Hololive English: A Destined Battle - Chapter 30 - Vitou (2024)

Chapter Text

Omega points the remote towards the TV again and clicks a button.

A video plays, which shows Sana with her limiter on, meditating on Moon while having her sword in her lap.

A portal appears next to her, and as a black hand comes out of it while reaching for her, she quickly backs away. Nyarlathotep, in his The Ancient Ones form, fully comes out of the portal and right after, a triangular portal appears in front of Sana and Omega comes out of it.

Omega:” Stand back, Sana. I will take care of this creature.”

Sana:” O-okay! I’ll go back to my usual state! ”

Sana takes off her limiter, but doesn’t swallow it, which increases her size, but as it grows she slowly fades out of existence, leaving only Omega and The Ancient Ones to face one another.

This makes some of the girls watching the footage furrow their eyebrows in confusion, and Omega pauses the video.

Ina:” Wait, what happened to Sana?”

Sana:” My true body is non-corporeal. I am just one with all of existence. The smallest I can be is the size of a universe. My limiter helps me maintain a physical form, and when I swallow it, it’s kind of a combination of the two. I can stay in my humanoid form, while being able to use my full power. It’s pretty cool!”

Ina:” Y-yeah, you sure are!

Omega resumes the video, continuing the faceoff between herself and The Ancient Ones.

AO:” Ah yes, Omega-Alpha. We have seen you through the eyes of Tsukumo Sana and know all about you. We will take care of you, then continue with Our plan!”

Omega:” The fact that you believe you can take care of me proves you know nothing about me.”

AO:” We shall see about that.”

The Ancient Ones stretch out their hand and materialize their sword in it.

Omega:” So you also wield a blade. Very well. I do not get the chance to use mine often, so I will humor you.”

Omega stretches out her right hand and her sword materializes in it.

The Ancient Ones rush towards her and swing their sword down at her, and she effortlessly blocks the attack. She swings her sword down and pushes them away, and they both rush towards one another right after.

Their blades clash while they move through space, and the whole universe shakes. During a clash, The Ancient Ones smile and back away, leaving Omega right above Earth.

AO:” Do you see this, Omega? The whole universe shakes at the might of Our blade!”

Omega:” Is this supposed to impress me? I would be disappointed if you could not do this much.”

As The Ancient Ones grit their teeth in anger, Omega’s eyes widen and her body freezes. She puts her left hand on her head in pain.

The Omega which is playing the video opens her mouth to speak.

Omega:” In this moment I suddenly started seeing visions of the future. Specifically, Amelia Watson, your future. Your life flashed before my eyes. From the moment of your birth up until your fight with The Ancient Ones, I saw it all as if they were my own memories.”

All the girls turn their heads towards her and Amelia’s eyes widened upon hearing this.

Amelia:” M-my life? But why?!”

Omega:” I do not know, yet. I have a feeling I will find out soon, but until then, I know as much as you do.”

The girls all turn their heads towards the TV once again.

The Ancient Ones with their eyes widened, confused at the state Omega is in, clench their sword with both hands, cover it in black energy and rush towards her. They swing their sword down, and as Omega backs away, they manage to slice off a portion of her left arm, which shocks Omega. No blood comes out from her wound, and the arm falls down towards Earth.

Omega looks down at what is left of her arm, then back at The Ancient Ones, who had a smug expression on their face.

AO:” What is wrong, Omega? Are you not going to regenerate that arm of yours? Someone like you should be capable of doing that.”

Omega says nothing and dematerializes her sword, rushes towards them and grabs them by their head, then bashes it into the Moon.

Omega:” Silence. You are nothing. I will-“

Before Omega could finish her sentence, a white beam of energy juts out from the triangle above her chest, shoots The Ancient Ones and they get turned into a book which falls onto the surface of the Moon.

Omega slowly stands back up, and as she’s looking at the little piece of her arm that’s left, Sana’s huge eyes and mouth manifest near her.

Sana:" Aren't you gonna regenerate your arm? Or go after it?"

Omega:" … I do not know how to explain it, but my arm that fell onto Earth is gone, I can feel it. I could regenerate it, but I will not. "

Omega rips out what's left of her arm and transforms it into a full mechanical left arm, then sticks it into her body. She stretches it out, moves her fingers one by one, clenches a fist, then unclenches it.

Omega:" This will do. The mechanical arm will serve as a reminder of what has transpired today. And it also looks cool. "

Sana:" I-I see! "

Omega bends down on one knee and grabs the book with her mechanical arm, then stands back up.

Sana:” What will you do with them?”

Omega:" I do not know yet.” She says while looking at the book, then looks up at her.
“ Sana. Not a word of this to anyone."

Sana:" Understood."

Omega disappears and then the real Omega pauses the video.

Omega:" Now you all know. "

Mumei:" So that's what happened..."

Amelia stared at the screen with her eyebrows furrowed in confusion.

Amelia:” Okay, I didn’t wanna interrupt the video, but how did Nya-chan even damage you? I mean, he never did anything to me, so I just assumed he couldn’t do anything to you either."

Omega:" He cannot. The only reason he was able to damage is me because of the visions I was having. They were not simply a distraction; they were also affecting me as a whole, made me fragile, if you will. "

Amelia looks down and lets out a sigh before responding.

Amelia:” That makes sense… But man… I can’t tell if watching this video even helped me understand anything or just made me more confused… I mean, I know how you lost your arm now, but how did I end up becoming it?”

Omega:” Like I said, I do not know yet. I do have some theories, but I see no point in sharing them, it may just make things worse.”

Amelia:” Uhhh no offense, but aren’t you supposed to be omniscient and like, know everything?”

Omega:” Yes, however, I find that to be boring. I could have used my powers to find out where exactly my arm landed, then used my powers to find out what happened to it, I simply did not want to do that. It would be as if being spoiled a crucial part in a series I am watching. I found it more interesting to look for the answers in a more normal fashion. “

Amelia just stares at her and then giggles.

Amelia:” Man, you are a lot more human-like than I expected. Well, either way, I trust that you will tell me as soon as you figure it out, right?”

Omega:” Of course, you need not even ask that.”

Amelia’s eyes widen and she lets out a gasp, before opening her mouth to speak.

Amelia:” Wait a second! I still don’t get it, what am I exactly? I mean, I know I’m your left arm, but if you’re God then… What does that make me?”

Omega:” It makes you an Angel. Given that you are my left arm, our power is nearly identical. However, there can be only one God, and therefore, you are the next best thing; an Angel.”

The girls all looked at Amelia with their eyes widened, who was in just as much shock. Gura decides to break the silence and opens her mouth to speak.

Gura:” I KNEW IT! See, I told you you had the voice of an Angel!”

Amelia shakes her head to snap out of it and looks at Omega.

Amelia:” Wait, I-I don’t understand… That doesn’t make any sense… I’m an Angel? Are you sure?”

Omega:” Odd. You seem more confused at being called an Angel than my left arm.”

Amelia:” Well no, it’s just… Now I know which specific species I am and it’s hard to believe… I mean, Angels are supposed to be super strong, and I didn’t even have any powers until you gave them to me!”

Omega:” Were you not listening? I did not truly give you powers. I simply gave you access to the powers you always had. The reason you could not use them before is because I put a seal on your Angel powers while you were still in your mother’s womb. “

Amelia blinks slowly a few times, taking in what she just heard.

Amelia:” ... While I was still in my mother’s womb?”

Omega:” Indeed. I have known about you long before your birth after all. After I realized that you, my left arm, was growing in the form of a human girl, I decided to put a seal on your powers. I wanted you to live a normal life, but at the same time, I knew that one day that seal would come undone and you would have to face Nyarlathotep. And so, when I stabbed you with my sword, I was not giving you my powers. What I was really doing was breaking the seal that I have put on you. You heard a noise of something breaking, did you not?”

Amelia:” I-I did, now that I think about it…”

Omega:” However, the notion that you had no powers until I broke your seal is not entirely true either.”

Amelia furrows her eyebrows in confusion.

Amelia:” What do you mean? What powers did I have?”

Omega:” Have you not noticed it? You were able to perceive things which normal humans can’t. Things which your friend Ina, and even some of your non-human friends, couldn’t. No matter how many billion times the speed of light Nyarlathotep or your friends moved, you were able to see it. Some saw them as just streams of light, while some could not see anything at all, but not you. Furthermore, the release of Nyarlathotep’s limiter had no affect on you, while they did on Ninomae Ina’nis, who is more resistant to their power than normal humans.”

Amelia:” B-but if the seal was supposed to make me like a normal human, then why was able to do those things?”

Omega:” Because that is how I had designed the seal. I made it so if you are close to a Council member. your seal would weaken. The more Council members are around you, the weaker the seal becomes. I figured that the only reason you would have to be around multiple Council members, especially all of them at once, is that something dangerous was happening. Naturally, I also made it so the seal would weaken if you are close to Nyarlathotep or their vessel, as they are the true source of danger. “

Amelia looks down and lets out a chuckle.

Amelia:” It really all adds up… But there’s one thing that I have to know.” She says as she looks up at her.
" Did… Did you only care about me because I'm your left arm? If I wasn’t, would you not have Mumei watch over me? "

Omega:"... Amelia, I am not going to lie to you. It is not that I would not care; however, you have seen for yourself just how vast this world is. I oversee all of it. I care for all living creatures, but simply put, if you were not my left arm, I would have no reason to pay attention to a single human from a specific timeline. "

Amelia:" I... I guess that makes sense, I wasn't really thinking... "

Omega:" Furthermore, Nanashi Mumei would also have no reason to watch over a singular human. She only did it cause I ordered her to. She does not save humans from other humans, but rather things humans can’t protect themselves from, like meteorites, aliens, huge demon dogs and other such monsters.“

Omega shows quick video examples of each thing she had described. A video of Mumei fighting a huge black dog, with red marks across its body, along with red eyes and nails, is playing. Amelia looks down from the video and opens her mouth to speak.

Amelia:” Man, compared to what Mumei was doing before, watching over me must’ve been really boring. I mean, did she ever even have to protect me from anything? Not that I don’t trust her, but I just don’t even remember ever being in some huge danger…”

Omega:” If you do not remember anything like that, then that means she has done her job perfectly. But if you want an example… Do you remember when you were waiting for your aunt outside that coffee shop and two men came looking for you? They knew your name and about a birthmark, then suddenly left.”

Amelia:” I remember… They said they got the wrong person…”

Omega:” Amelia, think. The same name and birthmark. That cannot be a coincidence.”

Amelia gulps nervously before responding.

Amelia:” Th-then, what really happened!?”

Omega turns towards the TV, clicks a button and plays another video.

Two tall men are talking to an Amelia that’s in her teens outside of a coffee shop late at night.

One of them pulls out a picture of her and places it next to her to compare, as the other looks up, to see Mumei with her wings out, staring both of them down with her eyes shining a bright red color.

The man nudges the other with his elbow and he looks up to see the same thing his friend did, and he slowly puts the picture down.

Man 1:" I-it looks like it was all a misunderstanding girlie. “

Amelia starts scolding them and they kept looking back and forth between her and her guardian. They both apologized to her, then rushed towards their van, while looking back to see Mumei still staring at them.

Man 1:" Dude, what the hell is that?!"

Man 2:" I don't know, just drive!"

The two men drive away at top speed and as Mumei continues to track them with her eyes, and then she hears a voice in her head.

Omega:" Are you not going after them?"

Mumei:" Oh, I am. I just want to give them a little hope first."

She jumps up and flies towards them, leaving Amelia confused. She quickly catches up to them on an empty road next to a dessert. One of them looks back to see her flying towards them with her fists out in front of her, and he turns towards his friend.

Man 2:" Dude, that thing is following us!"

Man 1:" What?! Just shoot it!"

The man repeatedly shoots towards Mumei, but all of the bullets simply go around her.

Man 2:" What the- Th-the bullets are all just going around her!

Mumei takes a deep breath and shoots a small cylindrical stream of wind from her mouth at one of their tires. It completely destroys the tire, and the car goes on to the side of the road while tumbling multiple times and finally lands upside-down.

Mumei lands next to them, while the two are trying to get out of the car, with bruises and scratches all over them. She bends over, grabs one of them by their head, as the other is pointing his gun at her with his shaking hands.

Man 1:" W-wait please! I-I have a family!"

Mumei clenches her teeth and furrows her eyebrows in anger upon hearing that.

Mumei:" So does she. But you didn't care about that, did you?"

The other man shoots towards her head and the bullet bends and turns around towards the man, shooting himself in the head instead.

Mumei slowly turns her head towards him, then looks at the one she's holding and he flinches.

Man 1:" I-I was just following ord-"

Mumei crushes his head in her hand before he could finish his sentence, his blood splattered all over her and the rest of his body falls onto the ground.

Omega pauses the video, as the Myth are in shock at what they just saw.

Amelia:" Mumei wow... You saved me... Who knows what would've happened if those men took me... “

Mumei:" I would rather not think about that... "

Amelia:" Wait a second, he said he was following ord-"

Omega clicks a button on the remote and the video resumes.

Mumei:" Omega, did you hear that?"

Omega:" Yes. I have sent you coordinates to their base. Do with them what you see fit. "

Mumei squats before jumping up and quickly flying away, until she reaches a warehouse somewhere in a dessert.

She turns into a small barn owl and goes inside through a window, then comes out shortly after and returns to her humanoid form.

Mumei:" I saw only gang members. No pure hearted beings. Good."

She backs away, before stretching out her fists and rushing towards the warehouse. She flies thousands of circles around it within a second, which creates a tornado around the area and small sparks on the ground. She rushes into the building, and the entire place explodes, and sets the tornado ablaze, as she flies away, and Omega pauses the video once again.

Amelia:" Wow... I don't know what to say. Now I feel even worse for what I said to you back then..."

Mumei:” Like I said, don’t worry about it. This whole thing was supposed to be a secret after all. “

Amelia:" Wait, is Mumei even allowed to kill humans? I thought something like that would be against the rules."

Omega:" Usually, she is not, but I have told her that all rules do not apply when you are involved. After all, if someone is trying to put their hands on an Angel, they deserve divine punishment."

Calli lets out a gasp and her eyes widen upon coming to a realization.

Calli:” Wow uhhhh, I just realized… I almost sent an Angel to Hell back then…”

Amelia quickly turns towards her.

Amelia:” YOU WHAT?! You were gonna send me to Hell?!”

Call:” Well, you kinda killed a lot of people…”

Amelia:” Th-that was only in other timelines! You’re not supposed to know that!”

Calli:” Your sins are attached to your soul so, I can see everything, no matter where you were when you committed them.”

Omega floats in front of the bed Calli is in.

Omega:” Worry not, Calliope Mori. You could not take her soul before her death, and if Amelia Watson were to die, her seal would automatically break and she would be reborn as an Angel.”

Calli:” … WOW, that could’ve been really awkward!”

Amelia:” Wait so, even if you didn’t break my seal with your sword, I would’ve became an Angel if I just died?”

Omega:” Yes, but obviously that would have been quite confusing for you. I chose my words carefully when I spoke to you. I did not want to lie to you, but I thought it would be easier if I made you think I was giving you my powers. “

Amelia is just looking at her, when Kronii giggles and looks at her, and then she turns her head towards her.

Kronii:” Hey Watson, remember when The Ancient Ones held you by your neck and would have killed you if I didn’t save you? Imagine if they killed you there and you turned into an Angel! Now THAT would have been awkward!”

Amelia:” Okay, I gotta admit, that would’ve been pretty funny!”

Gawr:” Heh, would’ve loved to see the look on that thing’s face!”

Upon hearing Gawr’s voice, Amelia looks down at her, and she looks up at her with a blank confused expression.

Amelia:" Hey, now that I'm thinking about it... “ she says and looks up at Omega.
“ Gura was fighting Gawr when she died for the second time, but was she also fighting her when she died the first time? Did Kronii and I like, interrupt their battle?"

Omega:" She was not. The reason Gawr woke up the second time is because of Hakos Baelz's presence. With their history, along with Bae's chaotic nature, she was able to wake up and save Gura's life. "

Amelia and the two sharks turn their heads towards Bae and she gets a smug look on her face while crossing her arms.

Bae:" Y-yeah, I did that! "

Gawr:" I-I guess you're not so bad, rat! "

Amelia furrows her eyebrows in confusion upon noticing Irys next to Bae.

Amelia:” Wait a second Bae, who is that next to you?!”

Bae:” Oh right, I guess you haven’t seen her yet, huh? This is-“

Irys:" Hi, I'm Irys! "

Amelia:" Were you here the whole time? I guess I wasn’t paying attention… Wait, that name! "

Omega floats closer to the bunk and opens her mouth to speak.

Omega:" I suppose now is a good time as any to introduce her. This is Irys; she has materialized not long after you passed out. She is an Angel-Demon hybrid who is, much like the Council, a conceptual being; the embodiment of Hope.”

Amelia puts her hand on her chin while thinking.

Amelia:" Hmmm, I assume my fight with Nya-chan had something to do with her materializing?"

Omega:" Correct. Your fight was a catalyst for her birth. During your fight, countless versions were also fighting, hoping they would win. That someone would save them. You answered their prayers with your final attack, giving birth to the physical embodiment of Hope with the same name. Furthermore, despite the act he was putting on, on the inside Nyarlathotep was also hoping he would survive. Given that both sides were filled with hope, she materialized as an Angel-Demon hybrid."

Amelia:" Ugh, the way you said that… It almost sounded like I’m her mom…"

Omega:" Your words, not mine. "

The rest of the girls giggle and Amelia lets out an exasperated sigh before opening her mouth to speak.

Amelia:” I guess I got that coming. Well, it was nice meeting you, Irys. Sorry I kinda took your spotlight.”

Irys:” Oh that’s fine, you can just pretend like I’m not even here. I can tell you all have a lot to talk about.”

Amelia:” Yeah, we sure do. I can tell I have a lot more to learn about myself…”

Omega:” If you have any other questions, I will answer them to the best of my ability. Or if anyone else does.”

As Amelia is thinking, she lets out a gasp and gets a blush on her face, then looks at Mumei.

Amelia:” Wait a second! If you were always watching me, d-does that mean you were watching me when I was in the bathroom or taking my clothes off?!”

Mumei:” What?! Of course not! I wasn’t really watching you when you were inside any room, I was just watching your house. I figured you were safe if you were in there.”

Amelia:” Okay, that makes sense…” (Now that I think about it, this is a good time to catch someone else in the act!) she thought and gets a smug look on her face.
“Okay so, Omega was watching me, Mumei was watching me, Kronii was watching me when I was time traveling… Was there anyone else watching me? You might as well come clean right now!” she says and crosses her arms.

A silence fills the room, as she shifts her eyes towards Gura and she blushes.

Gura:” I-Um… Uhhh…”

She continues stuttering and mumbling, until Bae opens her mouth to speak.

Bae:" Okay fine, I was watching you too sometimes..."

Amelia furrows her eyebrows and moves her sights from Gura onto Bae.

Amelia:" Wait, what!?” (That’s not who I expected to respond!)

Bae:” Well, Omega did tell Mumei to watch over you, but she would go visit Kiara and Calli every few months, so she told me to watch over you instead of her during that time. Oh and I was also watching your family before you were born. From some reason, whenever I watched either of you, weird stuff would happen around you…”

Amelia:” You did what?! Wait, is this… The Watson curse?! It’s all cause you were watching us?!”

Bae blinks slowly a few times before responding.

Bae:” Uhhhh… Whoops!”

Amelia quickly turns her head towards Omega.

Amelia:” Couldn’t you have told someone normal to watch over me? Like Kronii, Fauna or Sana? You know, someone that isn’t CHAOS?”

Omega:” I could have, but this was more interesting.”

Amelia:”… I don’t know what kind of response I was expecting.” She says and quickly turns towards Bae.
“ Wait a second, were you watching me while I was doing things i-in the bathroom too!?”

Bae:” Bruh.”

Amelia just stares and her, but then Irys crosses her arms and moves her head in front of Bae’s until she turns to face her.

Irys:” Well, did you?!”

Bae:” Wh-what, of course not! I did the same thing Mumei did! And why are YOU asking me that?”

Irys:” No reason…”

Amelia lets out another sigh and crosses her arms.

Amelia:” Alright well, add Bae to the list too I guess. Now that’s FOUR of you! Is there anyone else that was watching me? ANYONE?”

Bae:(It’s almost like she wants someone else to respond…)

Gura blushes and gulps nervously before responding.

Gura:" OKAY FINE, I DID IT! Did you have to make me say it in front of everyone!? And how did you find out?!"

Gawr:” Technically, I was doing it too, but she started it.”

Gura:” Yeah, thanks a lot, Gawr!”

Amelia:" Don't be too impressed now, I didn't do any crazy detective work or anything. It's just, when you said that Atlantians like to watch humans, I thought "was I one of those humans?”. So, I never really knew for sure, but you just confirmed it.”

Gura remains silent, then slowly turns her head away from her

Gura:"... Dammit!"

Amelia:" Wait so, were you watching me while I was naked o-or in the bathroom too?!"

Gura:" W-why do you keep asking everyone that?! Of course not!"

Amelia:" Cause I just found out everyone has been spying on me! And what do you mean no, you mean you don’t wanna see me naked?! Am I not good enough for you or something?! "

Kronii furrows her eyebrows and puts a finger on her chin upon hearing that.

Kronii:” Hmmm, I’m getting a sense of déjà vu all of a sudden…”

Gura ignores her remark and just looks at Amelia.

Gura:" N-no, it’s not that, I-I just thought it would be weird... "

Amelia:" Oh so you think that's weird, but you have no problem with barging into the bathroom while I'm showering?"

Gura:" Th-that doesn't count! I didn't know English back then! "

Gawr furrows her eyebrows in confusion at her remark.

Gawr:" Wait what? I know English! And if I knew it, surely you knew it too!"

Gura quickly turns around to face her before responding.

Gura:" I meant reading English, Gawr! I didn't understand what the sign on the door meant haha! "

Gawr:" No, no, speaking, listening, reading, I knew it all... So I don't get how you didn't..."


Gawr‘s mouth and eyes slowly widen as she comes to a realization.

Gawr:" Oooohhh.... You were lying! I get it now!"

Gura slowly turns towards Amelia and two just stare at each other.

Kronii:" WOW, this is awkward! Quick, Omega, play another video! "

Omega:" Good idea. "

She clicks a button on the remote and a video plays, showing Fauna kissing Kronii in the kitchen, while groping her breasts, with Kronii's hands on Fauna’s waist. Everyone turns to look at the video, as Fauna gets a slight blush on her face, and Kronii's face turns completely red.


Omega:" Silence. This video is funny."

Kronii:" Wait, is this..."

They continue watching and the video shows Amelia barging into the room while already talking.

Amelia:" Fauna, you won't believe what I ju-"

She stops talking and is frozen in shock upon seeing them. The two open their eyes and slowly back their faces away from the other, turn their heads toward her.

The Amelia watching the video furrows her eyebrows in confusion at the sight.

Amelia:" Hey, how come I don't remember this?!"

Omega:" I had to erase and replace your memories of this event."

She turns her head away from Omega back towards the video.

Kronii and Fauna slowly let go of each other while looking at Amelia.

Fauna:" I uhhh... I was just trying to get her to like you!"

Amelia remains frozen and doesn't even once, then collapses onto the ground and hits her head.

The girls watching the video couldn't hold in their laughter anymore and they all laughed at the sight.

Bae:" Okay, that was a good one Fauna!"

Fauna:" It was pretty funny, now that I think about it!"

They continue watching the video and as blood is leaking from Amelia's head, Fauna lets out a gasp.

Fauna:" Oh no!"

She rushes towards her and gets on her knees, then checks her pulse and lets out a sigh of relief.

Kronii:" She dead?"

Fauna:" Why would I be relieved over that?!" she says as she turns Amelia over onto her back.

Kronii:" Cause she won't be getting in our way anymore?"

Fauna:" Oh come on, don’t be like that… I thought you said you liked her..."

Kronii squats next to her and sighs.

Kronii:" I do like her, but I don't like that she's here ALL the time…"

The two remain silent for a while, and the real Amelia turns her head towards Kronii.

Amelia:"... I don't know if I should be mad that you were hoping I was dead, or feel bad for co*ckblocking you..."

Kronii:" Well, I was kidding when I said that, so you should just feel bad. "

Fauna:" Hey, look at the bright side, they know now so we don't have to hide anymore! "

Kronii:" I don't know... Hiding was kind of... Exciting."

Fauna slowly looks down before opening her mouth to speak.

Fauna:" Yeah, it really was... "

Amelia:" Don't worry, I'd rather not see you doing anything inappropriate, so you can keep hiding if you want!"

The Kronii on the video looks up and opens her mouth to speak.

Kronii:" Omega, can you erase her memories of this? "

Omega:" It is not like you have given me much of a choice. I would appreciate it if you could be more careful in the future. "

Fauna:" Sorry..."

Suddenly, Gura rushes down from upstairs, excitedly yelling her friend's name. Upon entering the room, her smile fades as she sees Amelia collapsed on the floor.

Gura:" What's going on?! Wh-what happened to Ame?! And who is this?! " she says while looking at Kronii.

Fauna and Kronii look at each other, then Fauna simply nods at Kronii. She disappears, appears behind Gura, and gives her a chop to the back of her neck, causing her to pass out and she falls on top of Amelia.

Kronii:" Yep, erase her memories too, Omega."

Omega pauses the video, then Gura and Gawr quickly turn towards Kronii.

Gura:" HEY!"

Gawr:" HOW DARE YOU?!"

Kronii:" I didn't have a choice, okay?!"

Fauna:” Aww come on now, don’t be mad at her!” She turns her head away from the sharks and looks at Omega.
“ Omega, play a video of Kronii being nice!”

Omega clicks another button and a video of Kronii and Fauna in a kitchen plays.

Kronii, in an apron which has "Kiss the Clock" written on it, is watching over a pan with minced meat in it, next to Fauna, who's wearing a nature themed apron.

Kronii has a frown on her face while stirring the meat.

Kronii:" Grrr! I can't believe I'm making her food again after what she did to me!"

Fauna:" Oh come on, relax! It was kinda funny!"

Kronii:" Hmph, she injected her spit into me, so maybe I'll just spit in her food."

As Kronii prepares her mouth to spit, Omega pauses the video.

Omega:” On second thought, maybe I should play a different video.”

Fauna:” Out of all times Kronii cooked for them, you had to show THAT one?”

Amelia doesn’t pay attention to Fauna and quickly turns towards Kronii.

Amelia:" YOU SPIT IN MY FOOD?! "

Kronii:" N-no, I didn't! Omega, play the video! "

Omega:"... Are you sure? "

Kronii:" Just do it... "

Omega resumes the video.

As Kronii's saliva is leaving her mouth above the food, Fauna quickly gets closer to her and kisses her while putting on hand on the back of her head. Kronii's eyes widened, and a blush spreads across her face, and they slowly backed away from each other.

Kronii:" Wh-what are you doing, t-that's gross!"

Fauna:" You made me do it! No spitting in food! And I get that you're mad at Ame, but Gura eats that too, you know!"

Kronii:" Ugh fine, w-whatever!"

Omega pauses the video pauses the video and Fauna giggles, while Kronii is covering her face with her hands in embarrassment.

The rest of the girls slowly turn their heads toward Fauna.

Gura & Gawr:" Ewwww! "

Fauna:" What? Kissing is basically just exchanging saliva, I didn't do anything weird! "

Kiara:" Not like THAT! "

Calli:” Yeahh, that was definitely weird.”

Amelia looks at the paused video again, then her eyes widen for a split second and she looks at Kronii, as she puts her hands down.

Amelia:" Wait a second Kronii, why were you making us food in the first place?"

Kronii:" I always have. You think Fauna would make you something with meat in it? "

Amelia:" Well, she said Mumei hunts the animals and she makes the food... "

Kronii:" Yeah, not exactly. Mumei hunts, I cooked it and pretty much anything else that had meat in it, while Fauna just watched. Oh, she made the non-meaty stuff I guess. "

Fauna pouts while crossing her arms.

Fauna:" Hey, you make it sound like I wasn’t doing anything! The non-meaty stuff important too! "

Kronii:” Yeah well, I was doing most of the work!”

Mumei:” Hey, if it weren’t for me, you wouldn’t even have any meat to cook!”

Amelia is looking down, lost in thought, until she slowly looked back up at Kronii and Fauna.

Amelia:" Woah... So Kronii was like... My secret third mom… Wait no!” she says and looks at Omega.
“ Omega, you’re basically like my mom too, right?”

Omega:” I suppose, if you want me to be.”

Amelia:” Yes! Now I have FOUR moms! I have my real mom, Omega, Fauna and Kronii!” she says, while counting each of them on her fingers.

Kronii:” I guess we were kinda like your moms now that I think about it huh…”

Mumei leans forward and looks to her side at Amelia.

Mumei:” Hey, what about me? I was hunting animals for you AND protecting you!”

Amelia:” Hmmm… I don’t know, you don’t really give mommy vibes… You’re more like my overprotective older sister!”

Mumei:” I’ll take it!”

Bae gets on all fours and looks down at Amelia, and she looks up at her.

Bae:” What about me? What am I?”

Amelia:” Hmmm… You’re like the younger sister who tries to help, but ends up causing trouble instead!”

Bae:” … Fair enough.”

While just listening in up until now, Sana turns towards Amelia and opens her mouth to speak.

Sana:" I know we haven't interacted much, but what am I? I'm also a part of this weird family, right?"

Amelia:" Of course! You're also a big sister, but like, the less serious and playful one!"

Sana:" Ohhh I like that, it sounds accurate!"

Gura leans forward and looks at the Council girls.

Gura:" Hmmm, no one really watched over me, but Fauna was basically my mom here, so I guess that makes Kronii my secret mom too?"

Gawr quickly turns her head towards them afterwards.

Gawr:" Does this mean they're my moms too!? " She asks with her tail wagging slightly.

Irys leans forward and looks down at them.

Irys:" I guess I'm the daughter here and you're all my grandmothers?..."

Bae:" Don't ever say that again."

Kronii lets out a sigh before opening her mouth to speak.

Kronii:" This family is getting complicated..."

The whole family laughs, and the rest of the girls giggle.

To Be Continued....

A weird place to end it on, I know, I know! I was lucky to at least have a cliffhanger I can end it on last time, but here, there isn't really any cliff hangers for like another 4k words or something. This seemed like a somewhat nice place to end it on, so there you go! I'm hoping to get the next part out sooner, but at most, it'll be next weekend.

Anyways, I hope you all liked it! A lot was revealed this chapter and there's still some more mysteries to uncover, so I look forward to that!

PS. Follow me on twitter, I want more Hololive fan friends! I mostly just retweet stuff, but I tweet sometimes too and post KronFau. Twitter :D

Hololive English: A Destined Battle - Chapter 30 - Vitou (2024)
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Name: Tuan Roob DDS

Birthday: 1999-11-20

Address: Suite 592 642 Pfannerstill Island, South Keila, LA 74970-3076

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Job: Marketing Producer

Hobby: Skydiving, Flag Football, Knitting, Running, Lego building, Hunting, Juggling

Introduction: My name is Tuan Roob DDS, I am a friendly, good, energetic, faithful, fantastic, gentle, enchanting person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.