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We are pleased to present important information regarding the 2024-2025 University health insurance requirement, the benefits offered through Cardinal Care, and the Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy. Additional information includes Travel Assistance when away from campus, and the option for students with Cardinal Care coverage to enroll their dependents in the Dependent Care plan.
Please utilize the links below to navigate this important insurance information.
Table of Contents
- Stanford University Mandatory Health Insurance Requirement
- Overview
- Making a Decision – Stay Enrolled in Cardinal Care or Request a Waiver
- General Information About Health Insurance
- How Health Insurance Works in the United States
- Important Insurance Terms and Concepts
- Cardinal Care Student Health Insurance
- Cardinal Care Overview
- Medical
- Mental Health
- Dental
- On Call International
- Aetna Student Health Features
- Summary of Benefits
- Cardinal Care Medical Benefits
- Cardinal Care Mental Health Benefits
- Cardinal Care Dental Benefits
- International Coverage
- Referrals for Specialty Care
- 2024-2025 Tier 1 Additional Ancillary Service Providers
- Cost and Coverage Periods
- Cardinal Care Overview
- Other Options for Health Insurance and Minimum Coverage Requirements
- Other Options for Health Insurance
- Minimum Coverage Requirements
- Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy – NEXT STEPS/ACTION REQUIRED
- Take Action
- Additional Considerations for International Students
- What To Expect after Requesting a Waiver
- You Must Take Action Every Year
- Unique Cardinal Care Enrollment Situations
- Cardinal Care and Leaves of Absence
- Cardinal Care When You Confer Your Degree (Off Cycle)
- Health Insurance for Dependents of Students
- Dependent Care Enrollment Guidelines
- How To Enroll Dependents
- Qualifying Life Events
- Seeking Care
- Cancelling Enrollment in Dependent Care
- Cardinal Care Frequently Asked Questions
Stanford University Mandatory Health Insurance Requirement
Students, while attending Stanford University, must be covered by health insurance that meets specific parameters to ensure that health care needs can be met. Cardinal Care, the student health insurance plan sponsored by Stanford University, is one such option.
- All students, in their first active quarter of each year, are auto-enrolled in the university-sponsored health insurance plan, Cardinal Care, administered by Aetna Student Health. Coverage begins at the start of the entry quarter and ends August 31 each year.
- Although Cardinal Care offers the most robust level of benefits for those who are in the Stanford area, it also provides coverage nationally and internationally.
- Students who have alternative health insurance that meets university minimum coverage requirements may waive Cardinal Care, if desired. For students in the Stanford vicinity, this means having coverage for inpatient and outpatient medical and mental health care in the San Francisco Bay Area, with access to providers at Stanford University Medical Center and/or the Sutter Health Network.
- In all instances, students who do not waive Cardinal Care coverage by the applicable deadline, will be enrolled in Cardinal Care health insurance for the remainder of the plan year, i.e., through August 31, 2025 and charges will apply (with exception for some Autumn or Winter graduating students who formally petition to come off the plan).
Making a Decision: Stay Enrolled in Cardinal Care or Request a Waiver
New and returning students must make a decision each year about the type of health insurance that is best for them.
All students must acknowledge their understanding of the Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy in Axess no later than the applicable waiver deadline.
Students who wish to remain enrolled in Cardinal Care do not need to take any further action once they have acknowledged the policy (enrollment in Cardinal Care is the default).
Students who wish to use an alternative health insurance plan must formally request to waive Cardinal Care by the applicable deadline below, or will be automatically enrolled from the quarter of entry until the end of the plan year (August 31). Corresponding costs, which can be significant, will be the responsibility of the student. The process to request a waiver involves submission of proof of alternative health insurance that meets the university’s requirements and will be described below.
Quarter of Entry | Deadline to Convey Health Insurance Decision (Stay Enrolled in Cardinal Care or Request to Waive Coverage) |
Autumn Quarter | September 15 |
Winter Quarter | December 15 |
Spring Quarter | March 15 |
Summer Quarter | June 15 |
Action must be taken by the applicable deadline. Failure to take action could result in enrollment in more than one health insurance plan and responsibility for associated costs. Please review the information here and be sure to take action by the applicable deadline.
General Information About Health Insurance
How Health Insurance Works in the United States
Health care in the United States can be very expensive. A single doctor’s office visit may cost several hundred dollars and an average three-day hospital stay can cost tens of thousands of dollars (or even more) depending on the type of care provided. Most of us could not afford to pay such large sums when we get sick, especially since we don’t know when we might become ill or injured or how much care we might need. Health insurance offers a way to reduce such costs to more reasonable, affordable amounts. The way it typically works is that the consumer (you) pays an up front premium to a health insurance company and that payment allows you to share ‘risk’ with lots of other people (enrollees) who are making similar payments. Since most people are healthy most of the time, the premium dollars paid to the insurance company can be used to cover the expenses of the (relatively) small number of enrollees who get sick or are injured.
Insurance companies, as you can imagine, have studied risk extensively, and their goal is to collect enough premium to cover medical costs of the enrollees. There are many, many different types of health insurance plans in the United States and many different rules and arrangements regarding care. Following are three important questions you should ask when selecting health insurance:
Key Question #1: Where Can I Receive Care Using My Health Insurance Plan?
One way that health insurance plans control their costs is to influence access to providers. Providers include physicians, hospitals, laboratories, pharmacies, and other entities. Many insurance companies contract with a specified network of providers that has agreed to supply services to plan enrollees at more favorable pricing. If a provider is not in a plan’s network, the insurance company may not pay for the service(s) provided or may pay a smaller portion than it would for in-network care. This means the enrollee who goes outside of the network for care may be required to pay a much higher share of the cost.
If you have a plan through a parent, for example, and that plan’s network is in your home town, you might not be able to get the care you need in the Stanford area, or you might incur much higher costs to get that care in the Stanford vicinity.
Key Question #2: What Does My Health Insurance Plan Cover?
Under the Affordable Care Act, plans in the United States are required to offer a number of ‘essential health benefits’ which include:
- Ambulatory patient services (those you would typically receive outside of a hospital)
- Emergency services
- Hospitalization
- Maternity and newborn care
- Pediatric services, including oral and vision care
- Mental health and substance-use disorder services
- Preventive services (e.g., some immunizations) and chronic disease management
- Rehabilitative and habilitative services
- Some laboratory services
- Prescription drugs
For our international students, who might be considering coverage through a plan not based in the U.S., asking the question, ‘what does the plan cover in the U.S.?’ is extremely important.
Key Question #3: How Much Will My Health Insurance Cost?
As a general rule of thumb, the more you pay in premium up front, the less you will pay in the form of deductibles, copayments, and coinsurance when you access care. The less you pay in premium, the more you will pay when you access care.
The question for our students is pay a larger share now? Or, pay a larger share later?
Consider that anticipated costs at the time of service may discourage students from getting needed care.
Important Insurance Terms and Concepts
Out-of-Pocket Expenses
The terms ‘out-of-pocket cost’ and ‘cost sharing’ refer to the portion of your medical expenses you are responsible for paying at the time you receive health care. Out-of-pocket costs are additional to the monthly health insurance premium you pay.
Annual Deductible
The annual deductible is the amount you pay each plan year before the insurance company starts paying its share of the costs. For example, if the deductible is $2,000, then you would be responsible for paying the first $2,000 in health care you receive each year out of pocket, after which the insurance company would start paying its share.
Copayment (or ‘Copay’)
A copayment is a fixed, up front amount you pay each time you receive care when that care is subject to a copay. For example, a copay of $30 might be applicable for a physician visit, after which the insurance company picks up the rest. Plans with higher premiums generally have lower copays, and vice versa. Plans that do not have copays typically use other methods of cost sharing.
Coinsurance is a percentage of the cost of your medical care. For example, you might pay $200 (20 percent) for an MRI that costs $1,000. Your insurance company will pay the other $800 (80 percent). Plans with higher premiums typically have lower coinsurance.
Annual Out-of-Pocket Maximum
The annual out-of-pocket-maximum is the most cost-share you will be responsible for in a year. It is the total of your deductible, copays, and coinsurance (but does not include your premiums). Once you hit this limit, the insurance company will pick up 100 percent of your covered costs for the remainder of the plan year. Most enrollees never reach the out-of-pocket maximum but it can happen if a lot of costly treatment for a serious accident or illness is needed. Plans with higher premiums generally have lower out-of-pocket limits.
What It Means to Be a ‘Covered Benefit’
The terms ‘covered benefit’ and ‘covered’ are used regularly in the insurance industry, but can be confusing. A ‘covered benefit’ generally refers to a health service that is included (i.e., ‘covered’) under the premium for a given health insurance policy that is paid by, or on behalf of, the enrolled patient. ‘Covered’ means that some portion of the allowable (or ‘negotiated’) cost of a health service will be considered for payment by the insurance company. “Covered’ does not mean that the service will be paid at 100%.
For example, in a plan under which urgent care is ‘covered,’ a copay for the service might apply. The copay is an out-of-pocket expense for the patient. If the copay is $100, the patient has to pay this amount (usually at the time of service), and then the insurance plan ‘covers’ the rest of the allowed cost for the urgent care service.
In some instances, an insurance company might not pay anything toward a ‘covered benefit.’ For example, if a patient has not yet met an annual deductible of $1,000, and the cost of the covered health service provided is $400, the patient will need to pay the $400 (often at the time of service). What makes this service ‘covered’ is that its cost counts toward the annual deductible, so only $600 would remain to be paid by the patient for future services before the insurance company starts to pay its share.
Please keep these terms and concepts in mind as you consider your health insurance options.
Cardinal Care Student Health Insurance
Cardinal Care Overview*
* This overview provides highlights of benefit information about Cardinal Care, the Stanford student health insurance plan. The plan documents contain the exact terms and conditions of the Aetna coverage. If there is a discrepancy between the information provided here and the provisions of the plan documents, the plan documents will govern.
Medical Overview
For medical services, Cardinal Care has two tiers of coverage that allow the member to decide where to seek care, while managing cost.
Tier | Health Care Providers | Details |
Tier 1 Medical Care | Stanford University Medical Center, Menlo Medical Clinic, and Sutter Health | The Tier 1 coverage allows students to be seen at Stanford University Medical Center, Menlo Medical Clinic, or Sutter Health. For office visits and most outpatient services (excluding surgery), students pay only a $25 copayment, and Cardinal Care covers the balance. For inpatient care at Stanford Hospital, a $100 annual deductible will apply, along with a $500 copay per admission, after which coverage is at 100% |
Tier 2 Medical Care | Any Aetna Participating Network Provider | Tier 2 coverage allows students to receive care from any Aetna participating network provider. This flexibility can come in especially handy when studying remotely or traveling since Aetna offers coverage locally, nationally, and internationally. When Tier 2 is in effect, Cardinal Care pays 70% of most eligible expenses after you pay a $500 annual deductible. It’s important to follow the directions on your individualized health insurance ID card when accessing health care off campus. |
Mental Health Overview
Aetna Student Health administers Cardinal Care’s mental health benefits through a local and national network of mental health clinicians. Students do not need a referral from Vaden Health Center’s Counseling and Psychological Services (CAPS) unit to seek care with an Aetna provider in the community, but may want to contact CAPS for recommendations on community providers who could be a good fit for specific needs. For more information, visit the Aetna Student Health site.
Dental Overview
Aetna PPO Dental administers Cardinal Care’s dental coverage, which includes diagnostic and preventive care at 100% (up to $1,000 annually) when an Aetna PPO dentist is used. Basic restorative services are covered at 80% after a $25 annual deductible when services are provided by a PPO in-network dentist.
Note: Dental benefits are bundled with Cardinal Care’s medical and mental health benefits and are not available separately.
Year-Round, Worldwide Travel Assistance with On Call International*
* This is only a summary of On Call International benefits. Please refer to the Description of Services which can be downloaded at for conditions, limitations and exclusions. Medical evacuation and repatriation services must be pre-approved and arranged by On Call International.
Cardinal Care also offers access to comprehensive emergency assistance services provided by On Call International in the event a medical emergency or behavioral health issue occurs for any student traveling more than 100 miles from their primary residence. Some of these services include:
- Emergency medical evacuation
- Medically necessary repatriation
- Medical/behavioral health/dental/ pharmacy/hospital referral
- Prescription drug replacement assistance
Students enrolled in Cardinal Care can contact On Call International at 1.866.525.1956 (toll free) or at 00.1.603.328.1956.
Aetna Student Health Features
Secure Member Website
Aetna offers a dedicated, secure member website exclusively for Stanford students enrolled in Cardinal Care. To register for access to the site, go to, click ‘Your Aetna Member Website’, and follow the prompts for a first time user. You may use your Stanford University ID number (with only one preceding zero) to set up your online account, or you can use your member number that starts with a ‘W’ if you have printed your ID card (see below). Your Aetna member ID is ‘W’ plus 9 digits that Aetna assigns.
Once you’ve registered on the member website, you’ll have access to many tools and resources to help you manage your health plan and improve your health. Use your online account to:
- View the Stanford student Plan Design and Benefits Summary document
- Find an urgent care center, doctor or hospital
- (Re)print your ID card
- Access health and wellness programs and resources
Personalized Identification Card
Cardinal Care enrollees should keep their personalized Aetna Student Health ID card handy and present it whenever accessing care. This card identifies you as a Cardinal Care member and gives you access to participating providers and pharmacies nationwide. Aetna offers several options for obtaining your ID card:
- Print a copy online
- Request a physical card by calling 888.834.4708. (ID cards are not mailed unless directly requested.)
- Access an image via smartphone with Aetna Mobile
Aetna ID cards are created for BOTH medical/mental health and dental insurance plans.
Aetna Student Health Programs and Discounts
In addition to having access to an extensive nationwide network of providers and pharmacies through Aetna Student Health, members also have access to a robust wellness platform which includes Mindcheck (wellness assessment), 24 Hour Nurseline (telephonic health coaching), fitness, and weight management (Nutrisystem®) discounts, and Maternity programs. Access the wellness programs and learn more.
Aetna Vision Preferred – Vision Insurance Plan
Aetna offers a vision insurance plan that is OUTSIDE of the Cardinal Care package of benefits. Students who wish to explore vision coverage can go tothe Aetna website to review benefits, and learn about cost and enrollment information. This offering is managed by Aetna directly.
- Enroll the1st to the 20thday of the month: plan is effective the 1st of the next month
- On or after the 21stof the month: plan is effective the 1st of the following month
Summary of Benefits
The following tables summarize the Cardinal Care 2024-2025 medical, mental health, and dental benefits. A full list of covered services and complete description of plan definitions and exclusions can be found in theapplicablePlan Design and Benefits Summary at the Aetna website.
Cardinal Care may not cover all your health care expenses. The plan excludes coverage for certain services and contains limitations on the amounts it will pay. Out-of-network providers are not covered.
Summary of Cardinal Care Medical Benefits
Plan Provision | TIER 1 Stanford University Medical Center, Menlo Medical Clinic, and Sutter Health | TIER 2 All Other Aetna Participating Network Providers |
Annual deductible | $100 (applies to inpatient admissions, outpatient surgery, and infertility treatment) | $500 (applies to all services) |
Annual out-of-pocket maximum (Excludes some family planning services, expenses related to noncertified services, and services not covered under the plan.) | $2,000 | $4,000 |
Lifetime maximum for medical coverage | Unlimited | Unlimited |
Preventive care (Preventive care includes services that have been identified as preventive in the following areas: annual exams, vision/hearing screenings, newborn and well-woman care, and lab and x-ray services.) | $0 out of pocket (deductible waived) | $0 out of pocket (deductible waived) |
Emergency and urgent care services | ||
Emergency room | $100 copay per visit (waived if admitted) | $100 copay per visit (waived if admitted) |
Urgent care | $50 copay | $50 copay |
Surgery | ||
Surgeon or assistant surgeon service | 100% covered | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Outpatient surgery/procedure | $250 copay after the plan year deductible has been met | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Hospital and skilled nursing facility stays Semiprivate inpatient hospital room or intensive care unit with ancillary services (includes acute care detoxification admissions) | 100% covered after a $500 copay per admission and after you meet the plan-year deductible | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Primary care physician office visit | No point of service charge if provided by Vaden Health Center $25 copay for services provided outside Vaden Health Center | No point of service charge if provided by Vaden Health Center $25 copay for services provided outside Vaden Health Center (deductible waived) |
Outpatient specialist and consultant visits | 100% covered after a $25 copay for each visit | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Rehabilitative therapy (including physical, speech, occupational, respiratory and cardiac therapy) | 100% covered after a $25 copay for each visit | 100% covered after a $40 copay for each visit (deductible applies) |
Rehabilitative therapy (Chiropractor and Acupuncture) | 100% covered after a $25 copay for each visit | 100% covered after a 40% copay for each visit (deductible waived) |
General medical services | ||
Chemotherapy/radiation therapy/nuclear medicine (professional service only) | 100% covered after a $25 copay for each visit | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Organ transplants (nonexperimental and noninvestigational) | 100% covered after the plan year deductible has been met | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
X-ray (excluding complex radiology) | 100% covered | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Laboratory | 100% covered | 100% covered after a $25 copay (deductible waived) |
Complex radiology (e.g., MRI, CT, PET, SPECT, MUGA, ultrasound) | 100% covered after two $100 copays (professional and technical charges) per service (outpatient setting) OR 100% covered after the plan year deductible has been met (inpatient setting) | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Durable Medical Equipment (DME) | 100% covered (of the negotiated charge per item) (deductible waived) | 100% covered after a $25 copay |
Pregnancy and maternity care | ||
Normal delivery, cesarean section and complications of pregnancy | 100% covered after the $100 annual deductible has been met and a $500 copay (per admission) has been applied | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Prenatal office visits | 100% covered | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Postnatal office visits | 100% covered after a $25 copay for each visit | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Genetic testing of fetus | 100% covered | 70% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Reproductive health | ||
Infertility (comprehensive infertility services) | 50% covered after you meet the plan year deductible has been met | 50% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Female Sterilization | 100% covered (deductible waived) | 100% covered (deductible waived) |
Male Sterilization | 100% covered after a $50 copay | 100% covered after a $100 copay (deductible applies) |
Annual refractive eye exam | 100% covered after a $25 copay | 100% covered after a $25 copay |
Prescriptions filled at Walgreens at Vaden or another preferred Aetna Student HealthSM pharmacy | $10 copay for generic drugs $35 copay for brand formulary drugs $50 copay for brand non-formulary and specialty drugs | $10 copay for generic drugs $35 copay for brand formulary drugs $50 copay for brand non-formulary and specialty drugs |
Summary of Cardinal Care Mental Health Benefits*
Mental and Substance Use Disorder Treatment | Tier 1 | Tier 2 |
Outpatient treatment | $25 copay per visit | $25 copay per visit |
Inpatient treatment in a hospital or residential facility | 100% covered after a $250 copay per admission | 100% covered after the plan year deductible has been met |
Other outpatient treatment (includes physical, occupational, speech, cognitive therapies and skilledbehavioralhealthservices in the home) | 100%(ofthenegotiated charge) per visit Nopolicyyeardeductibleapplies | 100%(ofthenegotiated charge) per visit Nopolicyyeardeductibleapplies |
* For complete information, refer to the Plan Design and Benefits Summary.
Summary of Cardinal Care Dental Benefits*
- Eligibility
- Students enrolled in Cardinal Care and
- Dependents enrolled in Dependent Care
- Deductibles
- Aetna PPO Dental dentists: $25 each plan year
- Non-Aetna-PPO-Dental dentists: $50 each plan year
- Deductibles waived for diagnostic and preventive dental care? Yes.
- Maximum Benefit
- Aetna PPO Dental dentists: $1,000 each plan year
- Non-Aetna-PPO-Dental dentists: $1,000 each plan year
- Waiting Period for Basic Benefits: None
Benefits and Covered Services | Aetna PPO Dental Dentists | Non-Aetna-PPO-Dental Dentists |
Diagnostic and Preventive Services Exams, cleanings, x-rays and sealants | 100% covered | 50% covered |
Basic Services Fillings and simple extractions | 80% covered | 50% covered |
Endodontics (root canals) Covered under Basic Services | 80% covered | 50% covered |
Periodontics (gum treatment) Covered under Basic Services | 80% covered | 50% covered |
Oral Surgery (including impacted tooth) | 80% covered | 50% covered |
Major Services Crowns, inlays, onlays and cast restorations | Not covered | Not covered |
Prosthodontics Bridges and dentures | Not covered | Not covered |
* For complete information, refer to the Dental Plan Design and Benefits Summary.
International Coverage
Cardinal Care provides coverage for care rendered outside the United States. In most instances, payment must be made to the provider directly at the time of service. Students can then seek reimbursem*nt from Aetna, which will occur under Tier 2.
Referrals for Specialty Care
If you are seen at Vaden for a (medical) Primary Care service, and the clinician determines that you should see a specialist, a medical referral may be created for you. A medical referral is a written order from your primary care doctor/provider to see a specialist for a specific medical service. Medical referrals serve multiple purposes: they may be initiated to ‘open the door’ for securing an appointment with a specialist (in many instances, specialists will not accept patients unless they are referred by a provider who is knowledgeable about them) and/or they may be used to convey information about you so the specialist knows why you are coming.
How Referrals Work - For Students with Cardinal Care
Students who are enrolled in Cardinal Care and who are eligible for services at Vaden Health Center, may wish to obtain a referral from a Vaden provider in order to access (medical) specialist care through Stanford Health Care, Menlo Medical Clinic, or Sutter Health, depending on the type of medical care needed. We encourage eligible students to first seek care from a Vaden provider and then to work with that provider to access specialty care if it is needed. Students enrolled in Cardinal Care may also opt to seek specialist care without a referral from Vaden, but may encounter difficulties if that specialist requires referral.
If/when a referral is needed, the Vaden Health Insurance and Referral Office will process the referral (i.e., gather and forward information required) in one business day if ‘stat’ or ‘urgent’ and in two to four business days if ‘routine.’ Students are notified by secure message when this step has been completed. Typically, the referral is received by a referral center, and once that has occurred, the referral is distributed to the appropriate specialty clinic. Note: this distribution may occur several days after Vaden staff have processed the referral. In some instances the clinic will contact the student regarding an appointment and in others the student must contact the clinic to make the appointment. For certain specialties, available appointments can be weeks out (or longer). Should this be true, you may need to consider another option in the area. Please note that in order to access specialist care at Palo Alto Medical Foundation/Sutter, it may be necessary to establish a primary care relationship with a Sutter provider prior to seeking a referral for specialist care.
To search for an Aetna participating network provider (doctor, hospital, pharmacy, etc.), visit the Aetna website or call 1.888.834.4708.
Other Considerations
If you opted to have care through a local Health Maintenance Organization (HMO) such as Kaiser, that has a closed network of providers, the Vaden Health Center clinicians will not be able to refer you for specialist care since they are not part of the HMO network. The Vaden providers can still treat you at Vaden Health Center for Primary Care and Counseling and Psychological Services needs, but if you need care beyond what Vaden provides, they will be unable to refer you to a specialist at Stanford (or Menlo Medical or Sutter). You will have to access specialist care according to the terms of your HMO. (The same will most likely be true of other limited access plans.)
2024-2025 Tier 1 Additional Ancillary Service Providers
In addition to Stanford Medical Center, Menlo Medical, and Sutter Health Network, the following providers are Tier 1 options in the Cardinal Care network. This list is subject to change, so please review it prior to seeking care. Providers other than those listed will be covered under Tier 2 if part of the Aetna network. Cardinal Care does not cover out of network care.
Linda Wu: TIN 272210284
John Ellis: TIN 272210284
193 Jefferson Drive, Menlo Park, CA, 94025; 949.891.0328; 652.521.5440
Krysta Wyatt: TIN 261187976
Artashes Mirzatuny: TIN 261187976
Michiko Marx: TIN 261187976
1336 El Camino Real, San Carlos, CA, 94070; 650.596.5616
Ian Chase - Integrated Health Care: TIN 451464503
Eric Glenn - Integrated Health Care: TIN 451464503
Gill Keiko – Integrated Health Care: TIN 451464503
480 S. California Ave., #103, Palo Alto, CA, 94306; 650.321.7193
James Loucks: TIN 559475474
Jennifer Loucks: TIN 557670500
Daniel Soto: TIN 617423959
1139 Bush Street, Suite C, San Carlos, CA, 94070; 650.593.1103
Durable Medical Equipment
- Apria Healthcare: TIN 330057155
- Advanced Diabetes Supply: TIN: 223865781
- Byram Healthcare Centers: TIN 222862167
- Edgepark Medical Supplies: TIN 341650951
- Sleepquest: TIN 943231410
Quest Diagnostics: TIN 710897031
Physical Therapy
Richard P Carr Physical Therapy: TIN 942623277
MORE Physical Therapy, Inc. (Vaden site only): TIN 770184181
Surgery Center
Waverly Surgery Center: TIN 020554398
Cost and Coverage Periods
Cost is a major consideration for many of our students. Cardinal Care has comprehensive benefits that provide exceptional coverage. Taxes and fees imposed by health care reform have contributed to the price. In some instances, subsidies and other aid may be available to help offset the premium. Cardinal Care is an annual health insurance plan that runs September 1 through August 31 each year. It includes coverage in Summer Quarter (whether the student is registered that quarter or not). For most students (i.e., those who enter the university in Autumn Quarter), the annual premium is billed over 3 quarters for 4 quarters of coverage. The annual cost for Cardinal Care for the 2024–2025 academic year is $7,620. Students are charged $2,540 in Autumn Quarter, $2,540 in Winter Quarter, and $2,540 in Spring Quarter for the annual period and are covered but not billed in Summer Quarter. The 2024–2025 Cardinal Care Cost and Coverage Table below provides information about the charges student enrollees will see on the university bill, as well as other important details, by quarter, based on the student’s first registered quarter at Stanford.
2024–2025 Cardinal Care Cost and Coverage
Entering Students
First Quarter of enrollment at SU | Cardinal Care Coverage Period | Months of coverage | Total cost | Details | Autumn | Winter | Spring | Summer |
Autumn | Sep 1 – Aug 31 | 12 | $7,620 | Charge on bill | $2,540 | $2,540 | $2,540 | $0 |
Maximum grad subsidy | $2,540 | $2,540 | $2,540 | $0 | ||||
Winter | Jan 1 – Aug 31 | 8 | $5,080 | Charge on bill | $2,540 | $2,540 | $0 | |
Maximum grad subsidy | $2,540 | $2,540 | $0 | |||||
Spring | Apr 1 – Aug 31 | 5 | $3,175 | Charge on bill | $3,175 | $0 | ||
Maximum grad subsidy | $3,175 | $0 | ||||||
Summer | Jun 1 – Aug 31 | 3 | $1,905 | Charge on bill | $1,905 | |||
Maximum grad subsidy | $1,905 |
Exiting (Graduating) Students
Last Quarter of enrollment at SU | Cardinal Care Coverage Period | Months of coverage | Total cost | Details | Autumn | Winter | Spring | Summer |
Autumn | Sep 1 – Dec 31 | 4 | $2,540 | Charge on bill | $2,540 | |||
Maximum grad subsidy | $2,540 | |||||||
Winter | Sep 1 – Apr 30 | 8 | $5,080 | Charge on bill | $2,540 | $2,540 | ||
Maximum grad subsidy | $2,540 | $2,540 | ||||||
Spring or Summer (same as annual) | Sep 1 – Aug 31 | 12 | $7,620 | Charge on bill | $2,540 | $2,540 | $2,540 | $0 |
Maximum grad subsidy | $2,540 | $2,540 | $2,540 | $0 |
Other Options for Health Insurance and Minimum Health Insurance Coverage Requirements
Stanford recognizes that students may already have health insurance that works well for them. Plans can take many forms, with wide breadths of coverage. Our goal is for all students to have coverage through which they can get their care needs met, both expected and unexpected, whether in the Stanford vicinity or wherever they may happen to be studying or traveling.
Other Options for Health Insurance
Cardinal Care has broad coverage that has worked well for Stanford students in many diverse scenarios over time. Other ways in which the requirement for adequate health insurance can be met are:
- Sponsored plan (U.S. government, foreign government, or embassy)
- U.S. employer provided group health plan
- Private/Individual plan purchased through
- Military/Tricare plan
- Medicare plan
- Medi-Cal plan (coverage in San Mateo or Santa Clara counties is strongly encouraged and may be required)
Minimum Health Insurance Coverage Requirements
The table below will assist you in comparing your current health insurance policy, or any other plan you may be considering as an alternative to Cardinal Care, against the minimum health insurance coverage requirements set by the university and against what Cardinal Care offers. While your plan does not need to meet all of the Cardinal Care points of comparison in the table (because Cardinal Care is a very comprehensive plan), it will need to meet all of the university’s minimum requirements in order to successfully waive enrollment in Cardinal Care.
Stanford University establishes Minimum Health Insurance Coverage Requirements as a means to ensure students can get the care they may need while enrolled at Stanford. Plans that fail to meet these minimum requirements, such as some HMOs and other limited-network plans, may not serve students well while at Stanford. If you have any questions about an alternative plan you may be considering, we strongly encourage you to contact Vaden Health Center’s Insurance Office prior to making a decision to request a waiver from Cardinal Care coverage.
Minimum Health Insurance Coverage Requirements (Cardinal Care Waiver Criteria) | Alternative Plan Being Considered | Cardinal Care |
Covers the entire academic year (September 1 through August 31). Gaps in coverage are not allowed. | ? | YES |
Covers inpatient and outpatient medical care in the San Francisco Bay Area (with strong preference for access to Stanford University Medical Center and/or Sutter Health providers) | ? | YES |
Covers inpatient and outpatient mental health care in the San Francisco Bay Area (with strong preference for access to Stanford University Medical Center and/or Sutter Health providers) | ? | YES |
For individual plans, has an annual deductible of $1,650 USD or less (some employer plans may be exempted from this requirement) | ? | YES |
For family plans, has an annual deductible of $5,000 USD or less (some employer plans may be exempted from this requirement) | ? | YES |
Has an annual out of pocket maximum of $9,100 USD or less (some employer plans may be exempted from this requirement) | ? | See below* |
Provides the Essential Minimum Benefits required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) with no annual or lifetime maximums | ? | YES |
Has a lifetime aggregate maximum benefit of at least $2,000,000 USD, OR a maximum per condition/per lifetime benefit of $500,000 USD | ? | YES |
Other Points of Comparison | ||
Annual premium | $7,620 | |
Annual out of pocket maximum of $2,000 or less | YES | |
Includes dental coverage | YES | |
Provides worldwide coverage and international assistance locating qualified medical care | YES | |
Provides international assistance for emergency medical evacuation | YES | |
Has a local office that provides customer assistance specifically for Stanford students (Vaden Health Center’s Insurance and Referral Office staff are knowledgeable about Cardinal Care and are available to help!) | YES |
Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy:
Reminder: All students are automatically enrolled in Cardinal Care health insurance coverage. By the applicable deadline, students must take action to acknowledge the Cardinal Care enrollment policy. Students who wish to waive Cardinal Care coverage must submit their request to waive.
Once you have decided whether to remain enrolled in Cardinal Care coverage or to request a waiver, the next step is to take action in Axess. Regardless of your decision, as part of this process, ALL students are required to acknowledge their understanding of the Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy:
- Log into Axess (
- Review your To Do list on your Axess Home Page
- Select the ‘Mandatory Insurance Decision’
- Read the Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy and click ‘Accept’ to indicate you have done so.
- Click ‘Submit’ to clear your To Do item
The Mandatory Health Insurance ‘To Do’ Item typically appears several weeks prior to open course enrollment for your first quarter each academic year.
IF YOU ARE A STUDENT WHO WISHES TO REMAIN ENROLLED IN HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE THROUGH CARDINAL CARE, once you have read and acknowledged your understanding of the Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy in Axess, you will remain enrolled in Cardinal Care for the applicable plan period. The decision made at the start of the first registered quarter of each academic year (Autumn Quarter for most students), is binding, and coverage will remain in effect through the plan year end (August 31). (Note: Students who confer their degree at the end of Autumn or Winter Quarter may petition to end their coverage at the end of the corresponding coverage period; strict petition submission deadlines apply.)
IF YOU ARE A STUDENT WHO WISHES TO WAIVE HEALTH INSURANCE COVERAGE THROUGH CARDINAL CARE, once you have read and acknowledged your understanding of the Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy in Axess, follow the prompts to submit a request to waive coverage. As part of this process, you will be asked to provide proof of insurance coverage. The coverage you submit will be assessed to ensure that it is active and that it meets the Minimum Health Insurance Coverage Requirements set by the university. (See box at right) The decision made at the start of the first registered quarter of each academic year (Autumn Quarter for most students), is binding, and, if successful, the waiver of coverage will remain in effect through the plan year end (August 31). An exception may occur for students who experience loss of health insurance through a pre-defined qualifying life event and who apply for Cardinal Care coverage within 31 days of the event at
Academic HealthPlans Process Waiver Requests
Stanford University partners with Aetna Student Health to administer and insure the Cardinal Care plan. Academic HealthPlans (AHP) administers the waiver process for students who wish to waive. Students who request to waive enrollment in Cardinal Care coverage in Axess will be taken to the AHP website to submit their proof of alternative coverage and may receive emails directly from AHP regarding the status of their request. Learn more about AHP’s role.
Don’t Miss the Deadline!
If you fail to take action by the deadline that is applicable to you (see table below), unexpected consequences and charges may apply.
Quarter of Entry | Deadline to: 1) Acknowledge Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy in Axess* (for ALL students), and 2) Submit a Request to Waive Cardinal Care Coverage (for students who wish to waive) | Population of Students |
Autumn Quarter | September 15 | This deadline is only applicable to students entering Stanford in Autumn Quarter |
Winter Quarter | December 15 | This deadline is only applicable to students entering Stanford in Winter Quarter |
Spring Quarter | March 15 | This deadline is only applicable to students entering Stanford in Spring Quarter |
Summer Quarter | June 15 | This deadline is only applicable to students entering Stanford in Summer Quarter |
*Axess typically opens a few weeks prior to the date class enrollment begins.
Take Action
- Log into Axess. Find the Mandatory Health Insurance ‘To Do’ Item.
- Read and Acknowledge your understanding of the Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy.
- If you wish to Waive Cardinal Care Coverage, follow the prompts to submit your request.
Additional Considerations for International Students
All international students will need to show proof medical evacuation coverage to the insured’s home country in the amount of $50,000 and proof repatriation coverage to the insured’s home country in the amount of $25,000. If your insurance plan meets all other requirements, then you can purchase medical evacuation coverage, and the waiver will be approved.
J Visa holders will need to have an insurance deductible of $500 or less. (This is in line with US State Department guidelines). International students will also need to submit a copy of their Visa with the waiver request so that each J Visa student’s deductible can be audited correctly. It is a requirement that all policy documents be submitted in English (with monetary values expressed in U.S. dollars).
What To Expect after Requesting a Waiver
If you request a waiver from enrollment in Cardinal Care coverage, once you’ve acknowledged the Cardinal Care Enrollment Policy and provided proof of your alternative health insurance information, AHP will perform a check to make sure the insurance is active and meets the university’s criteria. This process may take up to 10 business days, so do not delay your submission!
If your alternative health insurance plan meets the defined minimum requirements, and your request to waive Cardinal Care coverage is successful, you will be UN-enrolled from Cardinal Care for the 2024–2025 plan year. The corresponding charge on your Axess account will be removed approximately 10 business days after the process is complete (Be sure to check! This is the best way to confirm that a successful waiver has occurred.)
If the coverage you submit fails to meet the minimum requirements, your request to waive Cardinal Care will be denied. You will be notified via your Stanford email address. If there is still time before the deadline, you will have a choice to A) secure health insurance coverage that meets the university’s minimum requirements, or B) remain enrolled in Cardinal Care for the applicable plan period.
You Must Take Action Every Year!
A successful request to waive is only applicable for one academic year and must be repeated in any subsequent year for which you wish not to be enrolled in Cardinal Care.
Unique Cardinal Care Enrollment Situations
Cardinal Care and Leaves of Absence
If you are covered by Cardinal Care and contemplate taking a leave of absence (LOA) at any point in your academic career, be sure to contact Vaden Health Center’s Insurance and Referral Office for guidance about coverage, in advance, if possible. As you’ll see below, timing can be a driver as to whether coverage will be preserved.
A student enrolled in Cardinal Care who is granted an LOA in Autumn Quarter for which the effective date of the leave is prior to the first day of class will not be charged tuition or any associated fees for the quarter. Upon reversal of the tuition, the student’s eligibility for enrollment in Cardinal Care will be canceled retroactive to September 1. (The student’s eligibility for enrollment in Cardinal Care will resume upon return to the university and reinstatement of tuition.)
A student enrolled in Cardinal Care who is granted an LOA in Autumn Quarter for which the effective date of the leave is on or after the first day of class such that (prorated) tuition and associated fees for the quarter are charged will remain enrolled through the end of the plan year (August 31) and applicable fees will apply.
A student who is enrolled in Cardinal Care as of Autumn Quarter, and who is granted an LOA for a subsequent quarter (i.e., Winter, Spring, or Summer) will remain enrolled in and covered by Cardinal Care through the end of the plan year (August 31) and applicable fees will apply.
A student who enters to the university in Winter Quarter or Spring Quarter, and who is subsequently granted an LOA for the entry quarter, will be subject to the same guiding principles as a student who enters in Autumn Quarter, i.e., if the effective date of the leave is prior to the first day of class, tuition and any associated fees for the quarter will be reversed. Upon reversal of the tuition, the student’s eligibility for enrollment in Cardinal Care will be canceled retroactively to the start of the applicable coverage period (January 1 for Winter Quarter entry students and April 1 for Spring Quarter entry students). If the effective date of the leave is on or after the first day of class but before the respective term withdrawal deadline, the student will be charged (prorated) tuition and associated fees for the quarter after confirmation of attendance in classes, or participation in units, by the Office of the University Registrar. If enrolled in Cardinal Care, the student will remain enrolled through the end of the plan year (August 31) and applicable fees will apply.
IMPORTANT TO NOTE: Students on an LOA which crosses into a subsequent plan year, i.e., into September of the next academic year, will not be eligible to enroll in the Cardinal Care student health Insurance plan until they return and register in a future quarter such that a tuition charge posts.
Cardinal Care When You Confer Your Degree (Off Cycle)
Cardinal Care is an annual plan—that is, regardless of your quarter of entry or return, if you do not take steps to opt out of Cardinal Care by the applicable deadline you’ll have coverage starting in your entry quarter and running through the end of the plan year, i.e., August 31. You will be charged accordingly.
The one exception to this rule applies to students who graduate at the end of Autumn Quarter or Winter Quarter. Students who plan to end their relationship with the University, through conferral of a terminal degree at the end of Autumn Quarter or Winter Quarter, may request to be taken off the plan at the end of the corresponding Cardinal Care coverage period; December 31 for Autumn Quarter graduates and April 30 for Winter Quarter graduates. To initiate a request, you must complete the Petition for Early Cancellation of Cardinal Care Health Insurance form and submit it to Vaden Health Center’s Insurance and Referral Office by the applicable deadline; December 15 for Autumn Quarter graduates and April 15 for Winter Quarter graduates. Petition submission deadlines are strictly enforced.
Students who graduate at the end of Spring Quarter do not have the option to leave the plan early, and coverage remains in effect through August 31.
2024–2025 Cardinal Care Cost and Coverage Options Based on Quarter of Graduation
Quarter Graduating | Cardinal Care Coverage Period | Total Cost | Autumn Quarter | Winter Quarter | Spring Quarter | Summer Quarter | Petition Deadline |
Autumn Quarter | Sep 1 – Dec 31 (4 months) | $2,540 | Charge on bill | Petition must be received by Dec 15— no exceptions. | |||
$2,540 | |||||||
Maximum grad subsidy | |||||||
$2,540 | |||||||
Winter Quarter | Sep 1 – Apr 30 (8 months) | $5,080 | Charge on bill | Petition must be received by April 15— no exceptions. | |||
$2,540 | $2,540 | ||||||
Maximum grad subsidy | |||||||
$2,540 | $2,540 | ||||||
Spring Quarter or Summer Quarter (same as annual) | Sep 1 – Aug 31 (12 months) | $7,620 | Charge on bill | There is no option to exit the plan early for Spring Quarter or Summer Quarter graduates. | |||
$2,540 | $2,540 | $2,540 | $0 | ||||
Maximum grad subsidy | |||||||
$2,540 | $2,540 | $2,540 | $2,540 |
If You Want Your Coverage to Continue…
Students enrolled in Cardinal Care who confer a degree at the end of Autumn Quarter or Winter Quarter and who wish to continue coverage do not need to take any action to stay in Cardinal Care through the end of the plan year (August 31).
Health Insurance for Dependents of Students
Stanford University offers the Stanford Student Dependent Health Insurance Plan, ‘Dependent Care’, for the dependents of Stanford students who are enrolled in Cardinal Care. Dependent Care is a plan which mirrors most of the benefits offered through Cardinal Care and is also administered by Aetna Student Health. The policy year is September 1 through August 31.
Eligible dependents include:
- Spouse (unless you are legally separated or divorced)
- Registered Domestic Partner
- Unmarried children up to age 26
- Unmarried children 26 or older who are unable to support themselves because of a physical or mental handicap
Greater detail about benefits is available in Dependent Care’s Summary of Benefits and Coverage (SBC). Aetna Student Health can be reached directly at 888.834.4708 with questions.
Dependent Care Enrollment Guidelines
Only students who are enrolled in Cardinal Care may enroll dependents in Dependent Care. Open enrollment takes place in the month of September, or in the first month of the student’s entry quarter each plan year.
Open enrollment timelines, based on the first quarter of matriculation for a new student, are displayed in the following table:
If your first quarter is: | Open enrollment period for your dependents is: | The Dependent Care coverage effective date is: |
Autumn Quarter | September 1–30 | Based on date of completed application |
Winter Quarter | January 1–30 | Based on date of completed application |
Spring Quarter | April 1–30 | Based on date of completed application |
Summer Quarter | June 1–30 | Based on date of completed application |
How To Enroll Dependents
If you are a student enrolled in Cardinal Care, you may enroll your dependent(s) in Dependent Care by completing the enrollment application. Once enrolled, all billing and payment activity for dependents occurs directly through Aetna Student Health. (No dependent information is held in Axess.)
Continued enrollment in Dependent Care is contingent on timely payment of the monthly premium to Aetna Student Health. You will be asked to pay two months’ coverage at the time of enrollment. Policies cancelled for non-payment will not be reinstated.
Cost and Billing
Enrollees in Dependent Care pay the premium directly to Aetna Student Health on a monthly basis. For the 2024–2025 plan year, the monthly premium charges for dependents are:
- Spouse/Registered Domestic Partner: $635.00
- Child: $330.20
- Children (2 or more) $594.37
- Spouse + Child $965.20
- Spouse + Children $1,229.37
Qualifying Life Events
Once the Dependent Care open enrollment period has expired, the only other time a student may purchase coverage for a dependent is when a ‘qualifying life event’ occurs. Examples of qualifying life events are:
- Marriage
- Birth of a child or children
- Loss of prior coverage
Enrollment in Dependent Care must occur within 31 days of the qualifying event. Submission of proof associated with the qualifying event is required. Contact Vaden Health Center’s Insurance and Referral Office staff for more information.
Seeking Care
Dependents should utilize Aetna participating network providers when seeking health care. Although dependents of students are not eligible for care at Vaden Health Center, the on site pharmacy, Walgreens at Vaden, serves students and dependents.
Cancelling Enrollment in Dependent Care
Students’ dependent(s) may choose to drop Dependent Care coverage at any time, but will not have the option to be re-enrolled unless a qualifying life event occurs.
Cardinal Care Frequently Asked Questions
Following are answers to some of the more common queries we receive. If you don’t see yours addressed, please contact Vaden’s Insurance and Referral Office directly.
I have my own private insurance plan. Will Vaden Health Center bill my private insurance for primary medical care visits?
Primary care visits, along with many of the services offered at Vaden, are covered under the Campus Health Service Fee and insurance is not needed to access them.
Vaden Health Center does not perform any billing to private insurance carriers (other than to the Cardinal Care plan). Students who have private insurance, and who choose to have an insurance-covered service at Vaden, will be asked to pay up front and can request a receipt from Vaden to seek reimbursem*nt from their insurance company.
Specialists who offer appointments on site at Vaden (such as the Optometrist and Dermatologist) WILL bill private insurance. Walgreens at Vaden and MORE Physical Therapy will also bill insurance directly.
I intend to keep Cardinal Care coverage and know I will be traveling away from campus over the year. If I am out of the area and need care, what do I do?
Under Tier 2 of the plan, students can go to any Aetna Student Health participating network provider. To find an Aetna contracted provider in a given area, visit the Aetna website or call Aetna Student Health Customer Service at 888.834.4708. Students can also go to any Sutter Health provider in California to access Tier 1 benefits.
Students who are traveling abroad can request assistance from On Call International to find a provider. On Call International can be reached at 1.866.525.1956 (toll free) or at 00.1.603.328.1956.
What if I need health insurance coverage before September 1?
The university offers one month of Early Start coverage in Cardinal Care for new students who are required to arrive on campus in August for official university business. Early Start is only available to students who will remain enrolled in Cardinal Care coverage for the entire upcoming academic year. If you believe you qualify, please contact the Vaden Health Center Insurance and Referral Office for additional information. Strict application deadline applies.
Does Cardinal Care include vision benefits?
Cardinal Care covers one regular annual eye examination. Cardinal Care enrollees can schedule this exam directly with an Aetna participating network provider and pay a $25 copay.
Aetna offers a vision insurance plan that is OUTSIDE of the Cardinal Care package of benefits. Students who wish to explore expanded vision coverage can go tothe Aetna website to review benefits, and learn about cost and enrollment information. This offering is managed by Aetna directly.
- Enroll the1st to the 20thday of the month: plan is effective the 1st of the next month
- On or after the 21stof the month: plan is effective the 1st of the following month