all reading people's feelings. If wanted to know how Lila felt about him - and God, he really wanted to! - he had to ask her himself. All too late, he mustered up a reply, "You're stealing my lines," he hummed as nonchalantly as he could, "Between the two of us, you're the cute one - by far." He walked up to the oven also, approaching Lila from behind. They were close enough that their bodies brushed against each other. "How are they doing?" He asked. The tarts looked fine to him, they seemed to have retained their shape so far, but Sherlock really wasn't an expert, so he'd wait for Lila's judgement.


Soleil hadn't noticed until the song was over, but the townspeople around them were watching them with a smile on their face. They really were celebrating the princess' return, she really could feel their love. They joined in for the next song, and the one after that, and the one after that, until Soleil and Licht, exhausted in the best way possible, withdrew from the dance. The king led her down the riverbank, away from the festival so that they could walk together. It was nice, with the distant hum of music and the pale landscape. "The people seem genuinely happy," Soleil commented, "Are we... Was I also... close to them?" Though there was clearly respect, there was no crisp air of awkward formality when the people spoke to the king and princess. Licht knew many of them by name, and the people spoke cheerfully to Soleil. It all felt friendly, very family-like, and Soleil hoped she had a good relationship with everyone, not stiff or condescending like she felt other nobles had. They kept walking, and Soleil watched as a frog hopped into the water. "Oh! That's wonderful," Soleil smiled when Licht told her he began making arrangements for their trip. He'd written to her family the day after she'd been found, and their response made it clear they were thrilled and couldn't wait. "When are we leaving? Is it far?" Soleil asked. It took the letter a couple days to arrive, so the journey would likely take a couple days, too. "How long are we going for?" It'd be nice to stay a little while, Soleil was sure, but she also knew Licht probably couldn't be away for too long, right? She realised again just how much he was doing for her. He made so much time for her, always thoughtful, and his never ending patience as she struggled to adjust back into this new world, always wearing a smile... The thought made warmth bloom in her chest, almost uncontainably. Walking side by side, Soleil let her hand brush against his, and shyly sneaked into his palm, loosely lacing her fingers with his.

2018/09/16 4:49:40 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lila tried not to feel flustered, and instead she focused on checking the tarts. "They should be done soon," She mused, "I think-- W-what?" She stammered, totally not expecting what Sherlock said next. "D-Do you think so?" There goes trying to keep her cool! Her cheeks were incredibly warm... Did Sherlock really think she was cute? Was he just being kind? It was so hard to read the man, but... he seemed earnest, right? She glanced over at the male when he approached her, and now all she could think about was how close they were... She didn't exactly hear what he said next, probably about the tarts. 'Come on Lila... focus , he's not even doing anything!' She thought to herself. She glanced down at the tarts again, just trying to distract herself.. but geez, it was incredibly hard. Lila bit her lower lip a bit... being close like this, Lila felt.. really pleasant. What if she just spoke to him about her feelings? No.. what if that made things awkward? What if he didn't want to spend time with her anymore? Sherlock was so hard to read, she really didn't know what to do next... "Sherlock, do you want to go out sometime?" She asked all of a sudden, without really thinking it through. ...If things went wrong, she could always say that she just wanted to go to another cafe, as friends. Yes.. she would wait for his reaction and go from there! With that, she turned back to the over, heart racing, and carefully took out the tarts. "They're done. Now we just have to leave them to cool down, and then we can do the best part: taste test!" She grinned a bit, forcing back her bright blush as she put the tray out to cool.


Licht led Soleil away from the music and the crowds of people. It was lively and beautiful , but he wanted to give Soleil the chance to get a break. Once they were a little ways away, the man glanced down at the beautiful woman before him. "Yes, they are happy. Of course they are... just as I am. The princess has finally returned. They all loved you dearly... and no wonder. You're so kind, Soleil. When you were with me those years ago, you could come with me and greet everyone, and even get to know them. You befriended so many people and did something that no prince or princess has really done to such an extent, before. You treated everyone so nicely, to the extent where they felt special. They felt loved by you, like you truly cared for each and every person. You even remembered all of their names. You took time out of your busy schedule to get to know all these people. Even I am amazed at how wonderful a person you are. They are so happy that you have returned, even if you can't remember everything quite yet...Though the way you danced, it felt the same as those years ago. Did you realize it? I think you are subconsciously remembering certain things." Licht smiled warmly. When they began to speak about visiting her home, the man spoke up again, "We can leave tomorrow or the day after even. As long as you need to pack some things. Though you have people to help with that, too, so if you want, we can head off as soon as tomorrow. Though it's up to you, since you might be tired and want a day to rest. What do you think?" He asked softly, and continued, "It will take a couple of days to arrive." Licht felt a sudden warmth in his hand, and he looked down, seeing how Soleil had intertwined fingers with him. His heart nearly skipped a beat... Although she didn't remember him, was she falling in love with him again-? Oh how he hoped so-! With a heart full of happiness and love, he gently squeezed her hand and walked by her side.

2018/09/16 8:19:15 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Sherlock smiled at Lila's reaction, glad that he again felt in control of the situation. "Of course," he agreed, "I only tell the truth." For all the times he'd been reduced to a blushing mess around her, Sherlock had to admit he loved having the tables turn and seeing that cute red hue on her cheeks instead. It made her look even cuter - though he bit his tongue, deciding not to embarrass her any more. He nodded when she spoke up again, asking a question in a soft, cute voice... And the deeper meaning flew completely over his head. "Hm? Is it getting stuffy here? Sure, I don't mind." Lila was probably getting bored of this apartment block, considering she'd been staying here for the past couple weeks, so he couldn't hold it against her if she wanted to go out somewhere. He'd accompany her, of course, even so that she wouldn't feel unsafe alone in the town. He frowned as he watched her face fall - only for a moment, as she forced on a bitter smile - and suddenly he grew pale. (1) She... She meant something else, didn't she? And Sherlock had turned her down-! God, he could kick himself for this stupidity. As if to keep herself busy, Lila pulled out the tarts, changing the topic. They'd have to cool, of course, but Sherlock could already see Lila getting ready to do something else - anything, to keep from sitting idly with Sherlock. Steeling his resolve, he grabbed her wrist before she could get to washing the dishes, and turned her towards him. That blush bloomed on his cheeks once again, but let it be damned-! Sherlock had to say something, and he had to say itnow. "I realise now that you... were asking something else. As you're my client, I should keep a strictly professional relationship with you," Sherlock admitted, voice soft as he mulled over which words were the right ones to say, "But I can't stop these feelings. And since I've already admitted to them, please - let me just get it out. I've loved you for a long time now, Lila."


Two days later, Soleil and Licht were on a carriage to the Silver Gardens. They decided to make this a small occasion - two carriages total, one for the two of them and some luggage, and the other for a couple guards and the rest of their belongings. The Silver Garden knew about their visit, but other than that they didn't tell many people. Soleil wanted to see her family not as a princess, but as a daughter. It would take three days and two nights to arrive at the pace they were going at (2), along with setting up tents at night. Soleil was practically jittery from excitement and nervousness. "When's the last time I saw them? Will they recognise me? Do they like you?" She had a million questions, all of which Licht patiently answered, and again she found herself grateful that he was here with her. Soleil looked out the window as they rode, enjoying the forest scenery even as her mind raced with questions and possibilities. Considering they just started their journey, they were still in the White Forest, when something caught her interest. "Oh, is this the lake we went to for a boat picnic? Where you knocked our basket into the water before we began?" Soleil grinned, thinking back fondly to the story she'd heard. They could see the edge of the lake from here, and it was exactly how Soleil imagined it in that story! Could it be here?

(1) um im controlling lila a little bit i really hope it's ok! you can change it if you dont like it ok??
(2) i thiiiink this might actually be too short a time period but whatever xD im not an expert in carriage speeds or distances between fictional kingdoms lol

2018/09/18 6:56:01 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria


Lila was upset, she tried to hide it, especially since Sherlock's specialty was reading expressions. He probably wasn't interested in this kind of relationship... no wonder, she thought. He was always busy after all, maybe he didn't even have time for it. The woman tried to distract herself by focusing on the tarts and changing the subject. All of a sudden, out of nowhere, her wrist was grabbed, and she was turned around to face the man. Her face burned with embarrassment and surprise; what was he doing? The woman had no idea what to say, so she simply stayed silent and looked up into his (beautiful!) eyes. Was he blushing again-? Confused, the woman listened to his voice. Again, she felt immense sadness wash over her when he spoke. Did he pull her over here to say that again-? Though, she did understand. She was his client, so she really.. shouldn't be too upset about it. "I-I underst-- what?" Lila stammered, unable to believe what she had just heard. Feelings... oh.. This was a confession-? The woman had no idea what to say, though she was sure her blush and expression said it all. He loved her-? She blinked, trying to think of something to say but to no avail. The woman took a small breath, and after trying to calm her racing heart, she finally managed to speak a little, "I-I.. I love you too, Sherlock. I-I know I'm your client, but.." She let her sentence trail off. He felt the same way, then... so he surely understood how she was feeling! The woman smiled warmly, and shyly, and leaned forward closer to the man, "I.. thank you." She murmured, and closed the space between them so she could press her lips against his in a sweet but gentle kiss.


Licht and Soleil were now on their way to Soleil's home country. He was excited to show her, and to bring her back. He was in such a good mood, and he could see that Soleil was too! Well, despite being nervous of course... but then again, who wouldn't be nervous in her situation? She had gone through so much , he couldn't even begin to imagine it... And she was so brave and patient through it all. "They haven't seen you since you disappeared. Two years at least. ..Of course they'll recognize you, they missed you so much and they're so, so relieved knowing that you are okay. Your parents are friends of mine, we even formed an alliance between our countries. They are very kind people." Licht answered each and every one of her questions without hesitation. He wanted her to feel comfortable. The two continued to speak, until a lake caught Soleil's eyes. At first, Licht didn't think she said anything strange... he remembered that well, and he was about to excited talk about it, but then he realized something. His heart filled with warmth and joy as he nodded, "That's exactly right.. and you know what? I hadn't even mentioned that to you." He beamed, the excitement showing in his voice. "You must have remembered it by yourself... this is amazing, don't you think? It means you subconsciously remember things." She probably remembered a lot more, too-! The man was so happy that he could barely contain himself. He leaned in and gently kissed her forehead, smiling all the while. "You're doing great, Soleil." He murmured. Really, he couldn't be happier-! The king was absolutely beaming as he pulled away from the woman, reluctantly.

2018/09/18 11:07:56 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

That eternity between when Sherlock confessed his feelings and when Lila replied drew on forever, almost impossibly so. Did time stop? He wanted to hear her answer, but at the same time, he was terrified of hearing it. Not so much about her feelings - she told him already - but about being this vulnerable. He'd never opened himself up so much to another person... And the feeling, as freeing as it was, was terrifying. Sherlock let out a breathy laugh when Lila finally spoke, saying she loved him too-! He grinned and finished the hanging sentence for her - "Let's solve this case quickly, so that you won't be my client anymore." And even so, rules be damned-! It's not as though he couldn't date her by law anyway, not like therapists, this was just his own rule... So he threw that all away, all his cares into the wind, and when Lila leaned up to kiss him, it felt as though he took the first breath in his entire life. It was a gentle kiss, and when they pulled away, Sherlock flashed Lila a co*cky smile, "You taste like strawberries." She must've eaten one before, right? Or maybe she was just naturally sweet. Sherlock was certain the tarts, as delicious as they surely were, would pale in comparison to the taste of Lila's lips. He hummed cheerfully to himself. "How about I set some tea?" They could have it with the fruit tarts, and sit together on the couch instead of each in an armchair, and spend a pleasant afternoon together with nothing but thoughts of each other on their mind... And after that, Sherlock would make sure to finish Lila's case quickly, so that she would never have to be afraid again.


The lake looked really nice, Soleil couldn't wait to go see it sometime! Maybe after they returned, there'd be a warm sunny day and they could go for a boat ride... She was imagining it already, when Licht's words caught her off guard. Her mouth fell open and her eyebrows furrowed, "I... Really? No, I don't think I could have... Are you sure you didn't tell me? Maybe someone else did?" It didn't feel like a memory - it just felt like one of the stories Licht told her of their life before. But now that she thought about it, she didn't remember anyone telling her this, either, and she could imagine that lake day very clearly. Not down to what clothes they were wearing or everything they said, but still-! At this realization, Soleil grew excited also, lighting up in a bright smile. That means... Her memories would come back! Slowly, and randomly, but they were there-! "I wonder if I remember anything else!" She mused in excitement. She hadn't thought about the lake date until she saw the lake, so maybe there were lots of things she remembered in a similar way? "I'm really happy," she admitted. Any inkling of her old self was a nice reminder that she belonged here, by Licht's side. If he still wanted her, that is, but with how supportive and loving he was, she had no worries now. Hopefully. Their journey continued without any surprises. Soleil and Licht talked, of stories of their life together, of Soleil's family, of all the questions Soleil had and the answers Licht gave. They sat in comfortable silence, too, when neither had anything to say.

2018/09/24 11:23:51 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lila forced herself to look into Sherlock's eyes after they pulled away from their kiss. She didn't really want to, since her cheeks were burning and she felt embarrassed and shy, but she did anyway. They loved each other, right? So.. so they should learn not to be shy around one another. ...Sherlock's next statement REALLY didn't help her, though, as she felt her cheeks grow even warmer. "W-Well.. that's a good thing! Right..?" Strawberries tasted good! ...She wasn't so much embarrassed by his words rather than she was by the expression on his face. It made her heart skip a couple beats. "Oh... yes that's a pleasant idea." Lila smiled, still blushing somewhat. She left Sherlock to set the tea while she went ahead and put the tarts on a tray and brought them out into the living room, along with some plates. The woman realized, even more now, just how happy and safe she felt here like this. In fact... even if the stalker were to message her again, right now, she wouldn't care. She was already so happy, and she was sure that nothing could bring her down-! The woman sat down on the couch and waited for Sherlock to arrive. Though as she waited, she felt her phone buzz in her pocket. She took it out, face paling when she read what was written. No... But she quickly shoved her phone back in her pocket, and forced a smile as best as she could so that Sherlock wouldn't notice that something was wrong. Usually she showed him any messages that she got, but this time, she couldn't... (1)


Licht couldn't stop smiling. He gazed at Soleil, who looked as surprised as ever. Even she hadn't realized it-! "We are the only ones who knew about that story, and I certainly hadn't told you about it yet." He said, eyes twinkling with delight. "Yes-! I'm sure of it. You probably remember more already, but need something to trigger those memories, like when you looked at the lake. So.. when we reach your home, you may be able to recall some more memories." He really couldn't be happier-! This meant... Soleil hadn't forgotten him. He was still there, somewhere. Of course, that was very selfish of him... he was so happy she was remembering , in general, though-! Just... he had missed her so, so much, so of course he was happy that she was remembering him too. Maybe... she was comfortable around him because she remembered feeling happy and safe around him. That was certainly a possibility... The man leaned down and kissed Soleil's forehead once more. "I'm very happy, too." Just seeing her happy was enough for him. When she first came back, she looked so sad, so scared and lonely... Licht still had no idea what had happened to her - he wanted to find out, too, so that it would never happen again, and so that he can punish whoever put Soleil through all of this - but he was happy now. The two continued to talk and laugh happily throughout their journey, seeing if anything else would trigger more of her memories. Still, Licht wouldn't push it right now. This was already more than enough-! Finally, they could see the border of Soleil's homeland coming into view. "What do you think?" Licht asked curiously as they went closer, "Even from here, it's beautiful."

(1) So im thinking the stalker notices how close the two got , and he messages lila to set his plan in motion! he tells her to meet him alone somewhere (the next day maybe, or longer) by herself or sherlock would be hurt. And he knows sherlock will be able to find him, and thats the point, to lure him in and kill him or somethin!

2018/09/27 9:31:17 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Sherlock hummed under his breath as he readied the tea, placing the pot and cups on a tray. Whyshouldn'the be happy? He felt better than ever before after pouring his heart out to Lila, and knowing that she returned his feelings. Nothing could break his good mood. Once the water was done boiling, he poured it into the pot and took the tray to the table at which Lila sat, and took his place across from her. He froze, eyes narrowing when he saw how pale she looked, and how her smile seemed forced and unnatural compared to what she had been wearing just moments ago. "Are you alright? You look a bit spooked," he commented. Perhaps that wasn't the best way to convey his concern, but he really did want to ask, and was getting a bit worried. Had something happened? She... wasn't regretting her words to him now, was she? God, he hoped not. He hoped they had enough trust in each other to be honest about these things, that he didn't accidentally pressure her into a relationship. He nodded when she insisted everything was fine, though remained sceptic. He'd hold onto this intuition for now, and if would press her again if she still seemed uncomfortable later. But if she didn't want to tell him now, or at all, he'd have to respect her wishes. "Here, have some tea." He suggested, and poured both himself and her a cup, sliding it over to her. "The tarts are beautiful, and I'm sure they taste just as good as they look." Sherlock was still high on happiness, though now it was a bit dampened with sincere worry, so he still wanted to use this time to enjoy the day and afternoon tea with Lila.


After those days of riding, their journey came to an end, and the carriage pulled up in front of the Silver Gardens' palace. Soleil could see a small group of people standing outside the doors, having come out when they saw the carriages, and Licht murmured to her that those were her parents and two brothers. Soleil felt that familiar churning in her gut when she was about to face something new again - as she did often these days. Her family... A footman opened the carriage door, and Soleil stepped out after Licht. She didn't particularly remember anything about her family, but they looked familiar; they matched the ways she imagined them when Licht told her about them. She saw their faces twist up in emotion, some more openly than others, and as she approached them the king and queen rushed in to embrace her tightly. "Oh, Soleil-!" She returned their embrace, surprised at how natural it felt. It was wonderful to be with her family,a family, even if she couldn't remember them on her own. They'd been informed in the letter about her amnesia, and she was grateful that she didn't have to tell them that now. Finally they pulled away and her brothers stepped in, and - after greeting Licht also - the queen wiped her eyes, "Come, let's step inside. Are you two hungry? Dinner will be served soon." The castle was beautiful, though very different from the one of the White Forest - more gothic and in darker colours. A handful of footmen began to take their things upstairs - to their rooms - "That's right, would you like a room together? Or separate ones?"

2018/09/29 6:39:35 AM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lila tried to smile as earnestly as she could. "Don't worry. I.. I thought I saw a large bug but it turned out that it wasn't." She quickly said, laughing sheepishly. That was a pretty lame reason, but she did have a fear of bugs, so it shouldn't be too crazy, right? In any case, she didn't want Sherlock to worry... And for now, Lila would try not to. She would spend this day with him, happily... "Thank you, Sherlock." Lila smiled, earnestly now, and took her cup of tea. "I'm sure the tarts will be even better because we made them together." She grinned now, and even blushed a little. "Let's try the tarts together." She said. And they enjoyed the rest of the day like that, together. *TimeSkip* A while passed, and Lila found herself approaching a strange lot of empty buildings. No one was supposed to live in these buildings , but some did anyway. Dangerous people, or poor people without a home, she guessed. Or people who sell drugs.. And her stalker, apparently. Lila was told to come to this place alone, without Sherlock. He wasn't even supposed to know... But Lila had a feeling that he would find her anyway, she had even left a little clue on his desk, something he would easily be able to solve. Upon entering the right building, Lila was knocked out almost at once - she didn't even have time to think before everything went black. When she woke up, she was tied up on the floor in a dusty old room, with a man in front of her, glaring down at her. Her stalker-? All at once, fear and despair filled her entire being, and she attempted to loosen up her bonds so she could try to escape.


Licht was nervous, too. And happy, and so many other emotions. But he did feel some nervousness... how would Soleil react? Would she remember anything, or find anything familiar? And her family... The king knew that her family was very kind and understanding, so he wasn't too worried, but they would be upset that Soleil wouldn't be able to remember anything. Of course... though they were still more happy and grateful than anything else. The two left the carriage and they were at once greeted by the emotional expressions of Soleil's family. Licht felt like tearing up a little too, in all honesty, seeing as how happy and relieved everyone was. Though he would stay strong, for Soleil's sake. He watched as the Queen embraced her daughter, and wondered how Soleil was feeling in that moment. Did she recognize the warmth of that embrace-? He hoped so. Licht greeted the family too of course, but they were much more interested in Soleil, so he made sure not to get too talkative. They surely wanted time with Soleil, after so long-! "The journey was a long one, some dinner would be lovely." And he was sure that Soleil would recall something if she had dinner in her home country. Would she recognize the tastes? The man followed the group inside, watching as Soleil's siblings forced themselves not to cling onto her or ask her too many questions. They were holding themselves back, wanting to get her comfortable instead of forcing themselves onto her. "Ah, one room please." He didn't even have to explain himself to the footmen, as they quickly nodded, and Licht looked over towards Soleil with a sheepish smile, "I'm sorry. We can change that if you'd like, I just thought this may be better since you are not aware of where anything is yet."

2018/10/05 11:01:45 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Sherlock left Lila early that morning with John to help him with something. He'd gotten so used to having Lila with him, that even going back to what he'd been doing for years before felt strange now. But she'd be safe in their apartment, and if she called him with something, he'd rush back immediately. But again- Sherlock had no doubts she'd be safe. So even when he returned later that afternoon to a silent apartment, he wasn't worried. "Lila?" There was no reply. Maybe she'd fallen asleep? "She's gone out, dear." Mrs. Hudson called out from the stairwell, and Sherlock called out his thanks. He checked his phone, but she hadn't left any messages about leaving. Strange. Maybe she left for a little bit, and was going to be back soon? Or... did she leave, hoping that he wouldn't notice? No, that wasn't it. So, when Sherlock came to up to his office, he found a handwritten note on his desk - from Lila. He furrowed his brows. She didn't say where she was going exactly, nor what was going on, but he felt that there was something else in the note, a deeper meaning. He read it again, again and again, and suddenly- it made sense! Oh, god.Lila-! He ran out of the building, not even bothering to grab his coat, and hailed the first taxi he saw. There was no way the car could go fast enough. Sherlock ran out and into the building, paling at the sight of it. Lila went here? She was in danger, Sherlock was sure of it-! God, why couldn't they have talked this over? He ran up the stairs two steps at a time, listening for any noise in this abandoned building. He didn't want to call out to her in case that would put Lila in more danger, but he needed to know where she was. God, was he too late? When did she leave? How long had she been there? He threw a door open and rushed in, heart racing when he saw Lila on the floor.


"It's fine," Soleil assured Licht, returning his smile with an equally sheepish one. Actually... sharing a room would be nice-! He was her closest friend, after all, even more so in this new environment. But the thought itself made her heart beat faster. Back in the White Forest, she had her own room, where she'd slept before they were engaged, apparently, and they always slept in separate rooms since she came back. He was right, it would be good to have someone familiar around her, but more so than that... she liked being around Licht. It came down to more than a feeling of security, it was outright adoration. Soleil didn't know if she loved him now as she did two years ago, but she cherished this gentle sort of love nonetheless. As they were led through the castle, Soleil looked around, vaguely recognising certain things, but nothing specific. She stopped before a large painting, a family portrait. The king and queen looked younger in it, but it must've been painted not too long ago, anyway. She looked at her depiction - her cheeks were fuller and there were no bags under her eyes. Soleil looked better now, too, than she did when she found Licht that 'first day', but with this comparison, she could feel herself lacking. The brief tour continued, and soon enough dinner was served. Soleil sat besides Licht, of course, and the extravagant food was brought out after a heartfelt toast. What a welcome feast-!

2018/10/07 5:07:48 PM EDT

Lιlιυм TheQueenOfSindria

Lila wasn't so sure she should have come here without Sherlock.. But... but he would have been in trouble if Lila told him-! Her stalker always knew what they were doing, so... she was sure he'd be able to hurt Sherlock. Looking up, she could see the man before her. "How does that feel? Believe me, this is nothing compared to the misery you put on me." The man spat, sounding disgusted. Lila furrowed her eyebrows, trying to look brave as well. "What do you mean-? You're the one who's been--" She was interrupted by the man, though, as he continued, "You and that Sherlock Holmes.. Your brother went to him. And he thought he would be helping... but look at what it did to me, to my family." Lila was so incredibly confused... obviously this man was out of his mind. He had to be, to stalk her for so long, right? But.. Her brother? And Sherlock. ...And that's when it hit her. This man, her stalker, he WANTED Sherlock to come-! For whatever reason... he was mad at her too, something to do with her brother-? "You don't have to do this-!" Lila exclaimed, but was met with swift kick. The woman coughed, and her eyes involuntarily watered. Sherlock would come for her... and this man would kill him. And that would be Lila's fault, too. She was met with several more kicks after that one, the man before her yelling and cursing at her about how she deserved this and so much worse. But then.. "He should be coming soon. Then I'll come play with you some more." He left, and Lila simply laid there, unable to move as she cried to herself.


Licht was glad that Soleil wasn't against sharing a room. If it made her feel better, he wouldn't mind sleeping on the floor, but something told him that she wouldn't allow that. He wouldn't think about it too much now, anyway. He was far more focused and watching her for her expressions as they were led around the castle. She... sometimes seemed like she recognized certain things. It made the king excited, and he found himself smiling immensely. The man said nothing as they continued on. Before too long, dinner was served, and the two sat together in the large dining hall. A lot of food was brought out , a feast for certain! He recognized some of Soleil's favorite dishes, some she had always mentioned before that they didn't have back in the White Forest. "That dish is one of your favorites." The man chuckled, pointing it out to her. Soleil's parents spoke to the king, asking him how the affairs of the White Kingdom were going, but they all seemed distracted.. as if they were only asking these things to keep themselves from talking to Soleil too much at once. They were holding back, for her sake, he noticed. "Sol, do you remember the game we used to play when we were younger?" One of her brothers finally spoke up, looking hopeful. "If you don't remember now, it's okay. But maybe we can play it again at some point, maybe it'll help you remember some things!" He smiled, and Licht looked towards Soleil to take in her reaction. He knew how hard this must be for her family... But he did hope that Soleil didn't feel bad about any of this. She must feel as if her family were expecting things of her... this wasn't her fault! "She and King Licht had a long journey. Perhaps she will join you another time," Her mother suggested though, causing her brother to nod.

2018/10/11 8:41:30 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Soleil looked out at the extravagant feast set before them. The smell of the food made her mouth water, almost embarrassingly so. She remembered - these were her favourite foods. Or some of them, at least! Actually, she recalled, someone told her that olfaction was one of the most deeply rooted senses in memory. An inkling of a dozen memories tugged at her mind, but Soleil couldn't remember anything specific. So close, and yet so far away... It was frustrating, really! But nonetheless, it meant that her memories were there after all - she just had to dig them up. And that was enough to give her hope.

They began to eat, and the food tasted even more wonderfully than it smelled. Soleil felt at home here. She chimed in to the conversation sometimes, thankful that her family wasn't bombarding her with questions at the moment.

"You'll have to remind me," Soleil gave her brother an apologetic smile. She couldn't remember any games now, but she hoped dearly that it would come back to her. For her sake as well as for her family's.

Lune (1) grinned, "Well, we played lots of games, of course. But you always nagged us to play Trolls and Fairies with you - we'd give in just to get you to be quiet and leave us alone for a while-" he spoke jokingly, and then let out a small yelp when Ciel kicked him under the table, mortification written all over his face. The king and queen wore a similar expression - wasn't it far, far too soon to speak of - even if in jest - wanting Soleil to "leave them alone"? She'd just come back, and they wanted to make her feel as comfortable and loved as possible...

...but Soleil burst out in laughter (2). "You tied me to a tree once," she giggled.

Relief visibly washed over her family as they realised she took no offence to her brother's phrase,andthat she remembered that incident. Soleil, too, was pretty pleased. It was strange, but that stupid joke, that familiar turn of phrase and treating Soleil as though she really belonged here, that she wasn't as delicate as her condition might make her seem, broke this stiff and awkward air of formality. She sensed her family relax, and Soleil felt the tension leave her own muscles. It was alright. They were family. They'd get through anything.

Lune particularly was pleased that he'd made the right call. Ciel chimed in, "We'd get the guards to play with us sometimes, remember? They'd always let us - especially you - win." He smiled, "Maybe we can play tomorrow."

"Yeah. That'd be nice." Soleil looked at Licht, who returned an enthusiastic grin. Though they were all grown, it would be fun to play again, and with Licht also.

"Don't expect me to go easy on you all," Lune teased, "I've gotten pretty good at the game," which got a laugh from everyone.

The rest of the dinner passed pleasantly, in a familial atmosphere instead of that tip-toeing from before. They retired to the living room after, for tea in front of the fireplace, but before too long, Soleil and Licht excused themselves, tired from their long journey. They exchanged 'good-night's and 'sleep well's and - for Soleil - tight hugs, and then retired to their room.

(1) I gave the brother a name! Annnnd maybe the other one (older) is Ciel. They mean moon and sky respectively, so it goes with the whole soleil vibe aesthetic
(2) there's a phrase in polish "parsknać śmiechem" which means the exact same thing but for some reason it sounds like it fits this sentence way more and i swear i wrote "she parsked out laughing" before i realised hey thats not an english word and now im sad :c its a very good word

2019/04/02 6:30:15 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Licht and Soleil went back to their room, washed up and changed in separate bathrooms. Licht, who'd finished first, sat on one of the chairs in their room as he waited for Soleil. It had been a long day, even more so considering the journey, but he couldn't help but smile. It seemed that this visit was really doing Soleil well... He was glad for her, of course, but also for himself. It was selfish, he knew, but he wanted Soleil to be back to her old self so that they could be a couple again. He'd wait for her however long it would take, though.

The door to the room opened with a small creak - years of disuse, Licht supposed - and Soleil stepped in wearing her nightgown and a small smile, which the king readily reflected.

"How are you feeling?"

"Tired," the princess replied, "but happy."

The genuine smile on her face made Licht's heart beat faster. She'd been smiling more and more with every passing day, but he still loved seeing that expression on her. Especially considering that he still couldn't forget how terrified and weak she looked on that first day... He never wanted her to feel that way again.

"Are things coming back?" Licht asked, prodding gently for answers that she hadn't yet offered up herself.

Soleil glanced at him and nodded, "Yeah. Almost constantly. It's a little overwhelming, actually." She laughed a little, and oh! how melodious she sounded, with a twinkle in her voice.

"That's okay. Let's get some rest now. You must be exhausted." Even Licht was feeling dead on his feet, so he couldn't even imagine how tired Soleil was. He chuckled when she yawned, as if proving his point, and then climbed into bed from the left side.

Licht's heartbeat quickened again. Was she...alright with him sleeping with her, in the same bed? TheRoots knew just how much he wanted this, but what about Soleil? She hadn't protested when he asked to share a room before, but... just to be cautious... he watched her, checked her reactions, as he climbed into the bed as well. Her small smile gave him the answer he sought. They weren't touching, but certainly close enough to feel the warmth emanating off of their bodies...

"I'll turn off the light-"


Licht co*cked his head, looking at Soleil, gently prodding her for a continuation. She wrapped her arms around herself and looked down at the sheets covering her legs, as if she couldn't quite get herself to keep eye contact. "Can we...keep a candle burning, or something?"

She was afraid of the dark.
This fear hadn't existed - even in her childhood, as far as Licht knew -before..well,thatincident. And since they'd been sleeping separately back in the White Forest, he didn't know she felt this way... Something...must have happened, then. Was she kept in the dark? Alone and afraid and surrounded by nothing but black? Just thinking about this made Licht's blood boil.

"Yes, of course. I'll light one."

He struck a match and lit a candle on the desk across the bed, so that the light would be visible. That should do it. Actually... Licht didn't dare ask out loud - it was far too early - but he wondered whether Soleil remembered anything about what had happened. Apart from nasty bruises and weight loss, most of her wounds had healed by the time he found her, but the scars worried him terribly. That broken leg... Just what had happened? Who did this? Licht needed to know, but...he also... wasn't sure if he wanted her to remember. If it had been so painful, perhaps it'd be better if she never remembered it at all...

Licht tore himself out of his thoughts, and went back to bed, turning off the lights. The candle had a gentle glow, dispelling the darkness from the room. He whispered, "Good night, Sol."

"Good night."

As he let himself drift off to sleep, he felt Soleil shift towards him, and slowly, his hand was enveloped in a gentle warmth.

2019/04/04 6:37:24 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

The next day, to Soleil's great dismay, was dreary and rainy. Well, she liked the rain too! But they couldn't go outside in this weather, certainly not to play...

"We can play inside, hm? It'll be fun! Come on~" Lune suggested, seeing how his sister looked with longing out the window.

They had decided to play Trolls and Fairies today after all, just like back in their childhood. It was normally an outdoor game - the Trolls would 'entrap' the Fairies somewhere, who would in turn have to find a way to escape back to their home base, which the Trolls would try to prevent - where each team used the large outdoor space and trees to run and hide in. It wouldn't be the same indoors, but there was no reason they couldn't try!


"Yeah! It'll be fine if it's just the four of us. Ciel!!" Lune called their brother, who joined the group not long after. "We'll draw lots to determine the teams, okay?" It didn't *really* matter, but everyone wanted to play with Soleil after so long. The teams were made: Lune and Licht would be the Trolls first, and Soleil and Ciel would be the Fairies.

"Okay! Your home base is...hm, the living room. Ours is the kitchen." Lune thought out loud.

He spoke quietly with Licht for a bit, and then the two took the Fairies to the library, to one of the small, supplementary rooms attached to it, and sat them both down on a chair. "We'll walk to our base, and then start moving around. You two wait five minutes, okay? That should be fair."

An extra key was hidden in the room already in preparation. The two Trolls turned to leave the room, and as Lune looked to turn off the light, Licht gently touched his shoulder. "Let's leave them on." He said with a gentle smile. Lune nodded with understanding, and the two left the room, locking the door behind them.

Soleil and Ciel were left in the little reading room on their own, counting down the ticking of the clock. Five minutes.

"It's not the same as playing outside," Ciel broke the silence, "but it's fun going back to this game with you after all this time." It was so nostalgic, bringing back memories of their childhood...

Soleil nodded, "Yeah." For some reason, she was starting to feel jittery. She felt bad for not keeping up the conversation, but she couldn't focus on that right now.

"If there's anything else you want to do, just let us know, okay? We all want to do what we can." Ciel encouraged with a soft smile.

The walls of the room seemed to be closing in on them. Soleil felt hyperaware of the fact that the door was locked, that she had no idea where the key was. It was getting hard to breathe.

She stood.

"Sol?" Ciel's voice inquired.

She paced a little, not at all comfortable in here, but unsure of where she should place herself. Finally, she sank to the floor in the corner of the room, curled up into a ball.

"Soleil, Sol, what's wrong?" Ciel was instantly by her side, kneeling down with her. He placed his hands on her shoulders. She was shaking.

"I don't...want to play anymore." She mumbled.

She didn't want to be a killjoy, especially since she really did want to spend time with her brothers, playing their childhood games together... She thought she could wait it out - it was only five minutes, after all - but to no avail.

"That's okay. Can you stand? Here-" Ciel stood, extending his hand to his sister, and carefully pulled her up with she cautiously took his hand.

He pulled out a key from his pocket - he'd prepared with a master key just in case, and thanked the Roots that he had done so. It rattled in the keyhole, but he got it to open fairly quickly, and led Soleil out of the little room. She relaxed immediately, though not all the tenseness left her body.

"Do you want to sit?"

She nodded, and they sat down at one of the benches. The library was a grand, open space, with plenty of daylight streaming in through the large windows, even on as rainy a day as this one. Ciel wrapped an arm around his sister, pulling her close into a safe embrace. He didn't speak, not wanting to force her to answer anything, but stayed there with her.

​​​"Sorry," Soleil piped up after a moment. She wasn't shaking anymore, though her voice still held an edge of anxiousness to it.

"Don't apologize. It's okay. It's good that you told me." Her brother encouraged gently. They wanted to play to spend time with Soleil, the actual game didn't matter at all. And if she felt unwell, of course they wouldn't continue it-! "Do you want to talk about it?"
Ciel was always a good listener. Soleil loved and trusted bother her brothers always, but they were different: Lune's honesty and pool of emotions were great for reflection or distraction, while Ciel's peaceful words made you feel safe and listened to. A wonderful trait for a king. He reminded her of Licht in that matter - or was it the other way around?

Soleil relaxed a little, resting her head against his chest. "I would, but I don't even know what's going on," Soleil admitted, "I was just...didn't feel safe anymore."
She wasn't dumb, this reaction probably had something to do with her experiences over the last two years. In that moment, she felt that same sense of unease as she did when she was left in complete darkness - fear, but at the same time, something she couldn't quite put her finger on. Now, too, she hadn't uncovered any memories, just dread. It was fading now, so Soleil already felt much better, but she couldn't help but rack her brain trying to figure it out...

"That's okay. You're safe now, I promise you." Ciel murmured comforts again and again...

At least twenty minutes must have passed like this, the siblings cuddled up together, Soleil much calmer now than she was before. Two sets of footsteps resounded on the wooden part of the library floor, and Ciel looked up to see the other team. He could tell that Lune was about to say something along the lines of, "What's taking you so long? Guess we win~!" but Ciel didn't even have to send him a glare, the younger brother bit his tongue when they came upon them, worry painting on his face.
Licht, though, looked far more worried. He approached them and sat down on Soleil's other side, "Is everything alright? Did something happen?"

​​​​​"It's fine," Soleil looked up at him with a smile, "I just wasn't feeling well." She figured Ciel would tell them the full story later, when she was out of sight... She didn't feel like telling them, not now. She knew they all cared and worried for her, but to Soleil, it felt like she'd be admitting all her weaknesses if she told them. No, she'd much rather have someone else say it for her. Her pride could only take so much.

Licht nodded slowly, though he looked more relieved when he saw that Soleil was still smiling. She didn't look to be in a very bad state.

"How about we put together a puzzle?" Ciel suggested, "We can have tea in the drawing room while we do so."

"That sounds nice." Soleil agreed.

Ciel helped her up, and the four of them made their way to that place. They were enveloped by a silent agreement to not prod the woman for answers now, or even mention the situation, at least not yet, not while she was around.

2019/04/12 7:56:33 PM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

And so passed the next two days, full of games and laughter and - perhaps most importantly - memories. Soleil felt so many things come back to her just by being in her home, surrounded by her family and loved ones. Most of them were from her childhood, though she was recalling her memories with Licht in the White Forest, too. The one thing that remained an absolute, clear blank, was the two year gap between then and now. Sometimes, Soleil felt inklings of feelings come back to her, mostly in the form of unease and distress, but never anything more than that - just feelings. What had happened, exactly? Were the memories so unpleasant that she buried them so deep in her mind? So deep, that even when everything else was coming back to her, this would not? But with her focus on all her other returning memories, Soleil didn't thinktoomuch about it. That... could come later. Hopefully.

She and Licht were supposed to leave tomorrow late afternoon, to go back to the White Forest. The journey would take another three days, and the king had been away from his country for long enough already. Soleil knew that this was what they agreed upon, but she couldn't shake this feeling from her...

"Licht?" She decided to bring it up that evening, as they got ready for bed.

She sat on the edge, already in her nightgown, her hair brushed out and loose. He looked at her with a gentle smile, as if he sensed the hesitation in her voice, and was encouraging her to continue.

The princess twirled a lock of hair around her finger, playing with it nervously, "This trip was a fine idea. Being here has - it's done me a lot of good. I've remembered so much, I'm almost feeling like my old self again." In the three days she'd been here, so much had come back to her, in comparison to the three weeks at the White Forest at the beginning. "Almost, but not quite. That's why... I - I think I want to stay here longer."

Licht's heart skipped a beat.

She peeked up at him, trying to gauge his reaction - was he going to be upset? With her going back on what they said and all... She felt bad, of course, but this really was the right decision, wasn't it? This was a good place for her. And she knew Licht couldn't stay here any longer than what he'd first arranged, not when he had a country to take care of. That's why she was asking to stay here longer... alone.

The king's expression faltered, betraying his disappointment for a good moment, before he masked it up with that lovely, gentle smile that she loved so much. He moved to sit down on the bed besides her - with a comfortable distance between the two - but found it a little difficult to meet her gaze. Not that Soleil had a much easier time doing so.

"You're right," he said earnestly after a moment of silence, "This was good. You've recovered so much already. So... if that's what you want, then... of course you can stay here."

"Really? You're not... mad?"

"I'm going to miss you," they were looking at each other now, somehow so much closer than before, "but no, of course I'm not mad... Have you spoken to your family about this already?"

Soleil felt such a wonderful warmth in her chest. What did she do to deserve someone as kind and understanding as Licht? She'd been nervous for nothing, it seems. Smiling, she leaned in to give him a kiss on the cheek. "Not yet," she admitted, "I wanted to talk with you first."

"Okay. It's late now, so you should probably mention it first thing tomorrow morning."

"I will."

The warmth spread to Licht now, too, through the kiss. Soleil couldn't have possibly known how much that meant to him, that little gesture of affection. Reassurance, that she still cared for him. It didn't erase all of his doubts, all of the dark fears lurking deep within his heart, but it certainly shed light upon them.

What if after tomorrow, he would never see her again? What if she changed her mind while he was gone? What if he'd receive a letter by her hand, saying that she'd rather stay in the Silver Gardens and break off whatever was left of their engagement? As much as that'd hurt, he couldn't possibly blame her. She had a loving family here, and lots and lots of happy memories that she could remember. The White Forest was also her home, but it paled in comparison to all the years she spent here. She had friends there, too, of course, but it wasn't the same as having her family right by her side.

And... she must feel so much safer here. After all, it was in his country, in his palace, under his care - that she'd disappeared two years ago. Her parents never blamed him for that, though Licht knew Lune didn't exactly share their sentiment. Not that he didn't understand him - he blamed himself, too.

So if Soleil wanted to stay here... could he even tell her 'no'? As much as he wanted to- probably not. His heart hurt just thinking about this possibility, but he finally understood that saying - If you love something, let it go.

But also... If it comes back to you, it's truly yours.

"Licht?" Soleil's voice tore him out of his thoughts, "Are you ready to sleep?"

"Oh. Yes, let's."

The candle was already lit, so the two climbed into bed and turned off the main lights. And, just as she'd done every night since then, she placed her hand in his, and they loosely threaded them together.

"Good night."

"Good night."

In the calm of the descending night, he felt Soleil squeeze his hand - once, twice, three times. Licht froze for a moment, taken by surprise, before melting into a smile. She remembered, then-? Their secret little code, three taps or squeezes or kisses - a message for when words failed, or they had to be quiet, or when they wanted to express it in a million different ways-

I love you.

He squeezed her hand back, three times.

2019/04/16 5:00:04 AM EDT

ѕυnғlower HappyLamp

Two days later, Soleil awoke alone in her bed. That's right... Licht left yesterday evening, after dinner. She had a hard time falling asleep that night. Though she'd managed it back in the White Forest, she got used to Licht's sleeping form besides her for the past couple of days, and it felt strange and foreign to be away from him. She missed the warmth of his body under the covers...

They talked it through yesterday - Soleil staying in the Silver Gardens longer - and her family was more than happy to let her stay. She could see how they tried to play it off as casual acceptance, but the ways their eyes lit up at the prospect betrayed their elation. Three days wasn't a very long time, especially not after Soleil had been gone for two whole years. Loathe as Licht was to leave, he knew Soleil would be in good hands.

And so they decided: Soleil would stay in the Silver Gardens for another week, while Licht returned that very evening. After that, she would travel back to the White Gardens with someone - her mother and Ciel, it seemed - in a carriage provided by her home country. They, in turn, would stay for a week or two, and return to the Gardens, and then someone else - Lune, and if the situation allowed, her father - would visit the White Forest, so that Soleil would almost always have at least one member of her family by her side.

Ten days was nothing in comparison to two years, Licht knew, but he still couldn't help but miss Soleil. They parted with a kiss - their first since her disappearance - and it made Soleil's heart beat quickly and stick her feet to the ground and fill her with longing. He felt like home. She would miss him, too, though she was still very glad to have this extra time to spend with her family.

The morning passed peacefully, and two hours after lunch, her mother invited her out for afternoon tea in the gardens. True to their name, the palace gardens were beautiful, the blooming flowers carefully tended to year-round. The country's pride and joy were their rare silver roses, though the gardens had many other flowers as well - hyacinths and hydrangeas and tulips and magnolias. Many were blooming beautifully, as if to greet the lost princess in a celebration of colors.

A cute little table had been set out for the queen and princess. The tea set, Soleil noticed, was her childhood favourite - white porcelain decorated with delicate pink roses. Fresh scones awaited them, and a bowl of whipped cream and raspberry jam and fresh berries. They must have been delivered mere seconds ago, for they were still piping hot, and Soleil thought she heard a maid quietly singing to herself as she walked away.

The two women sat down at the table. The queen, ever elegant, wore her hair in a loose updo, and dainty jewellery around her neck and wrists. Though her conventional beauty had faded away with time, she was still stunning, crow's feet and all. Most of all, her kindness radiated into a gentle smile, that lit up her beauty so much more.

"Tea?" She asked with a smile.

Soleil held out her tea cup, "Yes, please."

Her mother filled both their cups. The tea had a lovely aroma - deep and elegant, Earl Grey, was it? - and matched well with a slice of lemon. They each took a scone and began to prepare it.

"Did you know," her mother began as she cut open her scone, "that I teach the town children occasionally?'"

​​​​​"Really? I don't recall..." Soleil spoke apologetically, as she often did at new information, and to prod the woman on to continue speaking.

A smile. "You didn't know. I started about a year and a half ago." Soleil couldn't have known, because she... hadn't been around when that happened. Actually, that was kind of the reason the queen started volunteering.

"It's not much, but I help the teachers from time to time. At first it was quite formal, and I taught about things like politics or ethics or foreign cultures, but it's gotten more casual since then. Languages, religion... I even taught a math class once," the queen laughed, "they didn't ask me back for that subject."

Soleil smiled, imagining her mother, a proud and powerful woman, so gently teaching the youth. It was a pleasant thought - she fit right in.

​​​​​​​"My favourite activity is reading with the little ones. They're still learning, so I listen to them read out loud, and help them out if they need. It's all very sweet. It reminds me of what I did with you, and your brothers. Sometimes we even read the same stories I read with you." The queen smiled, though there was a twinge of sadness in it.

"They must be really pleased that the queen herself is teaching them." Soleil grinned, which made her mother laugh.

"Would you believe they're quite indifferent to it? Their parents are far more caught up in it."

"Hah, I can imagine that!" It didn't surprise Soleil at all. She bit into her scone - it was sweet and baked to perfection, mm. "Do you like teaching?"

The queen smiled to herself, though there was a twinge of sadness in it. "I do." She took a dainty sip of her tea, pinky up. "At first, I took it up for a distraction." Anything, to fill the days. To fill the whole in her heart. To busy herself, so that she may momentarily forget about the despair haunting her.

Though Soleil couldn't possibly know just how much her disappearance affected everyone around her, the queen was certain she at least had a semblance of an idea. But she couldn't know how her father closed his heart and set it in stone. How even when her mother threw herself into work for any kind of distraction, it couldn't chase away her sleepless nights. How Ciel set aside his own engagement in mourning. How Lune weaponised his despair to look for his sister. She couldn't possibly know.

​​​​​But look she held in her eyes gleamed in understanding. At least somewhat. She knew what her mother wanted to distract herself from. She could imagine, at least, the hole she left in their lives. It must be a far larger, gaping hole than the one contained within her own memories.

Soleil reached out for her mother's hand, holding it halfway between them on the table. A squeeze. A smile.

"I'm here now." She assured her. "I'm back."

​​​​​The queen squeezed her hand back, tears threatening to spill from her eyes. "I know. I love you, Soleil."

"I love you, too, mom."

2019/04/25 6:47:24 PM EDT

{ The Magic Forest & The High Functioning Sociopath } - SmolAngstyWritings (2024)
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Author: Twana Towne Ret

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Author information

Name: Twana Towne Ret

Birthday: 1994-03-19

Address: Apt. 990 97439 Corwin Motorway, Port Eliseoburgh, NM 99144-2618

Phone: +5958753152963

Job: National Specialist

Hobby: Kayaking, Photography, Skydiving, Embroidery, Leather crafting, Orienteering, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Twana Towne Ret, I am a famous, talented, joyous, perfect, powerful, inquisitive, lovely person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.