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A winning combination of data
Our free online house valuations are based on our property search data, as well as sold house price data publicly available from the HM Land Registry and Registers of Scotland. Find out how we calculate online estimates
How to track a property’s value
You can get a free online property valuation for over 13 million addresses sold in the UK since 1995.Here's how:
Enter a postcode, select an address.
Click ‘Track’ for your instant online estimate.
Auto-refreshes each month.
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Frequently asked questions
Our Rightmove estimate is calculated by industry-trusted machine learning models. These use a mixture of public information, our own data, and information we know about similar, nearby properties which have sold or are for sale to calculate an estimated value for the property you’re tracking. We use a mixture of:
The accuracy of our estimates and the machine learning models that drive them differ from area to area and property to property. The wider the band we provide, the less confident we are with the data we’re using. Our estimates are more accurate for properties which are typical of their area. For example, an estimate for a 2-bedroom terraced house, in an area with lots of 2-bedroom terraced houses, is likely to be more accurate. Our estimate would be less accurate for an architecturally unique property. Or, one with bespoke features which make it different to those around it. There are a number of limitations to our online estimates. Our estimate isn't the same as an estate agent's valuation. It can't provide an in-depth, accurate appraisal in the same way an agent can. A Rightmove estimate can't take into account the quality of the interior of your home. It doesn't include any refurbishments or extensions you've added since the property last sold.
Every 30 days (about 4 and a half weeks), we attempt to get a new valuation for your property. We automatically refresh the estimate with the most up to date market information we have. Sometimes we refresh valuations and the property's value may stay the same or may change quite notably as we have some new data on the property or the surrounding area which leads us to make a more substantial update to its value. These updates can be viewed in your ‘My Rightmove’ account when you log in and view Tracked properties.
We are currently only able to provide an online estimate for addresses that Rightmove have a record of having sold in England and Wales from HM Land Registry since 1995. And Scottish residential house prices from Registers of Scotland since 1996. This accounts for approximately 13 million UK addresses but does not include any Northern Irish addresses, UK commercial properties or new builds. Addresses that have sold recently have more concrete, trusted data to use as a basis for calculating an online estimate. If you’re searching for an address that can’t be valued using our online estimate, contact one of our expert agents who have the expertise to provide a full property valuation.
If you are looking to get an idea of how much your home could be worth currently, then our estimate provides a good starting point to understand its current value. It’s free, quick and easy to track a property and your estimate will automatically get refreshed every 30 days which you can review within your ‘My Rightmove’ account when you log in. Also – you can track up to 10 properties at any one time, allowing you to easily understand how your home compares to others on your street. There are some limitations to online estimates – they can’t account for any value you may have added to the property through extensions, renovations or home improvements since it last sold. If you're seriously considering selling your home, and want a valuation that can account for interior quality then you should find a local agent for a free, no obligation valuation.